My journey with brie over the last few weeks.

Had a scare with brie over the last few weeks, a swelling developed on her gum and after a short space of time it developed fast and off to the vets we had to go.

The vet assessed the growth and I had to leave her there as he was quite worried along with me to what had popped up on her lower gum line. That day she went into surgery, a large piece was removed from the growth and x-rays taken of her jaw. The piece of tissue was sent off to pathology, when I picked her up that night the news for her was a bit more positive, x-rays showed what-ever it is had not penetrated the jaw bone, now the wait for the pathology results to see what we were dealing with and what could be done for her.

Results came back a rare type of epulis that is aggressive and invades the entire jaw in a short space of time. This is a photo of another dog with the same growth and what happens if not picked up on early.

(Warning graphic photo below)

(Warning graphic photo below)


The results came in on thursday and brie was off on friday morning for her big 2nd lot of surgery in less then a week.

Just a bit of info on Bries rarer Epulis, also has to be monitored over time to make sure no re-growth of it. So glad we got it in time before it invaded the bone as they grow so aggressively and fast so no radiotherapy is needed because still only small and not into the bone. Acanthomatous epulis is now called canine peripheral ameloblastoma or canine acanthomatous ameloblastoma. These routinely aggressively invade local tissues including bone. They generally do not metastasize, but due to their locally aggressive nature surgical excision must include a full 1-cm margin of clinically normal tissue (again including bone) to prevent recurrence. Radiation treatment may minimize disfigurement when treating large tumors. Adequate surgical removal is curative.
Due to the varied behavior of gingival growths, they should always be biopsied before surgery.

I took her back on friday for a check and all is well, she is back onto crunchy food now post 1 week after removing the growth, canine and part of the jaw bone I just have to be diligent over time that no re-growth is occuring, but all in all things are looking really positive. The margins the vet had to extract was only the lower canine was needed to be out along with a slice of jaw bone under that and the rest of the flesh growth and all stiched up. so all in all she was sore but we had pain meds along with anti-biotics to manage that till she heals up. Visit on friday all going well, dissolving stiches still there so he wants a re-check in a weeks time after the stiches have disolved to get a good look at the healing process but looking great you would not know she has had 2 major surgeries he did a great job there and she is doing well.

Brie 24 hours after the 2nd major surgery.

Thank god for being aware of every inch of my girls body if I did not pick this up in time not a good outcome for her. The photo above is how this progresses without proper extraction and noticing it early. Gross I know but what a learning curb so everyone be diligent with your babies in noticing anything out of the ordinary earlier rather then later.
Learn to know every inch of your dogs body especially those that dont do there own grooming as things like this or anything out of the ordinary anywhere on the body are not picked up quickly to end in a happy result. :wink:

Brie is going to be OK and I am one relieved momma. :D
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Ah poor Brie! She looks a bit sore and sad in the photo. :cry:
So glad she is ok and back to crunching on her biscuits and keeping her kids in line now.

Pays to check out every little lump and bump :!:
wow she is one lucky girl to have such a good mom to really check her out.. think i will go d a body search on mine hugs t brie
POOR GIRL!!!!! :(

I'm so glad you caught it as well!!! That is SCARY!
How scary
So glad you found it early.
Hugs to Brie and her mommy

Lisa and Frankie
Thank heavens you found it early! Thats a bit much for an old girl, but she pulled through like a trooper!

I appreciate the education and warning.
Hugs to Brie - and you too Lisa!

That would be so scary to find. :(

I'm glad to hear Brie's doing well after her surgeries :D :D What a sweetie!
Big hugs to both of you, how scary!! And thank you for sharing this, because, although David and I touch every inch of Mady with grooming and petting, I don't look into her mouth except for teeth. I will be doing so from now on!!
I'm so glad to hear everything wound up positive in the end and you caught it in time.

In the graphic example picture, what are we even looking at? Is that the nose on the top?
It's the under jaw with the growth protruding out of the mouth from the lower gum area.
So that's from underneath the dog?
That is so scary but also wonderful that you
caught it quickly and had it successfully removed.
She's a lucky girl and you're a great mama! :D

Wow! That is scary! I am so glad you caught it in time! Poor Brie with surgery but so much better now than before. Holy cow! :cow:
Wow, that is so scary.

I am so glad that sweet Brie is okay. Good job mommy for being so attentive.
Wow that is quite something. How scary.
great that you caught that quickly, wonder if this is what gilligan has????
wow poor Brie. Glad you saw it!
Thank goodness you caught it. I'm so glad Brie is okay.

Portage had something similar. It was the smallest little thing one day (our vet said not to worry) and a few weeks, maybe a month later, it was huge, so I took him back immediately.

Our vet was also concerned, and removed it THE NEXT DAY. (That timeline scared me.) The mass was removed, and some jawbone, and three teeth as well (near the side/back area).

Our vet said it turned out to not be cancer (after the biopsy came back) but something that once it invades the bone it causes huge damage, and all of it has to be taken out. Luckily it was early enough that Portage did great. We monitored it like crazy after that.

