I love my mother, she drives me nuts

She has two freezers FULL of food, but still has more baking to do for Christmas. :twitch:
She made 500!! samosas. And I will eat them all. Because they are so yummy.
She wants a drive to the grocery store for more flour, but it takes her half an hour to ask, in the most roundabout way possible.
She asked me to pick up a pound of butter, then made me wait while she counted out the exact change, to the penny. Didn't have enough pennies so sent me down to the basement where monsters and, apparently, her coin jar live. Because I needed that penny, now, didn't I.
She asked to me go to Toys R Us for her. Just 'step in quickly' and pick up some Dora doll. Step in quickly. To Toys R Us. On December 23. For grandchildren that are already spoiled rotten.

I could go on. But I do love her so. And I will prove my love over the next few days, by eating 11 million calories of home made food. Do any of you have mothers like mine?
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me too i love my mom but arr she might drive me nuts this weekend
Enjoy your Mothers! My Mom drove me crazy all the time - not just at holidays! When I lived alone, she would call me everynight to make sure I was "eating"...No, Mom, I am starving myself...She would call me to ask if I was still smoking...Yes, Mom, I am...She called to see if I met a husband yet...No Mom...I used to answer my phone with ...Yes Mom I ate, Yes I still smoke and no, no husband yet! Ha ha...

My Mother passed away about four years ago...I miss all her craziness....enjoy your mothers while they are still with you!
She sounds like a wonderful mom. And you are a wonderful daughter.

I know she drives you crazy, but it's a good kind of crazy. Full of warmth and love.
Sounds like fun, in a goofy sort of way. I agree with the others, enjoy it while it lasts.

My mom's been really declining of late, and it's really been hitting me hard. I see her in a very different way now.

I did have one laugh with her the other day. In September I inherited the family piano (long story). I expected it to be beyond repair but it's turned out to be okay, so I've been practicing every day. I had taken a year's worth of lessons as a kid, and am now significantly further ahead than I'd ever gotten to back then. I quit piano because all my mother and I did was scream at each other over it, so now when she's over I hide the music and pretend I haven't touched it...until the day I forgot. I had some easy (but do note, not VERY EASY-I've moved up a level :wink: ) Billy Joel out.

She mosies over to the piano, makes that clucking noise with her cheek and says, "I had no idea you could play LONG songs."


I tried to explain that it was not really about length but about complexity and she spent the remainder of the evening going on and on about how disappointing I was as a piano student all those years ago, but look, now I can play LONG songs.

One day, I hope to top that, and actually play more challenging ones too, Mom... :o But I got nowhere with that line of logic.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Too funny Tracie, I'm glad your memory is up to long songs. :rimshot:
Nice to think that you can impress your mom now that you are grown up! When my mother found out I could do her taxes, she was so very very proud. I didn't dare tell her that I just plugged the numbers into a program...
Haha Tracie, I'm so glad you are enjoying the piano. I do remember the saga, and it's all worth it now. Merry Christmas.
I love Kim's mum. I am without a doubt, her favourite. I can do no wrong in her eyes. According to her, Kim is never doing enough for me, I am always doing so much for everyone. According to her, it is me who brings Mady over (she loves loves loves Mady, and it's mutual with mady) , Kim is just coming along to do dishes or something. I did dishes once, I'm a superhero now. I once drove Kim's mum 10 hours to a long weekend away at her son's. Kim didn't come. Kim's mum came on our honeymoon. I love Kim's mum. :hearts:

:lmt: er, I don't even know her actual name, I just always call her Kim's mum...
Laugh, because shortly she won't be there.
why i roll my eyes and lol when she's driving me bonkers.
then she lol.
I'm with David - WTG Kim's mum!

Love'em while they're here, as soon it will only be memories making you smile when you think about the crazy times you used to have. :D
My mother loves my husband - her favorite son-in-law (now only s-i-l).
She has often said that in the event of a divorce, she is keeping my husband. She loses points for adding it is because I come with the dogs and cats. We remodeled our daughter's room a couple of years ago in case my mother wants to come live with us - note that my m-i-l has never received that invitation (and she better not).

Banker and I drove up to get her on Tuesday and will take her back on Monday or Tuesday.
She is pretty good about going with the flow, ocassionally digging her heels in on things. She was an excellent baker, but no longer does it.
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