biting during grooming

We shave our sheepdog since we live in the desert. the last couple of times they could not shave his face or ears. Cubby kept biting them. I tried a couple of days later to brush him and he started nipping again. Then full on biting. I am able to clean his ears without a problem. Now his cheeks and chin and ears or SOOOOO matted they smell and are pulling tight. I don't know what to do or if I should call the vet to see if they can sedate him and we can start over. any advice?
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If he's very matted, then it probably hurts. I would see if you can go to your vet to maybe get a sedative. If there is an odor about the mats, I'd be concerned of a bacterial infection setting in. If it's the ears, he may have an ear infection.

Take your baby to the vet and see if they can find the source of the discomfort so you can get the proper medications to help you.
I agree with Erin its time to see your vet.

The smell may mean a fungal infection or a hot spot could develop.
I agree - see the vet. In the meantime though would it be
possible for you to trim closely with just a scissors? At least
it would get rid of the hair and matts. It might not look really
beautiful , but then it probably doesn't look the way you'd like
with all the matts anyway. I think if you don't do something you
may never be able to use the trimmer again. They tend to
never forget and over time it could get worse..

I say hand scissor for now until you get the problem solved. It's
a thought.

if you normally shave your sheepie yourself with no problems them maybe there is an underlying problem, then ontop of this the matts are getting worse and tight too and also maybe getting a bacterial problem. if you had all this would you want somone messin with you? i would see a vet, to find out why the sudden aggresion and so he can shave his muzzle, its better he rembers the vet for it not you for future groming! and in future if you are trying to shave his muzle and wish you could put muzzle on but you cant because thats the area your trying to get to, try using a folded bootlace or bandage threaded through itself. this lets you safely hold the head while doing what you have to do. hope everything is ok xx
When I adopted Bella my sister and I spent 2 hours that night shaving her. We were able to free up her neck area and front legs. After 2 hours she and we had had enough. I called my vet the next day and asked if they would finish the shaving. Her mats were so bad they decided to sedate her to make it easier on her. Even with the sedation it took them another 2 hours to finish up. So times a little medication can go along way to make things easier for the pup. How is he with regular grooming around the head and neck??? Did he miss a session or get wet and not dry out well. I know that if Bella goes in her kiddie pool I have to plan an extra brushing to make sure no mats get started on her feet.
Thanks for all the advice. Cubby was given an anti-anxiety and was good as gold at the groomer. I watched and he stood there cool as a cucumber and let them shave his whole 98 pound self. I'm sure he feels much better.
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