Elementary School Christmas Concert (ranting...sorry)

Hi all. I've waited several days before writing this, as I've been way too mad to talk about it without coming across as a complete lunatic...but I can't hold it in any longer. (I'll start with: I KNOW that no one on this board would ever act this way...so I'm definitely not slamming all parents...just the anomalous group of "people" who attended ours.)

The teachers worked for the better part of a month with the kids. The kids did in school, recess, noon hour, and before and after practices (not every day, but lots gave up free time, just like staff did). Concert night is not a paid evening for staff...we all came off the clock. (And good luck to anyone who dared to NOT come.) I'm not asking for a parade in my honor, but it would be nice to be treated respectfully when you're working for free.

So, why then, was the audience (the parents and families of the students!!!!) so terribly behaved?

Why did I have to ask a set of parents in the front row to please lower their voices and stop swearing (they didn't stop by the way, and the actors actually stopped looking at me for direction and just stared at them at one point...didn't change a thing)? And what were they discussing? Just general household chores. Sorry, that's not true...it was general f'ing household chores. And nothing I did got them to stop.

Why did I get into a "heated" discussion (heated on his part, serial killer calm on mine) with a father who felt that since it was cold out, he could SMOKE in the vestibule of the building...at the Kindergarten doors no less? He made sure to argue with me until he was done his cigarette. Nice.

Why did I have at least ten to fifteen parents complain to me that the concert was too short/too long/wrong night/uncomfortable chairs/had a noisy audience/had too many grouchy people in the audience/started too early/started too late/had too many babies in the audience/had too many baby intolerant people in it? I could go on and on. And a lot of this complaining took place in my room, after, when they were supposed to pick up their kids and take them home. The performance was done by just after eight...I still had unclaimed kids at 9:20.

The kids did great, and I'm very happy for them, but if there were any happy parents there I sure didn't bump into them. Sheesh.

I know it's a stressful time for all, but the kids (and staff) worked so hard...it would have been so nice for the audience to behave in a way that showed at least a little appreciation for that. I even heard a few of my own students complaining (the next day) about the pair from the front row. When ten year olds can identify the behaviour as rude, shouldn't the grown ups know better? Sigh.

Rant over. Well, over until next year I guess.
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WOW!!!! As a mom of 3 who goes to A LOT of concerts, games, programs... I know how hard the teachers work. :bow: Is there no security at your school? Or a principle that should have removed those parents? I can tell you if I was there to watch my kid and someone was being rude I would have told them to shut or or leave! My thanks go out to ALL teachers. It is a hard job, one I dont think I could handle. :sidestep:
Tracie! I am so sorry for you, for the children, for the other 'free' staff and for the parents that care~~

If everyone of those ungrateful, rude, clueless parents were asked to give just one (mandatory) hour of their time to help in the rehersals, planning, costume sewing..etc...you would not have this problem!

Uninvolved parents do not have a clue or a desire to understand what it takes to get this kind of event, from inception to completion done and done correctly~~~~

I know what you are saying...many,. many .,many years ago, when my kids were is grade school, I was the coach...for Volleyball, softball, basketball...My hard and fast rule...(((and the parents and children were very aware of it))) """If you don't come to practice, you don't get alot of court time""...yet...I had parents whose kids would miss practice, come up to me after a game and berate me with..."""MY kid only played 3 minutes!!! WHAT am I paying you for???"""" :roll: :roll: :roll: :evil: :evil: ((of course I had to tell him...I do not get paid...I only get aggrevation from people like him..he is the kind of parent that expects me to pick up his child....drop off his child...( and yes I have dropped them off and no one was home!!!!)))

I took alot of abuse from the parents who, had no time to contribute to their childs athetic developement, who couldn't never volunteer to bring the snacks and or drinks to the games..who, most of the time never attended the games...

SOOOooooo I am very sorry for the way you were treated...I know what it feels like...

I just am happy that there IS a handful of parents who realize and appreciate what you do!!!

I know you will keep doing what you are doing~~~not for the A@@h@@ parents...but for the kids....It is ALL about the kids!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:
I agree, the generation now that calls themselves parents were raised as self centered free spirits by the hippy generation where no rules need be applied. NOW I know nobody here fits the mold, you are all dedicated parents, raised to respect others.

What is it going to take to change, people standing up and calling rude behavior.....rude and selfish. (just pray they don't have a weapon on them). Manners DO count and until people start expecting it of others and "punishing it," it will get worse.......how? I fear to know. What will it take to make a national change, discussions on Oprah? Letterman? Conan?

As far as teachers, there isn't a more overworked, disrespcted, underpaid group going. You have my support and sympathy. I'm sure it was a wonderful program, sorry the adults ruined it for all.
SheepieBoss wrote:
I agree, the generation now that calls themselves parents were raised as self centered free spirits by the hippy generation where no rules need be applied.

I have to disagree with this. My parents are 'of hippie age' and I think they raised us to be good people, know what consequences are and care about others in general. There have always been bad parents and rude parents out there, who in turn probably raise clueless, careless kids.
I know that teachers work incredibly hard, often with little support from their communities and in the case of my community, often with outright opposition.

Many thanks to teachers everywhere and those who support education at all levels. I know you don't always hear it enough, but there are many of us who truly appreciate how hard you work and the work you do.

That said: your building principal should have been present and should have escorted those rude front row individuals out of the auditorium until they felt they could behave appropriately.

Yes, there have always been rude people, but it does seem to me that more people are clueless about how to behave in public or just in general. Sometimes I blame parents but pretty often I blame how much time people spend on gaming and other computer/internet related activities (ironic, no?) instead of learning/practicing interacting with the people right in front of them. And cell phones. And now everyone thinks s/he is an expert at everything and wants to share their opinions about everything (of course, this does not include people on this site.) And in general, I think a lot of people have an exaggerated idea of their own personal importance and fewer inhibitions about 'sharing' whatever it is where ever they are.
We are going to granddaughter Breanna's "holiday" (can't call it Christmas) program on Thursday. This is a smallish school district in MN.
Thankfully, our school has a strong music program and was ran very well for many years by a supremely gifted musician who also was also extremely adept at drawing talent and confidence out of all the kids - pre-K to High school seniors. She was teaching when my kids started school through graduation. She was technically responsible for choir, but it carried over into band, drama, swing shows, musical plays, everthing.
Sadly, she retired after last school year. :( :(
I can't imagine trying to fill her shoes.

Our superintendant, principals and teachers are always very visible and NEVER would have tolerated any of that behavior. Even the rude and loser parents know they need to toe the line at any school function! Having high expectations and seeing they happen breeds more success. I hope they can keep it up, because everyone wins then.
Steph, that's why I put in the disclaimer.......there are always good people.

When did rudeness become so prevalent?
I agree with sheepieshake! That's horrible to hear... :( I'm always amazed at what the teachers can get a group of wild kids to do, so I can't imagine having any complaints or making a sound!!!
Yup, lots and lots of people are blissfully unappreciative, and a certain percentage always have been, always will be. I don't know if the percentage has increased or not.
Blech. I think an update on Sartre comes to mind.

No, hell is not other people.
No, hell is not other children.
Hell is other children's parents. :twisted:

I think you should have some sort of security type person present. It's completely unfair that teachers have to put up with this crap, after doing so much for nothing.
Unfortunately, I am EVERYONES mother. I am so sorry that the other parents were too gutless to stand up and help you with these people. I would have been right there with you. Rudeness like that makes me so MAD! Maybe you could turn it into a teachable moment for the kids? Have an open discussion on how people could have behaved better?
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