Mady's wakeup ritual

Mady is our first dog, and I always sorta assumed most dogs would wake up their people by jumping on the bed and on them. Mady doesn't do that. When Mady gets up, she walks over to Kim's side of the bed, and stands there 3 inches from Kim's face, huffing and puffing until Kim wakes up. Sometimes if Kim is not waking up (or let's admit, pretend not to wake up), Mady will stamp all four of her feet. :hearts: After she wakes Kim up and gets her wakeup hug from her, she walks over to my side of the bed, and licks my face. I don't know why she licks my face to wake me up, but doesn't to wake Kim up. After she wakes me up, she walks back over to Kim's side, and hops up on the bed for morning cuddles. Every time I think about her morning ritual, I melt and fall more deeply in love with her, such a sweetheart. :aww: :aww: :aww:

How does your sheepie wake you up?
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teehee! too cute!

Nola knows that daddy won't wake up for her so she camps out on my side of the bed.

She sits there...and sits Mady, with her nose in my face, huffing and puffing until I open my eyes. Then, SHE'S WON, :yay: :yay: , mama is AWAKE, I see her eyes! Sam COME LOOK :excited: mama's AWAKE!!! :excited: She's gonna pet me, gonna pet me, gonna pet me...what, why aren't you petting me (sudden cold nose under the covers). Mama, get up! Time to get up, time to get up mama...(front paws on bed and face licking commences until I FINALLY give her a hug) :ghug:
All three of my girls are usually sleeping when I get up. I'm an early riser, but if I'm still in bed at 6 o'clock Violet will come in and stare at me...if I don't respond she will start that quiet yaking...the Aussies will laydown until i start getting up..then Violet does that wonderful sheepie yap all the way into the kitchen..kinda saying "hurry up, we're hungry." Then of course she has to bark a few times when i put her food down in front of her.
Oh, Mady is such a tweetie pie! :hearts:

Oscar gets fed at 5 am to take his meds, so needless to say, I start feeling the "Sheepdog Stare" at about 4:30 am. :D If he's really, really got to pee, he will come up to my pillow, lay his face on it, and breathe in and out veeeeerrrrrryyyyyy's quite endearing. Except I haven't slept in once in the 6 1/2 years we've had him.

Oscar's alarm clock is much better than a wake-up by our first sheepdog, Quincy. He used to come up to me and poke me in the face with his pointy, black nose! Well, good morning to you, too!!!!

Laurie and Oscar, a kinder, gentler sheepdog
If Brick is in bed, he stands up, takes big front & back stretches, then lays across my chest.
If he's not on the bed, he will put his face near mine and do this sorta whine/growl thing.

Zeke would just put his face near mine and stand there staring at me. No noise, no muss, no fuss, just staring.
It's like how you wake up when you think someone is staring at you.
Portage and Theeps used to stand over me and breathe very hard in my face. I always felt like I was waking up in the sewers. As long as my eyes remained closed they'd stand there, unmoving, about three inches away. When my eyes flickered they'd pounce.

Rudy doesn't wake us up. He waits patiently, or just pees on the floor.

Hudson wakes us up in the mornings by kicking at the door as hard as he can. I almost miss the sewer breath wake up.
oh rudy lol
duffy comes over too and just make a few whines and of course dreamer lays on top of me so duff can't get on the bed.. then they go out to pee sorry rudy then run back on the bed and they get a treat or 2 lol and then jump off the bed and bark till i get dressed for their walk and this is all before 6;30
Star my yellow lab will "tap dance" on the wood floor. She knows this drives her daddy crazy and he will get up. Ryleigh my sheepie sleeps on the bed between us, so she just sits up and breaths on us till we get up. Mocha my chocolate lab just sleeps, she figures the other 2 can handle it. :lol: They get fed at 7am, 3pm, and 6pm so they start buggung us about 30 mins early every time. :pupeyes:
From Simon I get the sheepdog poke and he's not gentle about it. Garfunkel will watch and if your eyes twitch he'll jump in and aim that tongue toward the face.
when brian is home, panda breathes in his face....about 5 am...when i am alone, she sits and stares at me..if i move then settle down again, she headbutts the bed.....
Patch comes in and lays her head on the bed and huffs in my face, then moves her head and huffs and does this a few times. Just recently she has gotten me up at 6 for her breakfast (a new thing because of colon problems) with a huff. If I ignore her, she will step back and claw at the ground like a bull ready to charge and talk to me. If I continue to ignore, she will step out to the hall and bark in a very high pitch. When much younger she would jump on the bed, but hasn't done that in several years. Patch could dance on my head if she wanted, her presence always starts my day in a very good mood no matter the early morning time. :hearts:
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