Mattie has low thyroid levels

The vet called today with Matties blood work.
on a normal scale for thyroid 1 thru 4 Matties thyroid is 1.1
Since she is pretty lethargic and is gaining weight while only eating 2 cups of kibble a day. He wants to put her on something to see if it helps her.
Also she carries some gene that has something to do allergies. Which we already know she has. So it probably means I have to be careful with what she eats.
We don't have the cushings tests back yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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I just got done posting on your other thread that I thought it was her thyroid. That's great, as it is really easy to fix. Just an inexpensive pill, twice a day. Ok, I have to ask. Did your vet really call you on a Sunday? :D If so, I am impressed!

Hopefully, the Cushing's will be a non-starter.

Laurie and Oscar
I have to honestly tell you YES he did call me today. Thats why I love going there they have awesome hours. They are also really good. They are open 7 days a week and open until 7pm at night. They are 40 minutes from us but if it were an emergency we would have to go to the emergency vet anyway which is much closer.

Frankie has to go in tomorrow night for follow up on his shoulder so we will pick up the pills then. ARe there terrible side effects or anything?

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Not really. It is actually quite the safe med, as well as inexpensive.
The main thing is to get the levels regulated.
Likely they will start her on a dose, then go back in later for a blood redraw to see where she's at. The cool thing is, you will see a change in her as well. :D
I hope you have as much success with thyroid meds as we did with Rudie! It really is a little miracle pill :) Good luck Mattie!
I have three on Soloxine for low thyroid... Emma & Darby (littermates) and Maggie my BC-mix. Here anyway, the daily pill is divided in half and given in the AM and PM. If anything, you'll probably see an improvement rather than any bad side effects. :D
Glacier became more huffy-puffy and really lost weight!! Vet said to cut the dosage back 50% which we did, the huffy puffy didn't stop, the hair still hasn't grown back, but she had regained a few pounds. The thyroid reading was within normal.

A 12 year old Great Pyr isn't going to be a bag of energy, but she does very well for her age and the lower thyroid dosage, I just wish the hair would have come back. She lives in Tshirts and winter coats. Silly white dog with peach fuzz down her spine and across the lumbar region, but fluffy everywhere else.
As everyone has said, thyroid meds are safe and inexpensive. Other than the weight loss, you might notice that she is a little more peppy, not so lethargic. Also, as the weight comes off, you might need to increase her food intake. We didn't have to do this with Oscar (who gets fed four times a day), but we did with our first sheepdog, Quincy. When he started the meds, he was 125 lbs, and eating 2 1/4 cups of food per day and only carrots as treats. As he lost the weight, we were able to up that to about 3 1/2 cups and some tasty doggie biscuits to maintain his healthy 115 lb physique :D !

Laurie and Oscar
I also have a dog on Soloxine for low thryoid. Very easy to give. We started with one pill twice a day and went for blood work again to test and we increased to 1 and one half pill, twice a day. Pills are small and easy to give. I know of no ill side effects.

OIn fact, a low thryoid can be the root of alot of evil - overweigh, agression, moodiness, will see all of those greatly improved and have a nice happy "smiling" dog again!

My dog was getting sick all the time, having lots of probmes with loose poop and itchiness. Looked like he was always sad. Even got a little "aggressive"...Once we started the pills, he is sooooo much better! Hardly ever sick now, happy and absolutely no agression. The weight didn't magically disappear however and he still eats only 1 cup twice a day.

Good Luck!
I hope this then becomes an easy and safe fix for sweet Mattie. :crossed:
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