
Do sheepies typically pant a lot or have heavy breathing?
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Panting alot or heavy breathing could be a sing of pain or breathing problems. Is it after exercise? Is the dog hot? Is everything else normal?
Panting especially for no particular reason is a sign of pain and if it persists I would get to the Vet...Especially if there is anything else "unusual", no bowel movement, lack of appetite, limping, etc.

My dogs get hot real quick and will pant and breath heavy after exercise but do calm down in a few minutes...I think I need more info before giving a better answer.
I have one that is just a mouth breather. I wouldn't call it panting, just that you hear it since his mouth is never closed.
Ryleigh always seems to breath through her mouth too. She "pants" more when shes excited. If there isnt any other signs of pain or illness I think its pretty normal. Might ask your vet next time you go.
Tonks is a heavy mouth breather; she definitely pants all the time. I took her to the vet when she was younger, Luna doesn't pant this way, so I thought something might have been wrong with Tonks. But the vet assured us that its just how some dogs are, and there wasn't anything wrong with her for being that way.It might not be a bad thing to mention it to your vet next time you are in for an appointment.
I remember asking my hubby as we drove home with our first OES puppy, "Do they always pant like this?" Both of our sheepdogs have been heavy breathers. :D

Dogs can pant due to pain or anxiety, but some just pant for no discernible reason. I don't think it's unique to sheepdogs, as my SIL's Goldendoodle pants just as much as Oscar.

Laurie and Oscar, the obscene phone caller
This is how I found this forum!
The first night I had Tiggy home (I was here by myself) I ended up trawling the web for information about OES and dog respiration rates as I was so worried about how fast she panted.
Next day I had her at the vet's and he assured me she was fine.
Tiggy runs really hot, she's just rang her door bell to ask to go out and lay in her outdoor bed as its cooler out there.
I would always check with my vet though.
Thank you for all your replies. I too asked our vet when we first got him and he assured me he was fine. I just thought I'd see if this was usual. The heavy breathing actually sounds more like what he is doing. Thank you!
Wow this is good to know, I was wondering why my sheepie panted so much. My vet is a personal friend and has looked at Rascal several times but I have never really thought to ask since he is so happy and active.
Both my pups panted heaviily. I had their crates packed with comfy blankets and padding...I took the padding out and left the bkanets - which they both push to one side - and the panting has stopped! I think it was too hot for them!

Also, keep in mind...myself and many people tend to put a blanket over the crate for a sense of more security...heat if your pup is warm, the added blanket over the crate top will make them warmer. I now use cotton sheets as a crate cover and always allow for air ventilation on top...
Our cure for Sunny's heavy breathing/persistent panting was shaving her! She used to wake herself up to pant. Now she curls up and tucks her nose in behind her little front footie when she sleeps! And she sleeps through the night now too, no mid-sleep cycle panting required.

Unless they're panting super heavy and fast like after a walk, but without having gone for a walk, I would assume it's just because they're big and furry. I'd pant too if I had to live in a fur coat like that!
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