I wish I had never...

... fed Mady that one eensy weensy tiny piece of cheese when David and I were having a nice bottle of wine, a baguette and some lovely aged cheddar while watching a movie. Now when she hears us pop a cork (or open the refridgerator), she runs to the living room and wiggles until her big fluffy self is under the coffee table and waits for the piece of cheese to which she now feels entitled.

Do you guys have any regrets with your dogs, either serious or silly?

P.S. I SWORE when we got Mady that I would not ever ever ever feed her anything but kibble. :roll:
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Psh, we had a LOT of what we wouldn't do's!!

No jumping on furniture (now it's their favorite sleeping spots)

No getting scraps (Josh is SO much worse than me. He can't eat chips without giving Asterisk a few)

No sleeping in the bed (Asterisk's sleeping position is spooning my legs and using my ankles as a pillow)

No jumping on people (Asterisk will herd you through your legs, Wendel rears up like a polar bear in slow motion and hugs your waist)

The WORST part of all of this... Josh is the one that CAVED and he was the one who MADE those rules! Here are his responses to his rules:

Furniture 'they're comfortable, why don't you sit on the floor Erin?'

Scraps 'oh, a chip won't hurt anything'

Bed sleeping 'I sleep on the couch... How come they WON'T sleep with ME?!'

herding/hugging people 'aawww, isn't it cute?!'
* Capt. Obvious Danger wrote:

The WORST part of all of this... Josh is the one that CAVED and he was the one who MADE those rules!

I feel for Josh. The only reason that I am brave enough to post this today is that David is away (in MY hometown of St. John's Newfoundland, without me :x ) and I am going to log on as him and mark this post as 'read' before he returns. Yes, I am that cunning and sneaky. :twisted:

I was the one who made all of the rules here too and was adamant that they be followed. I was the first one to break the rules.
Mady wrote:
* Capt. