Little black bump next to pad of foot

Max has a little black wart looking round thing next to the pad of his foot. I thought at first maybe it was tick,but when I go to squeeze it with tweezers, he can feel it, so I think its attached to him. He won't stop biting at it and licking it. I was wondering if anyone has come across this before I made a trip to the vet. I plan on calling today to see if they have any ideas.
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Well I called the vet, and she thinks he may just be a wart or soem small growth that dogs sometimes get. so I am to just watch him and see if gets too irritated. Has anyone else had experiences like this?
If Max is constantly biting or licking it, I'd insist that the vet see it. Even if it is just a wart, couldn't the vet remove it so that Max doesn't keep at it? A wart can get infected, too, if it's opened.

Good luck, and let us know how everything turns out.

Thanks Chris, I agree too. I just wanted to give a day or so more, becaue it looked like he had another one at one point and it went away. I will ck it tomarrow and probably go see vet on Saturday.
Hi Shelly,

I read recently that many dogs that visit offleash dog parks occasionally get warts and most are nothing to be concerned about, unless like your vet metioned they pick at them.

I was told that OES are prone to warts as they age and if that's the case, than Shaggy my previous OES had many covering her body at 15. Normally, you wouldn't see them on their bodies with all that hair! However the last time I had her groomed, the groomer nicked one with the clippers and it took a while for it to stop bleeding. Ironcially, I had Shaggy clipped short as the vet and I would keep tabs on the lumps on her body and we also saw the warts.

There was one on her elbow which rubbed (now that she had shorter hair) each time she sat and it would start to weep. I imagine having one of the foot pad like Max does would also cause irritation. Perhaps the vet will remove it?

Good luck and please get back to us and let us know what the vet said.
Give Max a belly rub for me!

I'm headed to the Vet today at 5pm, will let you know what I find out. He was just itching at it too much this morning......
How did Max make out at the vet?
Well, the vet wasn't exactly sure what it was. Said it could be a type of corn or something, and the spot it is in would make it difficult to remove. He got a shot of steriod and some drops to put on it, but none of that seems to be helping, but I willgive it another day before calling vet back because he continues to lick at it.
Well, after a revisit to the vet this past Saturday, the dr. decided to have the bump removed. Max goes in for the minor surgery on Wednesday. They will need to sedate him so hopefully all goes well. Once they have it removed they will send it off for tests just to be sure everything is alright.
Hopefully it's just a little benign mole or something.... it will be good to know for sure though, even if only for peace of mind, and less irritation for Max :)
I'll keep you and Max in my prayers for a successful procedure tomorrow. Please let us know how things turn out, and try not to worry!
Well, Max came through surgery fine! They removed the little black lump that they didn't know what it was. They also found a little bit of the dew claws still on so they took care of that too, and brushed his teeth for him :D , well more for me I guess. Both of his legs are all bandaged up, which of course he won't leave. I've already had to reapply the medical tape. He was very groggy yesterday and had trouble walking. It was a little tough with the other dog wanting to play, but overall went well. He was excited to finally be able to eat today! He goes back to the vet on Saturday to have the stitches removed! Thanks for all of your support!
That's great that everything went well :)
When will they let you know the results of testing what they removed?
So glad to hear all went well! He'll be back to his rambunctious self in no time - all the while Mom is running after him yelling at him to slow down!! :lol:

Ditto Willowsprite - how long until you get the results back?


Myself, Blue, Merlin and Panda want to send Max big hugs and glad to hear his surgery went well!!

Marianne and the boys
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