Pearl update on the update.... girl is still alive and breathing!!! She still is unsteady on her paws especially when she tries to shake~~she kind of wobbles like a weeble.

Talked to the vet this morning. Her blood work came back normal but high. He thinks maybe something is happening, but is not showing up in the blood yet.

As I have mentioned to many of my sheepie friends~~she looked so bad yesterday disoriented and so tired. I had resigned myself to helping her cross the bridge. I was ready!!! (or as ready as I think I would ever be!)

But, my sweet Pearl had other ideas! She always did have a strong will and always, always had her own agenda....

I just wanted to let you know what is happening and to say that, as much as I am sorry for the previous posts, (((I don't like crying wolf!!!!)))~~~~
I am so happy that she is still here and seems to be holding her own at this time. Thank you all!!!!! You just can't imagine what the last few days have been like for me.((unless you have been there))..and without this forum and all you wonderful friends, I don't know what I would have done!!!!!
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What a strong girl you have. Don't feel bad for telling us your feelings. Thats what friends are for. I'm sure everyone here feels the same way. We are here for you whenever you need a shoulder to lean on.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your sweet girl.

Lisa and Frankie
I'm so happy to hear the Pearl is holding her own! What a strong girl!!! Like you said, she has other ideas.

Hang in there and don't feel bad about your posts...we're always here for an ear and a hug!
:cheer: :cheer: So glad to hear the news!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Hugs to all of you...its been a rough couple of days for all of you.
I am glad she is having a good day. I bet the day of rest and the medication really helped.

But honestly unless she told you - and if Pearl could talk she would - how much or what kind of pain she is in then you really can only guess. As a compassionate loving mother you do not want your loved one in pain so given Pearl's age then you naturally have to be prepared to make decisions. I certainly would not classify that as "crying wolf".

Please keep us posted on her progress.
a little story for you . last year my miss daytona age 14 was doing so bad she kept falling we just knew it was time.. we when to the vet .. he had the needle in hand and bent down and a weird smell came out of her.. he put down the needle and started pooking around .. well he found she had an ear infection . losing her balance.. now one year later 15 she still many problems but still not just ready!hugs to you
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking of her all day today. Oliver got a few extra treats because her yesterday as well. Hugs to you all.
It's not crying wolf at all. All of us that have been thru something like this are so happy if things can turn around even for a little while.

Our first sheepdog 'pache had quite a few issues and we finally lost him at age 12, took him to the vet to put him to sleep and I couldn't do it. We took him home, had a couple more weeks with us, went camping one last time and finally had to put him down on Carl's BD. He finally told us that was enough but boy it was hell. So now I'm blubbering again.
We're all here to listen and support you, no matter how many false alarms there may be! A couple of years ago I posted here because my cat ( i know, not exactly on topic) was in liver failure, and dying. Well, its 2 years later, she recovered completely from liver failure and is now supposedly dying of renal failure, and has been for 18 months. She seems to stubbornly have other ideas. :wink: I think these furry children of ours draw their strength from our love for them; as we do from their love for us. And if they aren't ready, they'll do what they can to rally and recover, even if just a little. I've had this cat 19 years, and in all that time she was never all that interested in cuddling, or being held, or any affection at all. I still did everything and then some when she was sick; fed her several times a day, for months, through a tube in her neck. When she recovered, she was a completely changed cat; she follows me around the house, sleeps on my pillow...she even accepted the dogs, something none of my other cats have done. I really think she saw the love, and it changed her. Pearl has known all along just how much you and her daddy love her; from your tribute, it sounds like she knew it the first time she set eyes on you both. That love nourishes her, and strengthens her. Maybe it will even help heal her, if even in just the tiniest of ways. Love is a strange and strong thing.

Keep the updates coming; we're all thinking of you guys and hoping for the best. :aww:
Val, that is great news.
So nice that your vet was able to do a bit of medical intervention and give her more time. Every little bit helps, if it is giving them some more decent life and time with their family. When the real time comes, sadly, you will know.
Until then, I guess we just hover and hug! :hearts:
Any more talk about a stroke?
Would bloodwork show that?

Could it be, as suptcruise said, an infection of some sort?

We'll keep praying for Pearl (and you).

:crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Val, that is great news. I am so glad to hear the Miss Pearl is doing better today.
Val, I'm so glad to hear that Pearl has rallied.
You never said she would be going over the bridge, just that it didn't look good. I'd rather hear about the false alarm first than get a huge shock later.
Give Pearl a hug and a kiss from me.
Val, I'm so glad to hear that Pearl has rallied.
You never said she would be going over the bridge, just that it didn't look good. I'd rather hear about the false alarm first than get a huge shock later.
Give Pearl a hug and a kiss from me.
Great news to hear Pearl has improved slightly. You certainly didn't cry wolf, just gave us a gentle reminder that time is precious and to hug our loved ones.

