About Vick

With all the Michael Vick press lately praising him for a successful year on the field, of course my 'doggie people' are all a-buzz with hatred for the man. I too was enraged when I found out he will most likely actually be able to own dogs again. (Shocking, right?) Personally, I think he should be honest with his daughters and tell them that he brutally tortured and murdered dogs in the past, so Daddy can't have dogs anymore, but that's just me.

This editorial was distributed on the list and I loved it. It's from Best Friends Animal Society, which still houses and rehabilitates many of Vick's victims. I'm all for the man doing his time, being truly sorry (is he?), forgiveness, blah, blah, blah. But it's the decisions we make in life that shape who we are and what we become. Guess he should have thought about that; then again I doubt he cares.


So, what did this man do to me? He didn't hurt my dogs, my dogs' doggie buddies, or even the breed of dog that I own. But, as an animal advocate, Vick stands for everything I despise. So Vick didn't know that torturing and killing dogs was a bad thing, it's how he grew up; I don't buy it. I think he is trying to pass the buck back to someone else instead of standing up and admitting what he did was wrong... and that he knew it was wrong. I grew up learning to hunt, but I don't kill any deer I see.

My opinion doesn't matter; I know this and am fine with it. But I feel better now that I have expressed it.
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:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Well said, Jennie.
Very well said.
I'm disappointed that our President called and congratulated the team's president for giving this evil Mr. Vick a fair chance.

I mean, it was one slap in the face to the Rescue Community when after using his daughters and their desire for a dog and making what amounted (to me) to be a campaign pledge to get a rescue dog (what a great moment THAT would have been for rescue!!!!) then gets a pedigreed dog from Senator Kennedy's breeder. But then to add the insult of even mentioning Vick...

I'm very disappointed.

I DON'T think that giving this guy "a fair second chance" was the right thing to do in the first place. It's one thing to give a guy a fair second chance driving a truck or performing at his profession, but not someone in the public eye like this. Do ya think he called President Bush and congratulated him on giving Scooter Libby a fair second chance (and Bush didn't even pardon Libby, he merely commuted his sentence to time served)?

Public figures as well as public servants need to be held to a higher standard, and it is so hypocritical to congratulate and laud a sports team for making an economic decision to rehire a low life like Vick. Maybe if someone had tortured his daughter's dog by making them fight in a ring to the death and he had seen how they reacted he might not have placed that call.

How about congratulating Bob Kraft and Tom Brady for persevering and coming back from a career threatening knee injury and the Patriots for continuing to pay him and rehabilitate him and support him for the two years (1 without a game played, and the next with sub-par performance) the comeback has required? Or Wes Welker for not missing a single game in the next season after a playoff ending knee injury?
...and for anyone who has wondered over the years why I rail against the "Humane Society of the US" and it's slimy founder...
The Philadelphia Eagles football team has paid HSUS $50,000 (that we know of) for its efforts to rehabilitate Michael Vick's public image. He's clearly a talented athlete, and his recent performance on the field has tilted the 'should he be allowed to play?' debate decidedly in his favor. But killing eight dogs (that we know of) as the ringleader of a brutal form of 'entertainment' that HSUS rightly condemns was an off-the-field failing which no animal 'protection' group should ever forgive, much less forget.

http://humanewatch.org/index.php/site/p ... d_the_bend

This is the same guy that railed against Vick to raise funds
This is the same guy that ran sympathy ads after Katrina and didn't spend any money there

I better go for a walk, I'm REALLY getting all riled up and hot under the collar.

PS I love the line in that article that asks if Madoff should be given a second chance as a fund manager, or Charlie Rangel be given a shot as an ethics adviser. But the last part is super ironic and shows the hypocrisy when you recall that the President essentially called for Rangel to resign over minor-to-middling House ethics violations...
Here's a little bit of the proof how they used Vick to raise money;
Click the image for full size

Notice that after they were sued for not spending any money on the issues they were using in their solicitations, they added the phrase "and all of our other projects" or some such.

ANYONE here ever (or still) support the HSUS? Wanna discuss it? Let's go!
Here's even more... PETA is supporting the President's call...

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said Obama's call was appropriate.

"Obama's a sports guy, Vick's a sports guy, and comebacks and redemption can happen," Ingrid E. Newkirk, the group's co-founder and president, told The Washington Post. "We all want a president who can lift us up and move us forwards when ugly things happen, but that cannot let us forget and remain watchful to avoid future abuses."
Link to New York Daily News article

Wow, imagine that. Animal rights groups supporting bad deeds by politicians they otherwise like. Imagine that.

