Heart is kindly mentoring Tiggy

Tiggy is NOT a girlie girl so Heart has kindly agreed to be her mentor when it comes to fashion and style. (sorry Val, they went ahead and organised it without asking their respective Mommas)

What Tiggy has learnt so far:

Lesson 1. After your Mom has bathed you and your Aunty Lisa has been to your house with a stand dryer and floofed you, you DO NOT go out to wet, muddy ovals without proper footwear.

Lesson 2. When you are attending puppy kinder, as an example to the youngsters, make sure you dress nicely.

Lesson 3. Dressing nicely for puppy kinder means you should be color coordinated and ideally wearing something feminine.

As you can see below Tiggy chose the hot pink boots that her Aunty Lisa gave her and her matching obedience class bandana. She hasnt got to the serious bling lessons yet but the little boy labrador sitting next to her was clearly impressed with her boots.

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Very cute Tiggy. I love the hot pink.
Frankie thinks all these girlie girls are very cute.

Lisa and Frankie
Tiggy you look really great. Love the Hot Pink, really fits your personality. :D

:aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww:

YOU LOOK MAHVELOUS!!!!! SIMPLY........MARVELOUS!!!!! Where the heck did you get those awesome booties!!! I want some!!!! Have your mom PM my mom.... :bow: :plead: :bow:

You are learning well....little grasshopper...I am so proud!!

Add to your list of being a Fabulous Fashionesta~~

Lesson 4~~~When wearing bling..make sure that the friends you play with DO NOT eat your cherished BLING!! (Harry at Nationals in MN... :evil: :evil: )

Lesson 5~~Bling must anchored securely so it is not lost or mangled..(see lesson 4)

Lesson 6~~ Show no emotion when you hear the "comments' and "giggles" when walking past a gaggle of Labs, Goldens, Shepards..etc...KNOW that they are just jealous that their mommies have no time to spiff them up and , even if they did, they would look ridiculous!!! (((Not wonderfully gorgeous, like US!!!)))

I am very proud of you Tiggs!! It's not too late to call the airlines and book 2 tickets to the Nationals. I have a feeling you know where that plastic thingy is in your mom's purse ((you know it serves a better purpose than a chew toy.. don't you????))
. :lmt: ..just think of it!!!! Walking into the venue side by side in all our spendor!!!! :excited: :excited:

We would have our pick of any of those Champions as they drool at our beautifulness!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :pupeyes:

Keep me posted on your progress in fashion and in the ring!!!!!!
love you bunches..... :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
love the pink boots!?! i really need to get a pair for Lizzie she's behaving like such a piglet lately...do you know if Lisa bought them locally?
Mim wrote:
... but the little boy labrador sitting next to her was clearly impressed with her boots.

8-O This bit had me laughing!!!! He's clearly admiring them! As is the pug puppy (?) to his right.
Sometimes I wish Asterisk was a girly girl, instead of a Tom Boy that would rather get mud and grass stains on her feet...

I LOVE the color!!

And, Heart, is there any advise to Blinging up a male OES? I think Wendel would be receptive to some bling lessons!
The little pup next to Tiggy just cracked me up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

...I'm still laughing here at work. 8)

And PS to Harry if you are reading this - Martha wears NO BLING, so feel free to wrestle unrestrained next month!! :wink:
Actually I noticed in the photo that ALL the dogs are looking at that snazzy sheepie with the very cool boots. It's not just the little one beside, although he is the least subtle about it.

Great look!
Guinness said WOOF (sorry heart :D )
4dognight wrote:
Guinness said WOOF (sorry heart :D )

Guiness is such a hound! :lol:

Mim, Tiggy is lovely as always!
Macy would love to wear bling (*once Judi explained to me what the heck bling was - all this time, being Italian and all, I just figured Val was referring to something EDIBLE :oops: :oops: :oops: Of course, Harry apparently thought so too :sidestep: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Her registered name, courtesy of her co-breeder :evil: :twisted: :evil: is Midnight Madness and, yes, she is named after a certain store :roll: :roll: :roll:

Small wonder she grew up and into the nickname Blondilocks...

Anyway, she is very impressed with both Tiggy and Heart, esp the boots, Tiggy! And would love to challenge Heart to a bling fest if she could just get her paws on my not-for-chewing plastic so she could deck herself out.

Of course, maybe she has her one Macy's store card for all I know.

Sybil wouldn't be caught dead wearing bling, but would happily de-bling her sister, eating the bling optional. Or maybe not? :lmt:

Cute pic, Mim!

Dear all,

I have messaged my Auntie Lisa and asked her where to get the boots. I think they have come all the way from Norway so I feel very special when I wear them.

Will keep you posted.

Love Tiggy, :kiss: "grasshopper in training to the fashionista master" :roses:
Syd says to tiggy what's your momma and mine doing to his ruff and tumble buddy ? 8O :lol: Turning her all prissy? :roll: :lol:

Boots are from Europe a lady makes them over there and they are great, Tove sent them over piccy of 3 sets including the hotties tiggy has on, Auntie Brie lent them to her to use as she is trying to influence her to be lady like, (psst we are hoping her and babette learn to be little ladies not pig pen tom boys) she also has a navy blue pair too but thought tiggy might like to try a girly colour in hope of converting her to girly accessories.

Tiggy wait till you see Syd in his newest pair, Blue Polka dots, he reckons his momma is going dotty too making him wear them, at least babette doesnt mind the stylish accessories, what girl does not like shoes and she looks forward to trying her hot pink polka dot ones soon :roll:

Syd says he will model his in a photo if no one laughs at him and calls him girly. :oops: :lol: :lol:

Baby blue for a boy, baby pink and the hotties too. Next Polka dots when I can get a chance for the model to sit still enough in them and get over showing off his feminine side :twisted: :lol: .

Syd with his man boots on 8) :lol: :lol:
Gotta luv those polka dots 8) :lol:

I JUST LOVE THOSE!!! On Both Tiggy and Sid!!!

Tiggy looks marvelous (look at that flowing coat), and I'm sure she just felt she had to step it up w/the snazzy clothes since she was already looking great.
Love the pink! Tiggy looks great in any color!
Awww look at Syd he matches from his topknot tie to his eyes to his boots.
Bewdiful Blue.v :clappurple: :aww:
you guys are too funny.. think my boys are in love
The pic of Syd :oops: OMG!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: Syd you look fabulous!!! :wink:

Both Tiggy and Sid look so good!
So great pink color!

.... The pups are so jealous at Tiggy and her fashion! :lol:
Out of curiosity, is there a reason they're wearing boots (besides looking fabulous)?
Baba wrote:
Out of curiosity, is there a reason they're wearing boots (besides looking fabulous)?

Its to keep their feet from getting muddy and wet from snow and such. I think it's winter in upside down land right now.
Yes winter here and it has been raining so the oval was VERY muddy and I'd just bathed Tiggy the day before and Lisa and I had blow dryed her so her white legs were all clean and fluffy. I couldnt bear the thought of ruining them after less than 24 hours. :oops:
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