Yummy Indian style for Dinner

Wayne was to organise Indian style lamb meatballs for dinner tonight. I dont get home till after 7.30 pm so it's his turn to cook. All he had to do was chop the onions and brown them with the meatballs and then add the sauce.

I've been looking forward to it all day. :D

When I got home I could smell cooking but it didnt smell like Indian, it did smell like onions but something else. As soon as I got in the living room Wayne said "Sorry no Indian tonight". :cry:

We have a bench with the cook top in it and then an island bar behind that. I will prepare vegetables at the island bar but I ALWAYS prepare meat next to the cook top. Wayne prepared everything on the island bar and had just turned and put the onions in the pan he reached behind him to get the meatballs when his hand encountered a hairy head. 8O :cow:

Tiggy the "silent one" had tippy toed up behind him and in very short order had silently scoffed at least two thirds of the half kilo of lamb meatballs.

She was NOT happy when Wayne gave the few remaining meatballs to Rastus. :o :evil: Apparently she had a little hissy fit and growled at Rastus to give them back. :evil: Wayne had stern words with her which really shocked her as usually he lets "his Tiggins" get away with murder.

Wayne had to drive to the supermarket and by some chicken kievs for dinner. They were ok but I'm still wishful for a nice Indian Rogan Josh.

Tiggy is sound asleep behind the curtains, no doubt meatballs and her dinner have left her wishful for a nap.
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Well, maybe if you feed that poor puppy, she would not HAVE to sneak food????? :wink: :wink: :wink:
I am sure just the lucious smell of those LAMB meatballs were too irrestiable to ignore....Lamb???? (herding)...MEAT??? (oh bliss!!!!)

waTcH THIs pUpPeR vERy cLOsEly if YOU EvER tAKe heR hERdING....yOU mAY eND uP wITH LEss sHeeP tHan wHEN sHE staRted!!!! :oops: :P :P
I spilled coffee on my keyboard laughing at this story. I have often wondered how dogs that weigh so much can be so silent. It is a handy skill to have when there are yummy things in the house.

Oh, and as for you having a sweetheart that would even have a CLUE how to make a meatball, I am jealous. David tried to boil an egg once and weeks later I was still cleaning up egg bits from my walls. From a boiled egg. Mind you, he is excellent at driving to our favourite Sri Lankan restaurant and picking up packages of food. That is a skill too, right?

P.S. Was Tiggy's stomach ok after eating all that lamb?
Lamb sends my guys over the top. If we BBQ a leg, we have to guard the grill. You can see them thinking, "How do I get that meat w/o getting burned?"

Sorry about the meatballs. Chicken Kiev just isn't the same.
Hee hee hee. Good one Tiggy!

Hudson made a big move yesterday too. Gordon made a grilled ham and cheese for himself for dinner while we were bickering across two rooms. He came to the doorway to say something particularly snarky at me, and Hudson leapt from his spot and took the other half of his sandwich.

By the time Gordon figured out that yes, he did leave it on the table and no, it is definitely not there now, he looked over at Hudson who just looked back and licked his lips.

Gordon says that clearly Hudson was on my side of our little disagreement, to which I explained that of course he was. The dogs ALWAYS vote with me.
Great story, I'm proud of Tiggy. I don't know if Mady has thought about eating sheep yet :wink: But she does thing all peanut butter belongs to her. Kim was having a peanut buster parfait from Dairy Queen, and Mady, still just a naive little puppy, hasn't learned she has to be sneaky, she bounded up on the couch, stuck her face in Kim's face and was definitely saying "Peanut butter! MY food! GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!"

I'm sure she'll learn stealthy ways like Tiggy in time...

Amazingly, I have NO counter surfers. Lola was a BAD one, god bless her. Daisey, our retriever at the bridge was a really bad one as well, until we tied a soda can with pennies in it to a slice of bread on the counter. She NEVER did it again. Once, while I was out of town, Tim made himself the PERFECT burger. I mean he ground the meat himself, toasted the bun, melted the cheese, you get the idea. He left to answer the phone. Not only did Daisey eat his burger, she got all the left over ground meat as well. :cow:
I guess a couple of days later she got Tim's pizza too. You would think he would have learned! :excited:
Hey Gina
I didnt mention in your update on Maggie that its good to hear from you.
I've missed you stories, photos and videos and wondered how you were going.
Thanks, Mim. It's been a busy summer. I've been doing a lot of scuba diving and such. I don't really have a lot of video of Maggie, because she is sooooo mellow. Lola was nuts and it really lent itself to video. :mrgreen:
I can tell you something about Maggie that is bizarre. She has appointed herself the Czar of all food and water. She lays with her arms around the food dish. If any of the other 3 dogs come up for a snack she yelps at them. Not aggressively, more like a maniacal 'it's mine all mine' kind of way. We have to make sure the other dogs can eventually get to it, because for some reason they are letting her get away with it. I think they would starve if we didn't. :excited:
Scuba diving! How fun.

Tiggy is a bit of a food nazi too. Just a kind of snap with a funny raar kind of noise if anyone comes to close. Not serious so far but she still gets in trouble for it from me. :oops:
somebody very clever needs to videotape sheepies retracting their nails for ninja style food thievery.
Guest wrote:
somebody very clever needs to videotape sheepies retracting their nails for ninja style food thievery.

Tiggy is getting ninja style down pat.
She scored the mostly empty yoghurt tub almost out from Wayne's nose yesterday morning.
He is still shocked that she managed it. He caught her the first attempt and told her NO but didnt get up and move the tub. Next thing he new she was happily lick out the dregs on her bed. 8O

He's still asking how she got it down from the island bar without making a sound. :cow: :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: TOO FUNNY! :lol: :lol: :lol: I thought mine were going to go crazy yesterday smelling the pork tenderloin cooking in the crock pot all day! What torture! :P :P :P
tiggy is a real ninja :cow:

and i'm still starving for lamb ever since this stunt. 8O

ya know my sheepie, i think could somehow walk on just his pads with no toenail clicks when he went into sneaky mode.
and my affie, well that jackrabbit was born a ninja food thief.
Guest wrote:
ya know my sheepie, i think could somehow walk on just his pads with no toenail clicks when he went into sneaky mode.

YEESS!!!! I have said that about Tiggy too. She can sneak down the corridor, its polished boards, past the open bathroom door and into the bedroom to steal socks and I dont even hear her. 8O How do they do it?? :cow:
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