Of course they chastised the White House for not responding to their letter to President Bush when he pardoned a couple of turkeys at thanksgiving
http://www.peta.org/b/thepetafiles/arch ... to-Go.aspx
They even sent a letter to President Bush after he had polyps removed from his colon telling him he shouldn't eat meat. nice.

How about going after the President through his children?
It's no secret that first daughter Jenna Bush is a bit of a wild child and as you know, we here at PETA can get as wild as anyone. But when the Bush twin switched from MGD and bong hits to foie gras, Ingrid Newkirk pulled out her pen and let Dubya's rebellious daughter know what's up.

http://www.peta.org/b/thepetafiles/arch ... -Bush.aspx

Did they treat President Obama the same way?
http://www.peta.org/b/thepetafiles/arch ... thing.aspx
Don't bother looking, they even removed the .pdf file of the letter they sent to him.

I'm just completely exhausted by hypocrisy and cynicism and having political bias injected into everything.

I think its great that Michael Vick wants to include a dog, or multiple dogs in his life again. To this end, he should take a day a week, maybe just several hours of that day, and volunteer at his local animal shelter or rescue. Perhaps if he did that for 5 or 6 years, seeing abused dogs come in, need care that he would have to help administer, and then watch as that dog was either eventually either be adopted or when its time ran out,euthanized, maybe that would give him some perspective. Maybe that would help to re-habilitate poor, dog-less Mr. Vick.

Dogs, any pets, are not commodities to be purchased and discarded as is convenient for the owner. Vick has dogs that he's never done a damned thing to help, outside of what the courts ordered. Perhaps he should be forced to care for other people's abused and discarded pets the way others are having to care for his own. Just my two cents on the matter. Vick wants a dog? Let him spend time with dogs that are in need of care; real care, at a shelter somewhere. But don't give him more dogs to abuse in the privacy of his own home.
GRRRRRRRR! I hate it all! I hate that Obama got involved! I hate the football team owner has to pay off HSUS or whatever it is! But most of all I think Vick is .......lower than pond slime and anyone who thinks he is rehabilitated has mush for brains. He might be able to play football, but remember he also personally used those hands to torture and kill for "pleasure" and "enjoyment."
Ron wrote:
Here's even more... PETA is supporting the President's call...

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said Obama's call was appropriate.

"Obama's a sports guy, Vick's a sports guy, and comebacks and redemption can happen," Ingrid E. Newkirk, the group's co-founder and president, told The Washington Post. "We all want a president who can lift us up and move us forwards when ugly things happen, but that cannot let us forget and remain watchful to avoid future abuses."
Link to New York Daily News article

Wow, imagine that. Animal rights groups supporting bad deeds by politicians they otherwise like. Imagine that.

Of course they chastised the White House for not responding to their letter to President Bush when he pardoned a couple of turkeys at thanksgiving
http://www.peta.org/b/thepetafiles/arch ... to-Go.aspx
They even sent a letter to President Bush after he had polyps removed from his colon telling him he shouldn't eat meat. nice.

How about going after the President through his children?
It's no secret that first daughter Jenna Bush is a bit of a wild child and as you know, we here at PETA can get as wild as anyone. But when the Bush twin switched from MGD and bong hits to foie gras, Ingrid Newkirk pulled out her pen and let Dubya's rebellious daughter know what's up.

http://www.peta.org/b/thepetafiles/arch ... -Bush.aspx

Did they treat President Obama the same way?
http://www.peta.org/b/thepetafiles/arch ... thing.aspx
Don't bother looking, they even removed the .pdf file of the letter they sent to him.

I'm just completely exhausted by hypocrisy and cynicism and having political bias injected into everything.


Wow! Thanks--We just had a family discussion on this topic--I sat in disbelief when the news story was reported and the anchor ended it by saying that PETA supported the President's phone call. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
This is good info --I appreciate the facts that you included here.
One more thing: I find it really hard to believe that anyone who has no empathy for the suffering of these household pets thrown in as live bait to be ripped to death by pit bulls could ever possibly be "rehabilitated". I'd be less surprised that he turn into a serial killer than an empathetic man.
I find it shocking that he would ever be allowed to have another pet (and I use the word "pet" loosely, as he obviously didn't treat his dogs as pets). I can understand why people steal. I can understand people getting angry and, in a moment of madness, punching each other. But to deliberately, coldly set out to cause pain to a vulnerable living creature for ones own amusement is beyond my comprehension. And from what I can tell he did it over and over again. I feel pity for his children.
Good points Ron and great information that I was not aware of. I too am in shock that Obama contacted him. My husband informed me last night, however, that it is quite common for the President to do so. I wish Obama would worry more about our country's economy, healthcare, and unemployment rates and little less about football...that's just me though and not the topic of this "food for thought".

