Who else feels sad when Christmas is over?

It's Monday morning here already.

I always feel a bit flat after Christmas. I think it's because its all hustle and bustle and looking forward to Christmas and now that's it, it's all over. New Years just isn't exciting for me.

Who else feels a bit flat? And what do you do to chirp up?
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I always feel a bit sad when Christmas is over too. What I do to combat it it leave my tree and decorations up until the end of January.
I'm sad because my daughter flew back to VA today. And I have no idea when I will see her next. We get along very well.
When I was younger, the day after Christmas was the BEST day of the season, because my sister and I got to take all of our gift certificates and gift-cash to the after x-mas sales and go shopping! :banana:

Nowadays, it does kind of seem like a day that I'm left at loose ends :? I'm thinking that I want to form some sort of day-after tradition for future years...maybe a doggie-walk get together with friends? I know I could certainly use the exercise at this point :oops: :lol: (as I sit here typing and eating Christmas cookies for breakfast)
I get sad after Christmas too, Mim. I love having my family together ~~all of the adult kids joking and kidding around with each other. Seeing the grandkids playing.Watching Dino snuggle the babies... Yes..I am sad too!
I get sad after Christmas, too. When the kids were little, we would always go to the ice capades in Philly the day after; then when they were teens, we would go into NYC one day between Xmas and New Year's to see a show. Now - my son and his gf headed back to VA today for 2 reasons - the snowstorm coming, and they have to work tomorrow. My daughter spent Xmas day here, then went to her bf's parents in Philly last night. They're supposed to come back tomorrow for another day, then head back to VA on Tues or Wed. Just never seems like enough time to spend with them. :oops: :cry: :oops:
:tree: I feel a bit sad too, because I love the peaceful xmas weekend.
Not so much sad, just flat and exhausted. The lead up to Christmas day is such a rush, catching up with friends etc, shopping, present buying for weeks beforehand you seem to be rush here, rush there, etc etc, by the time the day is over I am flat the next day just re-cooperating and thinking OMG my belly is looking like santas :oops: after the over-indulgence of the christmas day feast. 8) :lol:

We are off to the farm till after NYE to re-generate and re-couperate, I am sooooooo looking forward to just vegetating out with the fur kids and family, being in my daggys, not worried about how I look and just having a relaxing time till the new year.

I dont know how you "Yanks" do it, feast time for thanks giving then onto the christmas day/eve feast as well, you must all be amazing organisers and cooks for two big celebrations so close together. :phew: :lmt:
I love the lead up to Christmas. But, I start feeling sad when the first presents have to leave the tree. It's the beginning of the end for me.

I get them all done early and they look so pretty, and then when the first gifts have to move I feel blue. (We have family who celebrate Solstice, and that's usually the start of the pretty packages leaving.) It's all downhill from there.

Christmas Eve is with my hubby's dad's side. It's not that it's horrible or anything, but we spend it with a lot of people we only see once a year, so it's awkward. Christmas Day is brunch here and then dinner at my parents with my angry uncle (who gets worse every single time we see him), and then boxing day is with my inlaws, and my MIL really makes an effort but she always goes on and on about how she didn't spend enough on us, or shop enough for us...it's hard...and she always cooks foods I'm allergic to...subtle, huh?

Of course throughout all of this my pretty tree keeps losing its presents. It's not that it's hard to give away the stuff, it's just that the tree is less and less pretty as they leave, and it means the holiday is already starting to end.

So, I whine about it.

My hubby keeps suggesting we decorate stunt presents, and keep those out the whole time, storing them in the basement during the off season. That way, my tree will look pretty the whole time it's up, and the real gifts can be wrapped and hidden in the guest room.

I know it's silly that this bugs me so much...but it just does.

One year I may actually take him up on the stunt present idea.
I'm the same as you Tracie.
I like the lead up to Christmas more than Christmas itself. I love buying gifts and catching up with friends and family when they're feeling all Christmassy and happy.