He also enjoyed a week of nothing but baby food. It sure seemed to agree with him, but try explaining a cart full of baby food to your friends who know you are blissfully without kids, and don't even know any outside of work! LOL

So it's so good that you shared this. It is a good reminder to know our furbabies inside and out. It sure helps when you catch things early and they can be cured/corrected.

Hugs to Brie for being so very brave! What a good girl (and a great mommy too).
Hi tracie sounds like portage had a fairly similar growth, I was worried it was cancer too, worst part was the wait for the pathologist report to see what we were dealing with. :(

Jill yes underneath shot of the dogs jaw in that graphic photo.

Hope this post does make people learn to know there dogs bodies to pick up on anything out of the ordinary thats the reason I thought it would be good to post what we have been through in the last few weeks :wink:
Glad Brie is doing well and that you caught the problem so quickly!
Guest wrote:
great that you caught that quickly, wonder if this is what gilligan has????

I wondered that too but it seems like his isnt growing that fast. :?:
Oh dear Lord! Poor Brie! I appreciate the heads up on this issue. This forum section has helped me so much in caring for my furry charges.
I really don't look in Butch's mouth that often but guess I will be more observant, never saw anything like this.
I am thrilled you caught this so quickly!!! Poor Brie. Heal girl, HEAL!
Just been up to the vets this morning a re-check of her surgery site and all is well. :D The vet prescribed another week of anti-biotics as she developed a lump that popped through the week on the back of her neck from where needles went in. So to be on the safe side he said another seven days of anti-biotics as there is quite a hole there.

I dont have to see him again now :clappurple: Unless any concerns or the lump with hole on her neck does not subside. She is doing so well and I am so proud of my girl and hopefully that is the end of vet visits for awhile, my bank account needs replenishing after THOSE vet bills. :roll: :lol:
Just catching up on this thread - wow!! How scary! So glad Brie is doing okay now and just needs to heal. Big hugs to that brave girl, please!! :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so glad to hear Brie continues to do well!
And yeah, those vet bills can add up quickly. :roll:

Sending big hugs to Brie from Michigan! :hearts:
oh wow. so glad you found this. poor brie. glad she's doing well now.
Send good vibes and wish all things positive.

Brie has an appointment tomorrow morning at the vets. Her dissolving stiches are still there nearly 4 weeks after her 2nd surgery and behind that row of stiches on the inner part of the jaw/gum line she has a floret sort of lumpy thingy there that I just noticed behind the suture line. Wish us luck as it is she has to go under to have these dam stiches out so keep fingers crossed this thingy on the inside of the jaw/gum line is nothing.

I am so hoping it is not this thing growing back with a vegance, if so more jaw bone will have to go. :(
Only good vibes coming Brie's way. Sounds like it could be just some granulation tissue around those intact sutures.
I am definitely hoping for the very best news. Hugs to your sweet girl! Such a good momma. Let's hope it is just funky healing happening. . .
Hoping everything is ok

Hugs to Brie and Mom

Lisa and Frankie
Thinking of you and Brie!

Hoping that little lumpy thing might just be some normal part
part of the healing process, scarring or maybe a small abscess.
We'll all be checking back throughout the day to hear an update.
Hugs and prayers to Brie! Hopefully this is just some sort of scarring from the surgery.
:ghug: :ghug:
The vet I saw today is not sure, he thinks it is just fiborous scar tissue, the attending vet for brie that saw the before and did all the surgery is away till the 8th Oct, so I have to take her back then. The vet this morning was wonderfull and also assured me the dissolving stiches are all looking OK and quite normal as to when they finally go, some dogs fast others can take a long while for them to come away. Now the wait to see what this Floret looking Cauliflower lumpy thingy is when the attending vet gets back. The vet this morning could not assess that as he had not seen the before growth so here is hoping not the original growth coming back with a vengance. :x So keep all those fingers and paws crossed for the 8th, if so then more surgery if it looks SUS. I know the type of growth she has had if the margins are not correct with surgery and removal it grows back with a vengance. :?

Anyhow on the way home this morning Brie and I stopped at the pet shop, she picked this pink bunny and she deserves it with all she has been through recently. Evil look she has in this piccy :lol: , she got home and is guarding her new baby, telling her kids Mine Mine Mine, p... off. :lol: They have destroyed so many of her toys but they wont be allowed to get there paws on her new baby. :wink: :lol:


Will update when we have the next check on the 8th.

Praying all is well with my special baby. :plead:
Poor Brie! Paws crossed and sending :ghug: her way!
Many huggs to you and Brie.............. Bless her heart.
Please give this girlie an extra big hug.
Ali & crew
I hope this is just scar tissue. Fingers crossed here for a good checkup on the 8th. :ghug:

I love the picture with her stuffie :wink:
Fingers & Paws crossed that this stuff is just scar tissue. Keep us posted, Lisa. Best thoughts going out to you & Brie. :ghug:
Had to laugh at Brie's look for the kids to stay away from her bunny.