Ron wrote:
One more thing: I find it really hard to believe that anyone who has no empathy for the suffering of these household pets thrown in as live bait to be ripped to death by pit bulls could ever possibly be "rehabilitated". I'd be less surprised that he turn into a serial killer than an empathetic man.

Completely agree. There is something psychologically wrong with the man; spending time in jail will not fix him.

Darth Snuggle wrote:
I think its great that Michael Vick wants to include a dog, or multiple dogs in his life again. To this end, he should take a day a week, maybe just several hours of that day, and volunteer at his local animal shelter or rescue. Perhaps if he did that for 5 or 6 years, seeing abused dogs come in, need care that he would have to help administer, and then watch as that dog was either eventually either be adopted or when its time ran out,euthanized, maybe that would give him some perspective. Maybe that would help to re-habilitate poor, dog-less Mr. Vick.

Great idea! Doubt he'd do it without a mandate from the courts though. He's done nothing for the surviving victims without a court mandate.

My husband brought up the point last night that "he's paying all of the bills for those dogs" (hubby is such an antagonist). I'm a firm believer that you should give with a cheerful heart. If you don't, you aren't giving for the right reasons. Vick does not have a cheerful heart.
Ron wrote:
One more thing: I find it really hard to believe that anyone who has no empathy for the suffering of these household pets thrown in as live bait to be ripped to death by pit bulls could ever possibly be "rehabilitated". I'd be less surprised that he turn into a serial killer than an empathetic man.

It appears you are correct Ron:
A study conducted by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Northeastern University found that 70% of animal abusers had committed at least one other criminal offense and almost 40% of animal abusers committed violent crimes against people (Arluke, Levin & Luke, 1997).

I'd much rather read the actual study, but this summary is a nice teaser.
jcc9797 wrote:

My husband brought up the point last night that "he's paying all of the bills for those dogs" (hubby is such an antagonist). I'm a firm believer that you should give with a cheerful heart. If you don't, you aren't giving for the right reasons. Vick does not have a cheerful heart.

He's paying the bills because the courts told him to. Those dogs were a throw-away commodity for him. He was fighting them, so those dogs were money makers for him. Now that they aren't? I doubt he'd give them a second thought if it weren't mandated by his sentence.
Darth Snuggle wrote:
jcc9797 wrote:

My husband brought up the point last night that "he's paying all of the bills for those dogs" (hubby is such an antagonist). I'm a firm believer that you should give with a cheerful heart. If you don't, you aren't giving for the right reasons. Vick does not have a cheerful heart.

He's paying the bills because the courts told him to. Those dogs were a throw-away commodity for him. He was fighting them, so those dogs were money makers for him. Now that they aren't? I doubt he'd give them a second thought if it weren't mandated by his sentence.

Completely agree-110%.
Darth Snuggle wrote:
jcc9797 wrote:

My husband brought up the point last night that "he's paying all of the bills for those dogs" (hubby is such an antagonist). I'm a firm believer that you should give with a cheerful heart. If you don't, you aren't giving for the right reasons. Vick does not have a cheerful heart.

He's paying the bills because the courts told him to. Those dogs were a throw-away commodity for him. He was fighting them, so those dogs were money makers for him. Now that they aren't? I doubt he'd give them a second thought if it weren't mandated by his sentence.

Best Friends has consistently made the point that Vick has never called to check on the dogs or ever asked anyone how the dogs were doing.
HeatherRWM wrote:
Best Friends has consistently made the point that Vick has never called to check on the dogs or ever asked anyone how the dogs were doing.

Which really shows that he is not sorry for what he did, only sorry he got caught doing it.
Wonder how Mr. President would feel if he saw one of his own (PWD) used as bait.
What if they were kids?

"I feel really bad I killed my first 8 children for my own amusement. But I think I've learned a lot and would be a really great dad now. I'm ready for my 9th child."

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Or how about drunk driving deaths?

"I feel really bad I've killed 8 pedestrians driving drunk in the past 8 years. But I think I've learned a lot and would be a safe responsible driver now. I'm ready to get my license back."

It's disgusting.
Good points David! I'll have to use those!
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