My Life According to Poo

Snippets from My life

Me: "she didn't poo, what time did she poo last night?"
Kim: "I think around 7? I'll take her out in an hour"
(calling from work)
Me: "Did she poo?"
Kim: "Yes, she had a big poo, it was a good one too"
Me: "Great!"

Kim: "How was her poo?"
Me: "It was a bit soft, but no mess thankfully."

"Small poo, but solid"
"Medium poo, it was ok"
(texting Kim): "Poo disaster! I'll have to wash her as soon as I get home!"
"How many poos did she have today?"
"Three I think, she should be good until tomorrow"
"Does Mady seem ok to you? How were her poos?"
"Her poos looked fine, I think you're just fretting"

8O 8O 8O
How did it come to this? So much of my daily happiness and peace of mind is based on the poos of a certain 70lb furry beast? :cow:
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I really think poos are the baraometer of life.

Dogs, kids -it is always a conversation item.
Then try adding being a nurse - more poo discussions. :cow:

I will never be free, as it's poo at work, poo at home with our dogs, now poo of the grandkids!! :excited:

edit... and guess what - little Norah is poopy, so off to do a diaper change! :aww:
:lol: This is my life, except it's my DH who is OBSESSED with the dog's poo!!!

DH: did the dog's poo this morning?
me: no
DH: oh, i should take them out
me: ok

me: (1 hour later) where have you been?
DH: The dogs won't poo!!!!!
me: maybe they don't have too...
DH: but they haven't poo'd yet today!!!!!!
me: honey, it's 6am, it's ok, they'll poo when they're ready!

LMAO! LOVE IT! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Baba wrote:
Snippets from My life

Me: "she didn't poo, what time did she poo last night?"
Kim: "I think around 7? I'll take her out in an hour"
(calling from work)
Me: "Did she poo?"
Kim: "Yes, she had a big poo, it was a good one too"
Me: "Great!"

Kim: "How was her poo?"
Me: "It was a bit soft, but no mess thankfully."

"Small poo, but solid"
"Medium poo, it was ok"
(texting Kim): "Poo disaster! I'll have to wash her as soon as I get home!"
"How many poos did she have today?"
"Three I think, she should be good until tomorrow"
"Does Mady seem ok to you? How were her poos?"
"Her poos looked fine, I think you're just fretting"

I didn't realize someone was running audio surveillance on my sister and I 8O :P

I can't even imagine what someone would think if they overheard some of the conversations we have :roll:
Haha, story of my life! Dave and I have this conversation 3 times a day with Rudie. He only goes once a day.

Marley however, is *too* efficient and goes every single time we go for a walk. Never need to ask about her..
maybe you need to put out your own version of the "Tao of Pooh" 8O , but I guess only us dog people would get the joke...........
So true!!! :lol: :lol:
this sounds like our life at the moment.
definately one topic where we do NOT need pictures! :lmt: :sidestep:
If I never felt at home here, now I can say I belong!! We have laughed over our conversations about poo. And they seemed normal to us!!! Now, after our Chloe passed away, we are obsessed with the grandboxers poo!!! What is wrong here?? Remember when seniors were only obsessed with weather and their own bowel habits???

Thanks for the laugh!!!
Same here and Lisa has always said that her neighbors think they're nuts for discussing poo consistency in the backyard and its breakfast conversation at her place too.

Recently Lisa's son came and house and dog sat for Wayne and I. He rang Lisa to tell her all was going well and after hanging on all night due to heavy rain Tiggy had finally had a ............ big poo. :lol: :lol:
yup, same here. Except it's sometimes like this when I leave for work at the crack of dawn and Sunny wakes up just in time to see me out the door:

me calling from work: did you feed Sunny breakfast?
dh: uh, yeah, I think so.
me: is she pawing at her dish?
dh: no, I must have fed her
me: did you let her out?
dh: yup
me: did she stay out long enough to poo?
dh: not at first, but then she asked to go out again later
me: did you see her poo?
dh: no
me: are you sure she poo'd?
dh: yes
me: why? how do you know?
dh: because I had to hose her butt off.
me: LOL
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