Headaches? Related to Barometric Pressure?

Does anyone get these? It seems like whenever there is a dramatic change in temperature or barometric pressure, I get the most exquisite headache! There is no sensitivity to light or sound, just this really heavy pressure in my temples.

Yesterday the weather was 88 and now it's 78. I can't seem to get any relief from this headache. Does anyone have some suggestions?
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I get the same headaches during storms..so does my father in law and my youngest son. I think it's very common.

Interestingly, when I lived at high altitude, I did not experience them almost at all - only down at sea level. It's just like when you go on an airplane and your sinuses or ears ache - the change in the pressure of the atmosphere puts pressure on your sinus cavity.

Ibuprofen and hyper-hydration - lots and lots of water.
* Capt. Obvious Danger wrote:
Does anyone get these? It seems like whenever there is a dramatic change in temperature or barometric pressure, I get the most exquisite headache! There is no sensitivity to light or sound, just this really heavy pressure in my temples.

Yesterday the weather was 88 and now it's 78. I can't seem to get any relief from this headache. Does anyone have some suggestions?

Welcome to my life, I have been in total agony since oh the middle of August.. I need suggestions as well..I is literally sucking the life right out of me.
My migraines are often triggered by pressure and temperature changes. I've been bedridden for the last 2 days. :(
ButtersStotch wrote:
My migraines are often triggered by pressure and temperature changes. I've been bedridden for the last 2 days. :(

Oh Jill, that is not good, what if anything can be done?
It's well-documented that headaches and barometric pressure changes are linked. I've been keeping track of my headaches for the last 3 months and they always come before a change in weather. I'm suprised I don't have one today. I get the headache over my left eye and into my left sinus/nasal cavity. I never have light or sound sensitivity. Going to bed with Benadryl, an anti-anxiety med and a spritz of Afrin usually helps. Actually, I think it's just sleeping it off that helps.
I get migraines and weather/barometric changes are one of the triggers. Our weather changed yesterday and was all ready for it...and it never came. So, just to rain on my parade, I got a (small) hormonal one today.... :roll: ....menopause can come anytime now!
I get migraines too and a pharmacist told me to start paying closer attention to the weather. If I see a barometric pressure change coming, I am to pump up on the water. It really has worked! Basically, he said that the brain sits in fluid in the skull and the shift in pressure can make the level of fluid go down. So I now try to keep very well hydrated, particularly if a change in pressure is coming.
I have had this problem for 40 years. When I was a senior in high school it was so bad they had a place at the vocational school that she could lie on the floor. It was not use for anything else and it was clase to the bathroom. :(
I get them, too.
If there's a big change in pressure, there's a good chance I'll get a headache. And I'm more suceptible to them if I'm hungry or tired.

They were really bad around Christmas-time 2007. I couldn't focus my eyes at anything for any length of time or I would get an excrutiating headache.
Light would trigger them, as well.
I pretty much stayed in the dark while taking large amounts of ibuprofen and pseudofedsfor about a month.
Those bad ones slowly diminished thru that winter.

I had CT scans done of my brain & sinuses but they didn't show anything abnormal.

I don't know why I got those bad ones.
I find that that ice mask you can buy at any drug store helps. Its like a gel type mask over the eyes. You put it in the freezer and then put it over your eyes. Helps me...
omg........................... we are due for a change of weather (drop of 12 degree's +).. tonight/tomorrow. I am in absolute misery with my fibromyalgia. I have had 2 hot baths........ and multi pain pills today...... And I'm ready for another round of both.
I started a few years ago with just the headaches........but then they progressed to this and a Pain Clinic Dr. One of the reasons I went to Mexico last winter........... i think this is going to be a looooonnngggg winter.

Get to a Dr. if they don't get better...... I see a pain specialist now.
I get them when the pressure increases, so when the weather gets better I get the headaches. I have two simple tricks that work for me.

(1) Lots of liquids...staying hydrated IS important.
(2) Lots of T3s

I am a firm believer in taking full advantage of medical science. T3s work for me. I don't wait until the headache has really kicked in. When the conditions are right and I feel that first twinges I pop a few pills, and more often than not it will help, and I'll either not have a headache or it will be really mild.

Regular Tylenol helps, but T3s change everything, for me at least.
Tracie i'm with you. Better living thru chemistry :D :D i refuse to be miserable.

on a good news.......it's 1:40 a.m. and the front JUST went thru......... only a few small 'twings' left in sacro illiac joint and twinge of headache left.

Dr. started me 5 weeks ago on new Fibro meds. took 2 weeks to 'titrate' on........ week 3 i went to my other Dr as PClinic dr. was out of office......... we had a little talk about all of the side effects 8O 8O that were going on....... threw them in the trash with her approval.... but now i'm back to where i was. Will try to see Pain Clinic Dr. before i leave but don't think it's going to happen with the holiday weekend.
When I lived in Michigan I used to get a lot of migraines with the weather changes. Since I've lived in Florida, I don't get migraines very often, thank God. I believe it is because we don't have big changes in weather like you do in the north. Mine usually came during the night, on the top of my head. I use Excedrin Migraine. One thing I did happen to notice though, I still have nerve/muscle pain in my face from the Shingles I had 3 1/2 yrs ago, and when I take the pain med for that at night so I can sleep, I will wake up with a really bad migraine.
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