Life at a new pace!

Just returned home from four of the most hectic DAZE in my life. After having a GREAT time at Crazy Acres on the 16th I almost passed out on the way home. Baileesmom drove us home and we both thought I may have had a drop in blood sugar since I am diabetic. Unfortunately on Tuesday I passed out while getting ready to take Bailee out and ended up in the local ER from which I was immediately put into the ICU as my EKG indicated an abnormal heart rate. Doctor's decided to install a Pacemaker on Thursday to trigger my heart into it's proper rhythm. Unfortunately due to emergency cases on Thursday I was put off until Friday. On Thursday night I had another episode where my heart actually stopped for 26 seconds and I was immediately put on a "temporary" pacemaker inserted through one of the veins in my neck. They told me that some people would have died from 26 seconds of no bloodflow to the brain! Friday after waiting almost ALL DAY I was finally taken to the OR and received my permanent Pacemaker. Everything went well and I was able to come home yesterday. Bailee did really well with the hectic week we all had. He obviously missed his Dad and our 4 mile walks each day. The good news is I asked the Docs if I would have to curtail our 4 mile walks and was told I could do FIVE miles if I want to. Just glad to be home and looking forward to life "at a new pace!"
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I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Oh my - I'm glad you got checked out and got your pacemaker. They are amazing little things!
Have a good recovery and enjoy those walks :D
Wow, that's all pretty scary. I'm so glad to hear you're doing so well.

Five miles...what a lucky sheepie!
Wonderful that it all worked out so well and that your epic walks need not be curtailed!
So glad you are still around to walk Bailee :-), Enjoy your new life, someone was smiling down on ya :wink:
Wow, how scary that must have been! Very glad you are home and recovering!
Oh wow. That is crazy. I am so glad that the docs got you all figured out and put back together.
We're so happy you're still here with us! That had to have
been very scary. It's amazing sometimes... that we get a
second chance. Gotta believe you have more yet to do here
on this earth.

OMG!!! 8O

I'm so glad you're OK!

So these weren't "heart attacks" or blockages or infarction or whatever, but it was an arrhythmia that caused your heart to stop delivering blood? Was there any pain?

How scary.
That was one question I really wanted to know about, whether or not I had actually had a heart attck. The cardiologist told me "no, no heart attack" it was an arrhythmia due to the slowed heart rate. Funny thing was I was at my regular Dr. on Oct. 7th and had numerous labs tests done prior to my visit and he thought I was doing outstanding. Colesterol of 132, a1c of 5.8, no other issues whatsoever. And then this! :evil: Well now I have Bailee to keep me calm! :D Between Bailee & Baileesmom I'm in good hands. :clappurple:
You'll do well with your new ticker helper. How fortunate you came thru the missing "26" without complications......death being just one :wink: Rest but don't get lazy. You have many years ahead of you. Bailee needs his dad!
That's EXCELLENT!!! No heart damage... all you need is that pendulum. Woo Hoo!!! :clappurple:
Wow, that must have been frightening for everyone! Glad you're okay.

I'm glad I'm reading a happy story.

:ghug: OES forum people are like family and you're part of it! :ghug:
oh my goodness! I'm so glad they got you in and taken care of before anything more serious could have happened!!! Make sure you look after yourself!! *hug*
So glad you are ok--take care of yourself!
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