If love is all it takes, Pearl will live forever :hearts:
Hooray!! I hope Pearl enjoys all the days she has ahead of her.

Kisses to Pearl! Hang in there!
So great to hear from you !
My pryers are with you and that the best for Pearl will heppen!
She's such a strong girl ! 8O
It's so great to se dogs get that good life to get this old !
Good luck with your girl!
Me and Aska are sending BIG hugs to you both! :hearts:
I have been away from this board for a little bit, and I come back and poor Pearl has been sick..glad to see she is improving for you...I'm rooting for her!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
You have nothing to apologize for! You could post every day how much you love Pearl and how much she means to you and how each moment is precious, I would understand completely! So happy to hear she's decided to spend a bit more time with you! :yay:
Wonderful news!!
Very Good news Val! Take advantage of evey day.
Oh, Val - I'm SO glad to hear that Pearl-girl has improved! :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana:

I agree with everyone else - you did not cry wolf, you reached out for comfort and understanding from a group of people who all know what you were/are going through. We're always here for each other, no question.

Queen Pearl reigns!! :ghug: :bow: :bow: :ghug:
yes..Chris, Mariyn, Judi, Mim, Val...and all you wonderful sheepiepeople!!!!

Pearl was at a very low point,,,,,and now,,,,what a difference a couple of days (AND some really great meds)..make~~ for her to rally again!!!

AND....I was at a very lowER point, seeing physical evidence that my Pearl is now, for the first time, showing her age and having to face the fact that she will not be with me much longer.

Although we just don't have as much time as we need with these soulmates of ours, do we???

Thank you for all your support and comfort. I will be there for each and every one of if you need me~~as you are there for me!!! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Was there any kind of diagnosis?
Does she have to be on any kind of medical regimen?
So glad to hear she is doing better today!! :ghug:
I can barely get through these posts, the tears are running down my face. So, even if I don't respond often, please know, you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless Pearl and may she enjoy her life!
We are thinking of you and sending our hugs :ghug: :ghug:
Diane, Bowie and Bella
I'm thrilled she's doing better, Val. :hearts:
So Glad to hear that Pearl is doing better today.
Enjoy her as much as you can.
They are so special and there time is way to short.

Hugs to you and your family. Please give Pearl a gentle hug and pet from Lisa and Frankie

Mark...and everyone else...

The diagnosis from our vet was ""Old Dog Syndrome"" (Vistibular Syndrome)..Seen in old dogs hence the name. It's like vertigo in humans (or that is the way I understood it). So she is on an antiinflamitory and Mecitazine for the dizziness and nausea.

He wants to do more blood tests next week to see if her liver functions and counts are back to normal.

The vet 'thinks' that is what happened to her..she had an ""episode"" and hopefully she will not have any more. It may leave her with the unsteady walk and wobble...we have to wait and see.

BUt~~~ This afternoon I asked Heart to go get my shoe from her tuffet..(Coz and Heart like to take my shoes and just lay them on the tuffet..for whatever reason.. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: .)

Anyway.....As I asked Heart to go get the """"SHOE"""~~((before she could respond))~ Pearl looked at me...went straight to the tuffet, grabbed the shoe, sat in front of me, looking very proud...I took the shoe and PEARL got the treat instead of Heart!!!!

Heart was NOT amused....but I sure was!!!!!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :banana: :banana: :banana:
You go Pearl, you can still show the young whippersnappers how it done.

That's great news Val! :clappurple: :clappurple:
I'd also like to share my story of what happened many years ago with my girl, Shaggy.

I found her in a heap on the floor, unable to get up. I thought it was her time and called the vet. With tears streaming down my face I carried her into the vets office and lay her on the carpet while I checked in. I saw the vet and staff smiling and turn around as I hear them's not her time yet. Shaggy, started walking around as if nothing was bothering her. I had another six months with her.

You're not crying wolf, as we often struggle with our decisions and sometimes question them. Pearl wasn't ready to go and you have more time with your beautiful girl. I'm so happy for you and I know each day with her will be precious.

Very Good News Val! :banana: :banana: :banana:
:D :D :D :clappurple: :clappurple: :hearts: :hearts:
Oh thank goodness! My heart was broken at the thought of you losing her. You GO Pearl!
:clappurple: :clappurple:
So glad she is feeling better!!
Also wanted to share that we really
had good luck with B/D dog food for
Donner and his "senior moments"
It was lower in protein for the internal organs too!
Great news val she is doing so much better, so hard when the babies get to the golden oldie era. Pearl will amaze you, good days and not so good days but she is sounding like there is still plenty of life left in the golden oldie princess.

