
We helped Sam cross to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. In one week the bone cancer tumor had gone from a golf ball size lump to baseball. He could barely put his weight on the sad. For several days we had him on narcotic drugs to try to ease the pain, but I couldn't see much effect other than making him a bit dopey.

My husband asked the vet if she would come to the house to do the dastardly deed........she normally doesn't do housecalls. But for Sam she did. I have a wonderful memory of his passing:

Sam loved to chase large trucks, especially the garbage trucks, up and down the fence doing a whirly dance as our trash receptacle was being empited. Surprisingly, he managed one last dance somehow managing to forget the pain and get by on 2 1/2 good legs. One other leg had arthritis from an old injury.

Later, when the time came, we had him lying beside his grave in the orchard with the peach trees in bloom. As the vet searched for a blood vessel, another garbage truck approached. He wanted to get up and give chase, but we gently retrained him. Sam took his last breath as the garbage truck passed.

Now I visualize Sam, chasing and finally catching that garbage truck and riding it to the Rainbow Bridge.

We only had 5 years with this guy, he was a rescue, but WOW! what wonderful 5 years.
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What a beautiful story. Sam has all the garbage trucks that he wants to chase now. I am so sorry for your loss, there are no words to comfort you at this terrible time.
What a beautiful story, and a great memory. My eyes are full with both sadness and gladness for that memory for you!

Everytime you hear the garbage truck, you'll think of Sam. I can almost picture him myself, hanging on the back, ears flying in the wind, big smile on his face.

Sorry for your loss.

Hugs to you all and I'm so sorry to hear of Sam's passing. We wish they could live forever no matter what their age when they cross the Rainbow Bridge. It's pretty ironic that a garbage truck was outside just as Sam took his last breath- it was meant to be. You're right Sam will be spending all of eternity chasing those big trucks he loved so much to chase. Who knows he may eventually catch one!!

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Marianne and the boys
I am so sorry to hear about Sam. Mere words don't express the pain you must feel. The right decision is also the hardest and I hope your heart can be filled with only happy memories. Many hugs to you and your family.
I am very sorry to hear about Sam. You helped him the best way you could. You got rid of his pain for him. I am sure he is now happily chasing Garbage Trucks or for that matter riding shotgun with his head hanging out the window.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

What a touching story..and so sad. I'm so sorry to hear about Sam.. :( I'm sure he really is up there chasing the Garbage trucks at the Rainbow bridge.

Very sorry,

~Julie, Odin, Caesar and family ~
Very sorry to hear about Sam. On Friday morning when the garbage truck comes, I'll be thinking of Sam as Mollie chases it and barks. It is quite obvious, that Sam found the right furever home when you rescued him.

Karen, Mollie and Beau
I'm so sorry for your loss of Sam. You may have had him for only 5 years, but look at the memories you have of him, and look what a great life you gave him. His final resting place sounds lovely and peaceful. Hugs to you and your family in your time of grief.
I'm so sorry for your loss.... that final gift of relief to him is the hardest, but the kindest one we can give.
I'm so sorry, sending warm thoughts your way.
I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful five years, as he gave you as well.

We will keep you in our thoughts.

God bless you both and Sam. What wonderful parents you are. My thoughts are with.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was a wonderful friend.
Thank you all for your kind words. I couldn't read your letters for a few was just too painful. Right now my eyes are filled with tears, but they haven't cascaded down my cheeks........I'm getting better.

MO, the little sheepie in the avatar has had the hardest time with the loss. Sam was her BIG protector. She refused to eat for awhile. Sam wasn't there to harass her, stealing kibbles. Now she's eating again, but if we accidently mention his name, her ears pop up.

Harry, the other in the avatar thinks he's going to become Alpha dog, but has MO and another dog to contend it is interesting to watch pack dynamics right now.

Yes, we are now down to 6 dogs, and while still congested, we still feel his absence.
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