Cushing's Disease

Has anyone experienced Cushing's disease in any of their dogs? Gordy is not affected, it's our chihuahua. He seems to have the pituitary type and we have an appointment with our vet on Saturday to discuss therapy options. The medicines seem effective but sound just a little scary. I just looked online and found a naturopathic remedy called Supraglan, wondered if anyone has tried this or heard about it.
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Our OES Winston back in the early 80's was diagnosed with Cushings Disease. Our vet treated him with Lysodren. A friend currently has a dog being treated with Trilostane and it seems to be working well, too.

Cushings is scary but Winston lived to just weeks before his 14th birthday so don't give up. Hope you find the right med for your little guy and that someone can offer you advice on any homeopathic treatments.
We had a dog who was borderline Cushing's. We monitored it for a long time, and I will forever regret not treating it aggressively.

As for a "naturopathic" treatment. If that's your thing I apologize in advance for offending you, but, these things are unregulated, untested, and unlikely to be anything more than snake oil. (Yes, it's true...but people believe so they ignore that.) Use a real, regulated, tested medicine prescribed by a real, trained, professional vet. Your dog deserves the best. The meds are doubt...but they are scientifically proven to treat this, and that's what he'll need. IF the pretend remedy even has any of the right "stuff" (unlikely) in it, there will be absolutely no way to monitor the dosage (they are inconsistent, pill to pill, as no one oversees them legally) and he will really need the right meds, at a carefully monitored dose.

A human can choose belief over science any's that person's individual right, but your dog relies on you. He can't consent, and won't benefit from the placebo effect.

(Okay, I know that there are lots of people who will now hate me, and I can take it, but a belief based treatment isn't going to translate to a dog.)

So, I fully vote for medical treatment for your dog. Good luck to you both. Fingers and paws crossed here for you and your little guy.
Thank you both for your replies. We meet with out vet this morning to figure out what is best for our little guy, Woody.

To Tracie, I'm not offended at all, and yes you might have some people mad at you but everyone has a right to their opinion too. I belieive in both types of medicine and I agree our pets don't have the option of making their own decisions, so I try to think what would I want done for me. I use both western and eastern medicine and I feel there is a place for both. I usually do whatever our vet tells us to do, as I truly feel he is the best vet I've ever had!

Thanks again for answering me, it's much appreciated! Happy 2011!
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