stupid brushing questions!

hi guys! I've spent the last hour reading through grooming posts - just want to get more info. I have just gotten Kia her first puppy cut which came out great (the groomer used 2" clippers) I am determined to do a better job of keeping up with her coat! Otherwise, I am going to go broke with the grooming bills.. I am interested in buying the Hindes brush everyone raves about but where is a good place to buy all of these secret grooming tools!? The pet stores do not have them. Also do you know of a photo where I can view? I have always used kind of a comb to line brush her and it is not the best. We are both miserable by the end. I also have one of those rectangular short wire brushes but it doesn't get down deep enough. (Is a pin brush just another name for 'wire'?) Secondly, do I see that you are suggesting spritzing with a conditioner or something BEFORE I brush her? On the surface this sounds like the liquid would make mats worse but maybe that is what I have been missing.
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Hi Marie,
One place the Hindes brush is available is

We bought one, and it made a big difference in caring for
the coat. I believe it was that has the Oster
comb suggested by Gail. That has made grooming a lot easier
as well.
Our best to Kia!!
also at .
Also at
The wire brush you are referring to is a slicker, and no, it will not do the job.
This site has pictures of each product as well which is helpful.
You could also try eBay. I got mine there for $5.
I like the Chris Christensen brush allot more than the hindes. The tips of the pins on the CC brush are polished and won't scratch, like the Hindes. I would give it a 9.5 (incase I find one better) and the Hindes a 7.5. The CC is stiffer also which helps because the brush doesn't 'lay down' or give to much. Also the hindes came apart after about 5 uses and I had to glue it back together. The CC brush is guaranteed for 6 months. Get the silver pin 27mm Chris Christensen brush it's $23 but you can't put a value on the brush. Also what we mean with the conditioner is put one tablespoon of conditioner in a spray bottle, spritz this on as you are brushing (a very light mist) you can lay the hair down with your hand and spray down to the skin so you sort of cover all the hair shaft, I spray the brush sometimes. But, wait there's more. I bought a product from CC called Ice on Ice it is the best detangler, combing agent that I have ever used, by far. If you use to much though it will leave a slickness on your hand after the brushing. It is a wonderful product. I have also heard that cowboy magic is a good combing agent.
Have fun
thank you! we are going shopping... and as soon as I figure out how to downsize my digital photos to 12kb i will definitely upload one!
I use a comb like this for matts:

It works awesome!

And a Top Performance slicker brush for everyday brushing - would be lost without it!

I've had both of these for almost 10 years now, so they last a long time. For 5 of those years, they were grooming 20+ dogs & cats a day, so they've definitely earned their keep over the years. :)

Those are the only two I have ever used and probably ever will.
Gail, the slicker won't do the job as your pup develops his real coat. There is no other coat like an oes coat. A slicker only gets the outer coat, not to the skin, so as your pup matures, and has hair not puppy fluff, you will likely find the undercoat will mat right to the skin, as if someone glued felt to him, and will look fine on the outer coat.
At least this has always been my experience, but maybe if you are using a slicker often enough you are going to be stripping out the undercoat anyway... who knows...
This is great info. I too will soon be shopping for a brush, once we hear that our puppy has been conceived.

I was dying to have an Avatar- so this is Paddington-my parent's sheepie. He is a beautiful boy- we all just love him!

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