Willow's surgery update

Willow did not get to have her surgery yesterday.The vet had an emergency so we brought Willow home yesterday evening to eat and sleep in her own bed. We took her back to the clinic around 11 this morning. They started around 12 with her light sedation and x-rays. Her exams(first our vet, then the surgery vet) showed only the right hip was affected, but the x-rays showed that although the right hip was the worst one, the left was affected also. Poor baby. So they put her the rest of the way under and started around 12:30 with her JPS surgery.
Thankfully this surgery takes care of both hips at one time as it works on the middle of the pelvis. But to think the poor baby would have had dysplasia in both hip makes me so mad. Anyway I am too tired to go there right now. She is resting comfortably and will get to come home in the am. Thanks to everyone who responded!
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Virtual hugs to you and to Willow. I'm glad things went well.

One of our sheepies, ThePas had a pretty big surgery on his knees (two in fact) and it's torture for the humans to see them that way. After whatever recovery period is ahead, life will be so much better, so it's awesome that you were so proactive. Willow is a very lucky dog.
Thank you Tracie, but I think I am the lucky/blessed one!!! Willow is such a love. I so miss her tonight, it is way too quiet here. Her little crate(well not so little) is sitting on my side of the bed empty except for her little parrot and blankie. She took her other blankie with her, they are really hand towels but she loves them so and will drag them with her like Linus, hence our calling them blankies!
You are right it is so hard to see them go through this, but we hope this will give her a very long pain-free life!!!
Although it is hard for you going thru this, at least they caught it early and could fix it so that she can live the rest of her life normally. We didn't find out about Drez's hip dysplasia until she was almost 12. Had an FHO (femoral head ostectomy) done on her left hip but never did her right one.

BTW, what does JPS stand for?
I'm thinking about you guys, and hoping for a smooth recovery...
Hi Chris, it stands for Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis, they do a procedure so that the bottom of the pubic bone cannot grow as fast as the top or at all. By doing this the top grows out and over the leg ball thingy giving more coverage and the hips don't pop out of place. Sorry I don't know all the medical terminology, but hopefully you get the jest of it. It is an amazing surgery and seems to have a great success rate. By doing this we hopefully never get to the FHO stage.
Thanks Ron, we are off in a few to bring her home and then it is the task of keeping her quiet for 10 days. Hmmm keeping a silly little sheepie puppy quiet for 10 days???? I think we have our work cut out for us.
Hope Willow is recuperating at home now. Poor baby! Keeping her quiet the first few days won't be as difficult as you fear. She will probably be sleepy most of today and probably on a light pain killer too. Once she starts to get up and around, a stuffed Kong might help keep her busy. Puppies that yound are active but do tire quickly so maybe some short little walks on a leash if its allowed can help.

Good luck and our thoughts are with you.
Hugs to Miss Willow!
So glad that's over for you, Lisa, and Willow. Thanks for explanation, I didn't know either. Hugs n prayers for an uneventful recovery
Hugs and Kisses to Willow and YOU!!!! Now the worst is over ~~just rest, love and spoiling.... :clappurple: :clappurple:
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