What should we do now?

Well everyone has been getting along pretty well. Mattie still was getting a little grumblie with Frankie if he invaded her space. Well Mr Frankie has a little to much energy right now, and no way to burn it off. We think he accidentally stepped on Matties foot and it started a fight. He actually fought back this time and we broke it up. She sat there holding her foot up, so thats why we think he stepped on it. Now Frankie is scared to even walk near her and she lifts her lips a little when he gets near her.

Do we have to start from square one now or will this just blow over. I don't know why a little fight worries me so much. Maybe it's from having great pyrenees and when they fought they really fought.

I'm just hoping because we had come so far that it's not ruined.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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My vote is for let them work it out.
BUT, timing's not great with Frankie's surgery. I would hate to have something happen with that, by being too active and moving too sharply or suddenly.

They do have to work it out. Very typical behavior between a young, "in your face" boy, and a more mature female dog. I actually would be more surprised if this wasn't happening.
Mattie will get his attention and he will learn to not be so obnoxious. Now, how fast he gets it, that will be the thing. :roll:
What Dawn said.

Dogs go by the pack system and in a pack there is a leader.

I think I got lucky with only one fight with my two.
MO growls and lip lifts whenever one of the other dogs invades her "space" which usually involves her chair or bed.

ditto: start reinforcing the pack concept, you in charge. Walk them together, tolerate no silliness in your presence.

You are so right about Pyr fights.
I agree with everyone's response...let them work it out, but be on the sidelines to 'rescue' IF your gut tells you to.

Pearl is the dictator of our little pack. IF SHE want's to play...the other two are willing and able to join! IF SHE does not want to play, and the others try to make her, THEN we have the snarling and the snarking..

There have been a couple of 'situations', with Pearl and Heart.( Coz, is the marshmellow of the group and will just cower if there is a scuffle). And Pearl has nipped Heart a couple of times. but to Pearl's credit she doesn't take it to the extreme!!! I trust that she is the motherhen of our group and she just wants well behaved 'children' on her watch!!!! :D :D :D
Our younger female rules the roost here. I wonder though if Mattie doesn't sense that Frankie is a bit challenged now after his surgery and wants to become pack leader...Dogs can sense when another is hurt or injured or in some way ailing and I think instinctively try to take over the pack. I agree they need to work it out but while Frankie is healing is probably not the right time. He could injure himself...I have no good suggestions except to keep a close eye on them and hope Frankie heals quickly.
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