Horrible way to start the morning

I was walking Mady on her usual route, and unfortunately, we witnessed a fatal motorcycle accident right by our house. The motorcyclist didn't stand a chance. He got up that morning, off to work, with thoughts of dinner and weekend plans in his head like the rest of us. He did not expect to be lying dead on the road before 7 a.m. Life is precious, wonderful, far too short, and far too easily taken away. Treasure every moment of it, hold your loved ones close and your sheepies even closer.
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I am very sorry you had to witness that this morning, big hugs to you, it can be very tramatic to witness these events.

Life is to short, I am thankful everyday for what I have "now" cause it could all be gone tomorrow.
What a horrible thing to witness. You are right, in the blink of an eye...
I'm sorry you saw that.
How sad for that man and his family, and how tragic you had to witness it. Agreed - never take anything for granted in this life. Nothing is guaranteed.
I am sorry that happened...how sad
Awful, just awful. :( When I was 8 years old, my dad was driving on one of the curvy back roads in our rural area, when we came upon a motorcyclist who had either been hit by a car, or lost control on gravel. The young man didn't make it either. No helmet, no shirt, and no shoes. (He was only wearing cut-off jean shorts.)

I will say a prayer for that poor man's family.

Laurie and Oscar
That is a horrid way to start your morning. How completely awful.
I was thinking EXACTLY what David was thinking when I read a story about a couple who died in a wreck here yesterday.
They were waiting in a line of traffic because of an earlier fender bender when an almost full sized semi ran over their Kia.
The Kia flipped over, like, 3 times; was driven into the Ford pick-up that was in front of it, and then burst into flames.
The police said the couple died instantly.

But it made me stop and think what must have been going on in the minds of the couple that died.

They were probably just sitting there waiting for the traffic to clear, maybe grumbling over the slowdown, maybe making chit-chat about the day, then BAM. Dead.
It's hard for me to even wrap my head around the concept that you're here one second and then gone the next.
Doesn't seem right.
David, I am sorry that you were there to see the wreck.. I saw the story on the news tonight...it was horrible. The man who died Mario was a colleague of a friend of mine, they work together for Mr. Ignatieff (Liberal Party Leader).
On a brighter note...
Wishing you and Kim nothing but happiness this weekend as you marry. Sunday evening will be here before you know it to see your Madygirl.

I know it's been haunting me all day. People die in traffic accidents all the time, and it's almost always such a waste. People are too damn impatient, so you missed the light, 45 seconds and it will be green again, big deal. Just stop, and take time to smell the poop (well, that's what sheepie owners do anyway... :? )
It was horrible. I heard the crash from inside the house (we are just a few doors down) and my heart jumped into my throat. We live in an urban area and crashes are not that uncommon and I don't normally go out to look, but there was something about the sound that made my heart clench. David and Mady had just left the house for the morning walk and I was terrified that it was them that was hit.

I went out later that day and, for the first time in my life, I bought us cell phones. I wanted to be sure David and Mady were ok but the police wouldn't let anyone go by and I longed for a stupid cell phone to call him. And David didn't think to think that I would be worried, so once the officials arrived, he continued his walk. We have argued about buying cell phones for YEARS now, but today he clued in that it was NOT the time to argue with me about that purchase. I feel so sad for that man and his family and so grateful to have David and Mady. Sad way to be reminded of how good I have it in life. Drive carefully, people and don't rush the yellow and red lights-no good can come of living life in such a rush.
That really does bring life back to the basics when you experience something like that. Everything else in life becomes trivial. :(
Being a trauma nurse in a hospital on 12 hour night shifts is quite eye opening. I learned very quickly life can be fleeting.... :( :(
David, so sorry you had to witness the accident and that you were worried Kim.

I know first hand how fragile life is as I lost my Dad when he was only 52 to a dumb accident like that, he was riding his push bike back to work after lunch in a town with approx 2000 residents.

I guess the only positive you can make of it is to cherish each other and savour your wedding even more.

I will be thinking of you both this weekend, wishing you a lovely day as you celebrate your love for each other and your committment to spending your lives together.
I have to agree. I too worked in the ER and did a two year stint in a pediatric ER I worked the last part while I was pregnant with my daughter. You see how fragile life is. I have to say I personally see a big difference in a medical professional receiving trauma in a hospital setting to a lay person seeing the trauma and death , unexpectedly, on the road. It is quite different when a health care person witnesses something like this out side the hospital. (just my thoughts) and yes you do think here was this person going out, thinking what we all do, dinner, groceries etc and then bam it is all over. Leaving grieving families to wonder why. I am so sorry you saw all this . I know how hard it is to process.
I am off to go do wedding things, but before I go I just wanted to say that you folks are some of the sweetest people! Is it that sheepdogs made you all so sweet, or is it that only sweet people get sheepdogs? Whichever it is, thank you for your support, it really helps. If any of you guys ever venture to the Ottawa area, I hope that you would get in touch with us. Tragic events really make a person focus on the good things in life-like all of you and your scrumptious dogs!
We might get less sweet if you dont post lots of wedding photos for us to look at!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
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