behavior change ,hhhmmm

OK Oliver is a little over a year. He was so good through the holidays. Never once disturbed any of my decorations (and I have alot of them). Now that the holidays are done he is becoming a little devil :twisted: . He barks non stop at the other 2 little dogs and won't leave them alone. He is constintlly walking up to Lilly my little shish a poo and looking like a polar bear with mouth open not really growling just making noise. This is causing her to be very territorial. He also has reverted back to wanting to bite us . It is like he wants to taste us. He doesn't hurt us but he doesn't know how to sit just to be petted without his mouth making contact with our hands and arms. 8O He really never just lays around. I am guessing that he does need more exercise then what we give him. We live in Wisconsin and I am not a huge fan of snow. We have a couple of acres and it has a electric fence so we just let him out to run. If we let the other dogs out with him he just sits and barks at them. Won't let them go to the bathroom, he has been known to grab there tail alittle as well. Please help, would like some advice,. With all this being said I just love him to death!!!! He is my sunshine
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You are right, exercise this brat into unconsciousness.....well almost. The old tired pup is a good pup. How you do it in the cold and snow, have him drag or carry something something...not heavy of course, he is still a baby. Take him to a doggie park.

At least get some of the zip worked out of him and then do some training......doggie bootcamp if you wish: sit, down, stay, etc. Every few days add something a cookie on the ground but he doesn't get it until you give command. A semi tired pup will tend to listen to you better. You want him to remember you are in charge, not him. He does nothing without your permission. Work him after exercise and then reward him after his bootcamp.....maybe another short walk or a good play time with a fav toy.

He's being bratty, testing you to see if you really mean you are in charge. Time to remind him. Doggie version of the Terrible a few months the doggie adolescent comes around where they go brain dead for awhile.
Since Kolby is our first "herding" dog, we're not always sure of the "best way" to handle "ibehaviors". But we have learned that the biting/mouthing for attention decreases drastically as long as we stick to the following exercise schedule: walk him before work (7:30 a.m.), have the puppy sitter exercise him for half an hour at noon, our 14 yr old duaghter "runs" him a bit in the back yard at 3, I walk him for half an hour and do half an hour off leash play time in our 1 1/4 acre yard when I get home from work around 4:30 and Dad gives him one last outdoor play time at 9:30 p.m. I have learned to become an outdoor person in the snow (lots of layers) and sure am happy that I love to exercise as well. Maybe I'll start taking Kolby to Zumba with me!

Best of luck and Sheepie hugs,
thanks you both for writing to me. I know that this is normal , sometimes you just need a bit of comfort from others :clappurple:
Chowder turned a year at the end of the December and we are having the same issues. I do not like the cold either and find working with her on training, even on skills she has already masters exhausts her as much as taking her out and exercising her. She is also easier to cuddle with after as she isn't covered in snow.
What kind of things do you work with her on. We sit and stay , lay down, shake, what else? :lmt:
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