Dog behaving too mature

This isn't specifically 'sheepdog' related. My Native Tibetan terrier is 1 and a half years old and has started behaving so mature. He's just never naughty. He's overly gentle with his toys, overly gentle with people, never tears anything up, never destroys anything and doesn't take anything that doesn't belong to him. This may sound crazy to some but....I want my naughty puppy back!!! He doesn't have any medical problems, got him checked so that couldn't be a reason and there aren't any environment changes. His behavior changed slowly from when he was 11 months old or so. Before that, he was the naughtiest pup ever.
I am craving the naughtiness now and the madness. Have I gone mad?
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....and I get jealous when somebody describes how naughty their dog is.

(P.S. I love the Antics section)
That sounds like Hudson. He was Evil Puppy for a year and a half (and a bit) and then one day I noticed he'd completely changed. It floored me. He hadn't done anything bad in months.

Enjoy it.

Because if yours is anything like our Evil Puppy things WILL come back. Right now he's gotten the Evil Puppy thing back. We had about ten months (or so) of peace. Now it's game on.

(As evidenced by the steak he stole two weeks ago, which triggered his allergies, so his paw pads are all red, his fur is streaked, and his ears are itchy and raw and infected, and we're frantically trying to treat all this so the dog who caused all this in the first place doesn't have to suffer through the consequences he earned fair and square.)

Evil Puppy Strikes Again. Yours will too, I'm sure.
He might be getting lazy. Time to ramp him up, change is routine. See if some new scenery, new trails to sniff........even agility classes interest him.

Try some challenging games........Buster Cube for treats, maybe he needs playmates.
ha! You aren't alone; at 18 months I had Tonks and Luna at the vet. I was worried they were sick; all they did was nap, sit nicely on the couch, and not race around all day and wrestle with one another on the sofa. Surely they have doggie flu, or something that is making them tired and worn out! Nope; the vet laughed and told my my girls were "maturing". I have to say, I was relieved that the constant work out was behind us! I was a very tired dog mom for a very long time. :wink:
I have a couple that are the easy ones.
Chewie was I swear born a nearly perfect puppy. He has never chewed anything, counter surfed, a breeze to potty train, or anything train, and all that good stuff. But, I will say, we are always doing things and very much together on lots of life in general. Classes since a puppy, my demo dog 2 nights a week in class, etc.

Riley the rat terrier was born a "little old man", I swear. He never destroyed anything, isn't yappy (all rat terrier common issues), is super calm, loves to snuggle, and actually plays the fun police when other dogs play in the house.
i have to say i always want to post about dreamer and duffy but i did not want to jinks it. they both have been the best pups i have every had ..dreamer has never done a thing wrong chewing etc.. trust me i have had oes for the last 30 yrs and all were a handful.. i keep waiting for the devils to come out. i guess i live through rudys blog !!
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