We had our behaviorlist come in last night.

Our behaviorlist came over last night to watch Mattie and Frankie interact together. I was worried that Mattie would be on her best behavior and Michelle wouldn't see what was going on. Within 5 mins Mattie snapped at Frankie. She explains that if a dog wants to bite it will bite there are no misses. So she says she is just warning Frankie a teenage punk as she calls him to get out of her face. Luckily Frankie understands and goes away. She was very distructive last night and destroyed 3 toys while she was here. Michelle says she sees a very nervous, not well socialized lost soul she called her. She says her eyes are very sad. The biggest problem seems to be with toys. So she told us when Mattie is good and doesn't give Frankie that look or grumble at him to praise her alot. If you are petting her or Frankie and she starts to growl get up and stop all behavior. If she's on the couch and growls at Frankie make her get down. Then she also told us, that we can't let Frankie feel like he's a prisoner in his own home. So put her in her crate,and to be sure to let Frankie have his favorite things and just his time with us. Stuffed animals, bully sticks etc. For an hour or so. She said exactly what everyone on the forum has been telling me that it could take months for her to settle in. She also mentioned that sometimes an older dog might never get better in her behaviour. It was kind of cute she told Mattie you don't have to love Frankie you just have to tolerate him. :wink:

Thanks for everyones advice I'm sure I'll need more before this is handled.
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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Thanks for the update. I was wondering how you were going.

Teenage punk made me laugh. :lol:

It sounds like you're on the right track already and it will be a matter of time and patience. :crossed:
We've fostered dogs that were so good at the start that turned into little demons and others who were more like Mattie. They turned out to be the best dogs ever. Once they learn to trust the people and other pets in the household they can become totally different creatures. Not the skittish, fearful "lost soul" but a well-adjusted and socialized member of the family.

Don't give up on Mattie. Somewhere along the line someone DID give up on her. Until you came along. :hearts: I agree with everything your behaviorist told you, especially the patience part. Keep up the good work with both dogs, they won't let you down.
I agree with Nita. Don't give up on Mattie. She has a lot of :hearts: to give you. You guys obviously care a lot to call in a behaviorist. Good job and keep going. I don't know if I agree that Mattie's eyes are sad. I think Mattie has a lot of love in her and will be full of life once she settles in; which may be awhile, but she will eventually settle in. :ghug: to you guys, you all are great for Mattie, and Mattie great for you!
Tou are doing a wondrful thing bringing in a behaviorist to help. I have to admit, I NEVER give my dogs bully sticks together. They get their sticks and one sits with my husband and chews it and the other sits by me while I viist the forum. We also do not give toys together. They each get their seperate "private" time with me to play with a toy. Both enjoy outside fetching so every day I take them out seperately to play with their own toy. That's a special toy each one has and the other does not every play with. I play with one, bring that one in and play with the other. And I have a male and female, half siblings who we've had since pups. I just don't want to instigate a fight between toys or sticks. I even feed them with one behind a baby gate so there is no fighting over food....besides, the female would eat her food and eat his food when she's done!

Good luck. Hope it works out. You are doing such a good thing. :clappurple:
babysheepie wrote:
It was kind of cute she told Mattie you don't have to love Frankie you just have to tolerate him. :wink:
Lisa Frankie and Mattie

:hearts: :hearts: I'm sure with someone who cares as much as you obviously do they will learn from your example and grow in love.....
This is a real question, not meant to be a smart ass but I realized it could sound that way, but is a behaviorlist something different than a behaviorist? I notice you've referred to her as that consistently so I wondered if she was like an analyst/behaviorist or something like that so she made up a fancy, combined name.
Jill I did not take your question in a bad way. I guess I thought thats what they were called and never paid attention to how it was really spelled. :oops: :oops:
Lisa :oops:
babysheepie wrote:
Jill I did not take your question in a bad way. I guess I thought thats what they were called and never paid attention to how it was really spelled. :oops: :oops:
Lisa :oops:

Lisa-- I thought the same thing you did!!! I have always said "behaviorlist". Great minds... :lol:
Lol. No, I just figured I'd ask since some people do prescribe to unorthodox methods and I wondered if there was a difference or weird combo of skills that I'd never even heard of.

If anyone is a fan of the show Arrested Development, you'll remember that Tobias considered himself an analyst/therapist and made up a terrible combination of the two words to describe himself. :twisted:
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