Enjoy each day as being into that age bracket now each day is precious. :hearts:
You go Pearl!!!! :banana: :banana:
That is great - way to go, Pearl! :cheer:
I am so glad that you have more time with your Pearl.
Give Pearl a hug from Oscar. (He totally digs older women....)

Laurie and Oscar, the "cougar" lover 8)
Still thinking about Pearl. Hope she had a good weekend!
Not a good morning....

She was pacing alot this morning, almost in circles, like she couldn't get comfortable.
I looked at her eyes and her right eye was staring at me, but her left eye was looking down (I could see the white at the top). I thought maybe I was doing it by holding the hair on her head, but when I didn't do that, it was the same..Don't know if this makes sense, it is the only way I could explain it.

I did come to work and my daughter said she would check on her. Hopefully, she will be better this afternoon. Thanks
ahh Pearlie girl :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Hope she feels better.

Simon was looking really tough Thurs - Fri - Sat and not eating at all. So I upped his pain med Saturday afternoon and he seemed improved by Saturday bedtime and still is this morning when I went to work. He is eating small morsels handfed, so that's an improvement. :phew:

:ghug: :ghug: Pearl :ghug: :ghug:
oh...Dawn...I am so sorry!!! Poor Simon...poor Pearl. I wish we lived closer~~then we could have some kind of extended care group for our oldsters....Keep me posted on that little sweetie of yours!!!!
sheepieshake wrote:
oh...Dawn...I am so sorry!!! Poor Simon...poor Pearl. I wish we lived closer~~then we could have some kind of extended care group for our oldsters....Keep me posted on that little sweetie of yours!!!!

I agree, we could each take shifts with them :hearts: :hearts:
I'm sorry to hear that Pearl and Simon aren't doing so well.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: to you all.
Hugs and best wishes to Pearl and Simon :hearts:
I'm just home from being on a business trip this weekend. This is the firt chance I've had to read the updates; I'm so sorry to hear Pearl and Simon aren't as well as we'd like. My heart goes out to you guys.
I too just got back from a week away on business. Val and Dawn I am so sorry to hear about Pearl and Simon. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard it is. :ghug:
I wasnt online for a while and I just read it.

Pearl and Simon I wish you all the best and that you will make it through!!! :clappurple: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :ghug:

loads and loads of hugs from me and Charlie xxxxxxxxx

... we keep you in our thoughts !!!!!
awww. I have a soft spot for senior pups- you just want to cuddle them (especially in that picture you posted). :hearts: How are they doing now?
I can update on Simon - and it seems to be mostly good news. After a real bad weekend (weekend before last), I upped his pain meds above the recommended levels. It helped, as now he started to eat. Not lots, and he's vomited it up a few times...but most is staying down.
He walks, wags his tail, barks and even runs when he gets real excited. Nothing like the shell that was a few weeks ago.
It's probably all drug influenced, but at this point, I'll take it. As long as they keep making his life worth living, we are going for it! :hearts:

Yes Val, we need a Pearl girlie update. I know she got a haircut :kiss:
I am so glad Simon is rallying!!!! Way to go SIMON!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :excited:

Pearl just finished all her meds so we will see how it goes in the next few days. Since she could not take the Duramaxx while on the other meds, she has been really stiff in the morning and limps quite a bit. As she lays by the fire before I have to leave for work, she seems to loosen up. And by evening she is slow and deliberate in her walking but she gets to where she is going. Tomorrow she will be back on Duramaxx so hopefully it will get better quick.

As far as her mental state. I really think she is getting senile, hard of hearing, eyesight failing..or all 3...... When I call her she will look and walk in a different direction of my voice and when she is outside, more times than not, I have to take her by the collar and lead her back in the house.

These are the facts of what/how she is doing...

BUT...she is, once again, enjoying her treats...still does her old lady high pitched, gritchy bark if Dino pays more attention to the other one than her...and still can muscle Coz off the tuffet if she wants to!!!!

I am thrilled that she is STILLhere, breathing,'smiling' enjoying life and loving us!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :yay: :yay: :kiss:
Great updates on Pearl and Simon! Everyday with our furkids is a gift; cherish each one!
Happy to hear both are doing so much better.
Great news, I hope they both continue well for a long time. :crossed:
Hope the improvement continues.
so glad pearl is a little better lets hope it continuse. :ghug:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: sounds like great progress for both doggies! Those sheepie (and basset) kisses never age! :cheer:
I am so glad they both seem to be doing better. Tim was just asking about both of them the other day I will give him the good news.
That's a nice update on two of our favorite ol' puppers. :hearts:
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