What brand of clipper do you use??

For those of you who clip/trim/shave your OES yourself, can you tell me what brand of clipper you've had success with? I just don't think the standard pet store variety is going to cut it (pardon the pun) when it comes to coarse and copious OES fur. But I'm tired of spending $115 for a cut I don't even like, so I'm going to at least give it a try. But I'd like to buy the right clipper the first time, instead of breaking one on the 2nd cut because of Miss Sunny Bunny's wooly tresses.

So any recommendations??? I'm ok spending a chunk of change on it.
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I have a Wahl K2 and it's been great.

I must admit I mostly use it on my Mom's poodle but I did use it on Tiggy once with a comb to keep her longer, when she was 7 months old. I hated her with a shorter coat so I haven't gone there again.
We have a Andis 2 speed.
I use it just to trim Chewie's belly, but LeAnne (daughter) does whole body shaves on Martha with it.


It has worked well for about 3-4 years of use :D
I think I have the same one... it's an Andis UltraEdge. The power switch on the Oster PowerMax I had recently broke after about 3+ years and I needed to replace it. But I shave most of my dogs a 2-4 times a year so it got a good workout. I just can't be without a clipper with 6 OESs. :wink:

I liked the way the Oster PowerMax handled better though. It has a rubberized-type exterior which provides for a better grip than the Andis and doesn't seem so clunky. I've lost my grip twice on the Andis clipper's plastic exterior. Eeks. But... I was told by someone who services clippers that it should last longer and it can be repaired "locally" so that was the deciding factor.

You might check out PetEdge to compare prices on whatever clipper you decide on. You'll recoup that grooming fee probably with the first 1-2 home haircuts! :D
http://www.petedge.com/catalog/thumbnai ... =thumbnail
I have a Wahl KM2 and and Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed. The KM2 is my go-to clipper. :-) I love the smaller size, it's more powerful and goes through a matted OES coat with ease. Plus, it's about $50 cheaper than the Oster. :-) The Oster is only used now as a backup clipper.
i use moser switchblades. i love them, i have been through many pairs of clippers trying to find one that i like, its quiet, doesnt vibrate too much, its quite light and its lovely to hold too not just a straight barrel.
30+ years ago I bought an Oster A5 one speed. I still have it, but I don't use it much anymore. The Oster A5 two speed was my work horse for many years until I dropped it too many times. Now it clatters too much for the dogs and just save it as a reserve clipper when tending the herd. I'm on my second Andis...I was disappointed the first one burned out after 4 years but liked it so much I got the purple one (color was a big factor :oops: ) I'm content.

I do suggest getting several blades as they do heat up quickly. Changing blades, cooling them, keeps you moving thru the dog without burning the skin.

If I had my wish, I'd get something smaller just for the feet. The dogs' dancing, heavy clipper, cord, etc makes feet difficult.

I get just about all my stuff from PetEdge lately. Just purchased 2 winter jackets, great turn around shipping speed.
Howdy Sunny's Mom,

Most professional dog groomers use the Andis AGC clippers, while a few still use the older Andis AG model. Replacement parts are cheap compared to other brands. They don't build up as much heat internally, as many other brands of clipper do. They stay cooler during the grooming experience.

Routine maintance parts are cheap. Such as the blade drive/lever are only $5, compared to Oster and Wahl which are around $25. (How do you know when it is time to replace the blade drive? One sign is that your clipper will get "noisy" when the blade is attached.)

If the blade getting hot is a concern of yours, get a lower speed clipper. Meaning lower RPM's of the motor. The higher the RPM's, the more friction there will be between the moving parts of the blade, which means more heat. Improper spring tension adjustments by a blade sharpener will also cause the blades to get hot.

My 2 cents worth on the subject.

Southern Sharpeners
I just replaced my 1st pair of Andis AG 2 speed clippers after 13 years. Motor was still doing fine. I had a problem with a screw that wouldn't stay in the housing. Had no other probblem with them in 13 years. I shave dogs down all the time. I have 3-4 that live here permanently & I shave some of my retired show dogs that are in show homes several times a year. Also use the clippers weekly to do between the pads of the feet for the ones who live here. I am going to take the old pair to a show in Dec. where the blade sharpner/clipper man who sharpens my blades has a booth & see if he can fix the problem on my old pair. If it can be done reasonably, I'll have them as a back-up/spare. BTW, I replaced the old with the new, updated version of the same.
LOL, no emoticon can fully describe how ridiculous Sunny looks today!

Ok, so I ended up with an Andis AG2, and I love it! Thank you so much for all your advice and tips everyone! I bought a 3FC blade as well. But I was having too much fun shaving her and forgot about it. Now she's pretty bald, but it's good because then she won't need another trim until spring when I can do it outside again. She may need a sweater for a while though ;)

So, I started yesterday afternoon, and got her whole hind end (except a makeshift tail, thought she might like a tail for a day or two!), her back, tummy, one shoulder, both back legs and one front leg done. I took a little off the top of her head, and a bit off the side of her muzzle just because I was so curious about doing her head/face. And my goodness, as the finished product for the day, she looked wild and diseased! My 21 month old even pointed and laughed at her when she woke up from her nap and saw her.

So today I got her chest and neck done, which was by far her worst mats (I neglected taking her in to the groomer because I wanted to do it myself but I took too long to research clippers and such. My bad. It'll never happen again though, which is a relief). I also got her ears mostly done, just a bit of touch up needed. But I'm not even close to being done her face.

I think I might buy another blade, somewhere in the middle of 3 and 10. Or a skip tooth blade. Not sure what difference the skip tooth makes, apparently it's more forgiving, is that right? I'll get the hang of it soon, and until then Sunny is a willing Guinea Pig.

I'll try to post some photos of the process once I'm done. I'm not sure how to do that inside a topic though. My hubby is a forum pro , I'll ask him.

Thanks again all! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: It's been super fun so far, and I'm so glad I jumped into this grooming thing! I was very intimidated at first, but after the first couple strokes, I was fine
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