new puppy diet problems?

Hi all,

we've had our OES for 3 weeks now and hes been fine with his food but since yesterday he has been doing liquid poos and I found the kitchen covered this morning!

We gradually switched him from the breeders pedigree chum rubbish to orijen and applaws dry and a decent wet,

everything fine the last couple of weeks and then all of a sudden these odd liquid poos so i've no idea what it means! We've 3 cats but this is our first dog!

This morning he wont even eat his food and i have to give him cooked chicken instead,

hes drinking plenty of water and is still in good spirits so im not sure whether to ride it out or is this a vet job?

As an aside, he was at the vets yesterday for injections, worming and flea treatment but had already done a liquid jobby beforehand so i cant see them being related...

any advice appreciated!
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Have fed him some rice and he has plenty of water so will see how he gets on today...

wife says she thinks he ate some cat poo so that could well be the problem 8O
Kitty Krumbles can undo any worming as well as cause liquid poos. The litter box will have to be off limits. Rice and cooked meat: beef or chicken for the next few days then start adding his regular kibble, alittle at a time to the rice mixture. Dogs, and especially puppies, do not tolerate changes in their diet. Slow changes are the rule.

Another thing that worked for me was barley water. Cook barley in extra water and let them have the water, a couple ounces at a time. Of course they can also eat the barley instead of rice.
Aw poor little one.
If it keeps up for a couple days, I would take him to the Vet.

Hope he feels better
Give him lots of love!!!!!
Poor little guy. I remember puppyhood being in and out of diarrhea; mostly from something my puppy got into. I have a 'safe' room for my cats. It's a bedroom in our house that is gated off and is no dogs allowed. I keep the cat food and litter in there. You don't want your puppy getting into either one. Clumping cat litter could be a HUGE problem for your puppy. Cat food tends to have a lot of calories.

Keep with the bland diet until the stools firm. Just make sure to keep an eye on your little one, they get into just about anything.
Keep the diet bland for a few days and then start adding the kibble back slowly. If the watery ones last for more then 48 hours off to the vets as being a little one you really do have to be carefull does not take much for them to go down hill fast.

Hopefully just kitty crunchies that has upset his little tummy. Make sure he is drinking enough too to stop any form of dehydration. Also make sure worming is current too. :wink: Dont overload the system at the moment, poached chicken or even boiled mince with rice just a small amount fed 3 times a day, if the stools are forming well after a meal then you can start giving him more and after a few days start with bits of kibble to his diet till back to normal.

But if no improvement do see your vet for help to see what is happening with him if still ongoing in the poop department.
Hes much better this morning!

After a visit to the vets last night he seems to have come around this morning ( anti sickness injection and some electrolytes ) can tell because he wants to eat everything again :lol:

he was sick from both ends quite a lot last night but was drinking well so we'll see what happens today!

The kitty poo was actually from our garden....seems next doors cat found himself a place to go and Asgard hoked it out!

Not sure if it was that now...the vets thinking stress from the move but its nearly 3 weeks now so I'm not sure about that....thinking he might have a beef allergy so will stick to kibble for the meantime until hes put on a bit of weight....poor guy is skin and bones :roll:

Cheers for the tips!
Aska did that to about 14 weeks old..
the vet said we just needed to skip that meal ( we gave her then 4 times a day) and check if she ate the next meal,
and she didn't so we just added some hot dogs and to her next meal and then she ate it,
and after a week doing that she ate her foot normal :D

- Good he's getting better :D !
Glad to hear your pup is feeling better today. By the way, very cute photo of your little one!

It can be very worrisome to see a sick puppy. I know, we have gone through several bouts of vomiting and a few trips to the vet. I am wondering too about an allergy to something, so we are limiting his intake to kibble and banana pieces. He is a monger for yard junk...dirt, rotting fruit from out trees, wood chips, the odd feather that lands in the grass. It makes our playtime outside challenging because he gobbles up stuff so quickly. I sure hope he out grows this.

Fingers crossed that your puppy stays well.
When mine was a pup she also got very sick from eating what we thought was either cat poo or racoon poo. For some reason, they are attracted to this so be cautious when they are outside and supervise. We also feed Orijen and have never had a problem so I think the food is a good one. Be sure not to overfeed - overfeeding can cause loose poop as well.

Glad to hear she is doing better. Beware of that cat poop :cow:
cheers guys....hes now out with harness and lead 8O

Seems to be on the mend anyway....his poos aren't great but at least its not a waterfall :lol:

Only on a pet forum could you have such a 'normal' conversation!
:D :D :D We prefer to call it "doo-doo" here at our house. :D :D :D

Things are never as good here as when Oscar has solid doo-doo. He has Inflammatory Bowel Disease, so we have spent his entire six years worried about the state of his droppings.

Oscar had explosive, smelly diarrhea, starting when we brought him home at ten weeks old. His stool sample showed he was positive for giardia, which took us a few rounds of antibiotics to kick. If your pup continues to have tummy troubles, you might want to check his stool sample for "cooties". I would also be skeptical about this being an upheaval issue. (No pun intended.) Sounds more like something he picked up.

Also, someone mentioned how quickly a puppy can dehydrate. This is true, so if it keeps coming out at both ends, your puppy might need supportive fluids until this is resolved.

Glad to hear your pup is one the mend.
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