Red eyes

When moe was a puppy and first went to the vet i asked her about the whites of his eyes getting red when excited and she said it was his blood pressure going up when i left it at that..he is now ten months old and he still gets "red eye"..the last time he was groomed we had them scoop around his eyes so it is not a hair issue..sometimes his eyes get really red when he is resting also.. could this be allergies?? or is it normal in sheepies..i am going to check next time he gets his checkup..i was just curious if any body had any experience with this?
Virginia :pupeyes:
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Oscar has this issue as well. Overall, Oscar is largely pink-skinned, and when he gets excited or inflamed, he literally turns fuchsia, including the whites of his eyes. My vet didn't think it was anything to worry about. (We live at the vet, as Oscar has Immune Mediated Disease, IBD, frequent skin infections, as well as hypothyroidism, just to hit the high points.)

Laurie and Oscar
Does Moe have excess "eye boogers" or do they seem itchy? Could be an allergy, but also wondering about entropian or the condition where tiny hairs grow on the inside of eyelid. Oliver had both of these and it caused his eyes to be red from irritation. He had excess eye gunk and itchy eyes as well though.
If you've ruled out an infection or irritation of some sort, I would not worry about it. Maggie gets really red eyes when she is tired and sometimes for no particular reason. My Vet is not worried about it. He said that her 3rd eyelid is more transparent than most and so it is more visible. He also said I could use liquid tears if she seemed uncomfortable but she never does.
The whites of Bumble's eyes got so red during training classes as a puppy that the trainer talked to a vet to make sure he was ok. 8O He was just under 5 months old at the time. His breeder said, "Its called "stress"!! You worry too much!". Why of course I do! :mrgreen: Still, I have never seen a dog do this before. This was October 2008... . The camera didn't catch it real good... my husband agrees that his eyes get more red than shown so it was likely the flash that bleached it.

Bumble is simply more sensitive boy that is more reactive to stress compared to my other dogs. He's still not comfortable with the dark outdoors, would high tail it for the side lines during class when dogs barked and still to this day wants to get in every car we pass on a walk. The pack has been able to teach him to be less of a fraidy cat but his eyes did "the red thing" the other day when he was at the vet's office. It just is what it is...
Jaci -- that is so interesting! Maggie is definitely my fraidy-dog but I never associated her red eyes with stress. I will pay attention now to see if they are related. (On that side-note, I've been working with a behaviorist who confirmed that Maggie is basically afraid of everything outside of the dogpark but she is making great strides in teaching her some coping mechanisms. It has been really great to see her progress!)
Val, I'd love to hear how you're helping Maggie cope. An ice cream cone did work but it really wasn't the best approach. :lol: :lol: :lol: He was pulling to get into every single car we passed... he did this for a long time. He's gotten much better but still has the desire to do so. I found that other dogs walking with him give him more confidence. Likely the pack thing.

We bought this shirt for him because it seemed to tell the story. :lol: (Though he didn't poop when scared.)

Right off the plane, he was afraid... it was probably an hour after he landed but I had to drag him out of the back of his flight crate. In comparison, Panda trotted out and began shaking hands with any stranger that approached her. :lol: Dogs are individuals just like us...

We quit his obedience classes. After 3 classes in a row where he balked at following commands due to a big, unseen dog barking, I decided to stop. I didn't want him to learn that it was ok to disobey me or that my commands were optional. We would be doing a command, a dog would bark and Bumble would take off running. (He never had a bad experience with a new dog... we made sure of it.) So we worked on this more slowly. He was also scared of the Jack Russell down the road behind invisible fencing that would bark at him as we walked past. Again, he's gotten better but it's taken baby steps to get him there.
Love the shirt! (I'll post a separate topic and stop hijacking this thread.)
Good idea :oops:
Sorry Virginia.
Here's the fear thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=31737&p=428859
Hudson's eyes go bright red when he gets excited.

Our vet says it's nothing to worry about...then he chuckled and said, "It's actually very common with small breeds."

He knows that Hudson is the shortest sheepie we've ever had, and although he's perfectly ok and healthy, I still secretly wait for a growth that comment was beyond snarky.

Anyway, it's not unusual...but Hudson's our only one who does this so far.
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