I start to feel that it's the beginning of the end a day or two before Christmas eve. After Christmas everyone seems to be too pooped to play or party and then it's New Years which I've never been a fan of and everyone is really over partying just in time for the 3rd of Jan when its my birthday which is always a dud. :(

The stunt presents will keep the tree looking nice but it's not the same when you know you're not going to be giving them to anyone. Well it's not for me anyway, its the giving them out that I like best.
I agree with you Mim--I LOVE LOVE the time before Christmas! The anticipation, the busyness and the moments with family and friends. I love the shopping--the wrapping and the cooking and baking. And it gets here and is over so quickly. And then it seems that nothing sparkles quite the same. I too think the tree looks so lonely without the presents Tracie. I usually take everything down the day after--this year since it was Sunday I decided to take it down tomorrow.
I am not a fan of New Years either. New Years day to me is a little depressing. I am always glad when the 2nd arrives!
It's not too bad here, especially this year!

All 3 kids live 5 miles or less away - yes - they really do! So much less traumatic after "the day", as we see each other almost daily all the time :clappurple:
We still have New Year's coming, another big Finch family event. Todd decided yesterday we need to host - so on Tuesday and Wednesday (my days off) I'll be cleaning and getting ready for that. :wink:

Yesterday was the big Finch family Christmas - "just" Todd's siblings and families. Head count was 55 people. There were 14 missing this year :( :(
It is a huge potluck, and gift exchange. Names are drawn at Thanksgiving and there are 4 categories - High school and younger boy, HS and younger girl, adult male, adult female. You draw within your age/gender group. Price limits are $15 for adults, $10 for kids , so you have to be creative!!
Then we visited, watched movies and played poker. And ate and drank....but mostly a non-alcoholic bunch, so "tame" beverages! Just a little wine for me :wink:

I also put my stuff up late, and enjoy it through January. :clappurple:
I too love all the hustle and bustle leading up to the big day. I'm sad that it's over, but thankful I can get my house back in order and start thinking of what to get people for next Christmas :clappurple: .

My family had a rough Christmas this year. We celebrated on Friday and by Saturday night 8 out of 15 of us were sick. I think I lost about 5 pounds this weekend!
Tiggy feels sad that Christmas is over too!!

We spent today taking down all the Christmas decorations :( I normally would leave everything up till new years day...but my poor tree gave up on drawing water days ago, and was looking dangerously dry. Once we got going on taking the tree down, it just seemed to make sense to pack everything up.

So, NOW Im a bit sad! :cry:

Its ok, though...because after the taking down of the Christmas decor, comes the (traditional for us) redecorating of the house :banana: ! The BIG project this year...Painting The Kitchen :high5: Its been orange, brown and cream for as long as we've lived here...or, more probably, since it was built in 1974! 8O Ill post some pics once its decently clean, and you guys can give me some color ideas :plead: In the meanwhile, I'm contemplating the post-tree-removal moving of the furniture . :lmt:
Having a project is a good way to chirp up.
You've got something to look forward to and think about. :)
Relieved more like :clappurple:

Have a party here this weds eve so busy busy busy, cooker will be on over time later today.

Archie will no doubt be centre stage, a bit like xmas day at the inlaws - he melts hearts! :hearts: :hearts:
I don't feel sad that Christmas is over. It's more a a relieved feeling ..... like now I can breathe? I do enjoy the busy time leading up to Christmas. I tend to thrive on having deadlines. My decorations stay up until at least New Year's Day as we always host a New Year's Eve get-together. After that I am in high gear to get moving on the chores I have put off during the holidays or the new things I want to get done............like organizing my house! :twitch:
I love Christmas. I have a large family and we are lucky enough to actually like each other (a fact I do not take for granted), so spending time with them is fun. This year I was worried it would be stressful with Mady in amongst all the chaos, but she was, of course, the perfect dog. She let the baby and toddlers love her very, um, enthusiastically. She kept my mother's feet warm while we played cards. She didn't eat any of the kids toys or the yummies that were all over my mother's house. So I am sad that it is over, but I think Mady is rather relieved. She has some sleep to catch up on, poor puppy! And I am enjoying getting my hearing back. David and I don't have kids and sometimes I forget how loud 11 kids can get. My ears are still ringing from it. How you parents cope is a marvel to me!
I get so down after Christmas. I love the excitement, magic and warmth in the air. I love preparing for Christmas in all that comes with it...then it ends and I feel so .....blah. What to do!?!? Ugh I don't like the feeling of emptiness when it is all over.
I spend more time brushing Sprocket and knitting- maybe going through my yarn stash to see what can use to knit what. I have an order onit's way when the lade makes up her mind on colour. xx
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