Does it have squeakers in it feet and tummy? My Mum's poodle has one that looks just like that but with squeakers. She is so funny with it. She throws it in the air and shakes it to death. :lol:
Awww those babies better stay away from Brie's bunny! It seems torturous to have to wait 8 days! Can't someone figure it out sooner??
Can't believe it is not Oct. 8th yet. I want to know how Brie is doing! Wah! Crossing my fingers that the Vet will give her the all clear. :crossed:
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: YEAH Brie and Momma Lisa for knowing each other and that the nasty growth was found and taken care of!!! :clappurple: :rimshot: :clappurple:
Can't believe it is not Oct. 8th yet. I want to know how Brie is doing!

Me too... I keep checking for an update anyway. :oops:
Hugs to Lisa and Brie... hoping the little bump
still looks the same as it did a week ago. :hearts:
Fingers and paws crossed here! We are thinking about you and Brie. Hope she enjoys her bunny and that the others do not touch it. hahahahaha
Well news isnt fantastic but still positive

He thinks it is fiborous scar tissue with a blood supply so hence just going to keep increasing in size as it has done already, looks nothing like the actual growth he removed so no bone going, or stiches after, he is going to slice it off then quarterize (sp) the area, he said a simple procedure and thank god only charging me the cost only to knock her out for the quick procedure with no other additional costs. :phew:

So she is booked in next wednesday to be done, if I could I would take a photo of it but cant get the camera to the inside of her mouth to show you all the cauliflower head growing in there. 8)

Wish us luck hopefully this is the end of it all now and nothing else grows in Bries expensive mouth :roll:
I'm relieved it is not a regrowth of the other thing. Poor Brie! I will be glad when this ordeal is over for her. That's really nice of the Vet to limit his charges a bit. Looking forward to more good news after Wednesday.
Cauterization should end the blood supply and choke it off. Hopefully this will all be over soon. :crossed:
"Cauterization" I knew i spelt that wrong wendy my head is so up in the airy fairy stage at the moment.

I am hoping that is it, I was actually thinking if it was rapid re-growth do we go ahead and take more of her jaw bone, I honestly dont think I could put her through that again, it was extremely painfull experience for her and so upsetting for me as well. She is 8 and we do what we can do regardless of expense, but if he said today he thinks it is a re-growth and we need more of the bone to be removed, I would of seriously considered palative care then her loosing another big chunk of jaw bone, I really dont think I could of handled that at all and seeing her in so much discomfort afterwards with no guarantee of any benefit to long term happiness.

Regardless you do what you can do anything if it is positive and hopefully this is the end after the newer growth after sliced off and Cauterization of the blood flow/supply to that area to stop anything sprouting again, hopefully we are on the up hill run now after next wednesdays surgery. :wink:
I hope all goes well with Brie.
I bet that was so mouth is cringing in sympathy.
I hope you don't have to face the decision of whether to take more jaw bone. OWWWWW! I cannot imagine seeing your sweet baby in such pain. I am really hoping the next procedure will be the end of it. :ghug:
Aw, poor Brie! Sending hugs and well-wishes all the way to Oz. :D
Poor Brie. But was not extremely bad news. Hopefully this will help her. Sheepies kisses from Gigi and Bogey!
Just had a call from the vets, all done, he had to also slice some more bone from under this re-growthy thingy. He then Cauterized the whole area so no stiches and he is really positive we wont have anymore problems. Have to take her back in a few weeks time for a looksie of the area.

I can pick her up this afternoon :hearts: so am waiting anxiously to see my baby and having mushy food of cooked chicken fillet and rice with pumpkin ready to go for a meal for her when she gets home.

Distressing this morning when I dropped her off, she actually sooked when I left her and broke my heart. :( At least the pain factor wont be as high as last time so hoping this is the end of it all for my baby with surgery or any funny growths popping up again.
I don't know what "sooked" means but it sounds sad! I'm glad the doc just went in and did what was needed without making you have to decide. Poor baby. I hope she feels better soon. And you too! I know how hard it is when our beloved sheepdogs are suffering. Thinking positive warm thoughts for you both.
Neat, you use the word sooked too-I thought it was just used in Newfoundland, where I am from. Very pleased to hear that things went well and that your baby will be home with you soon! Give her hugs from me!
Praying this will take care of it for good. It's really agonizing
going through some of this stuff! Brie's very lucky to have you.
Heal up quickly, baby. :hearts:
Poor Brie. I'm hoping for a speeding recovery for her. I know it probably reeks havoc on your whole gang, :ghug: to you all.
Soaked = peed? Just my guess....
Simon did too...he started shaking when he realized he was at the vet. I knew he would pee a bit when Troy bent over to pick him up to go on the table, so I had the tech be ready with her speci-cup and we collected the urine sample. Poor boy :(

I hope Brie is feeling better today and is able to eat her soft foods. :ghug: And that this is the last of it!
Wow! So glad all the surgery is behind Brie and now all she has to do is be pampered and loved until everything is healed again. :ghug:
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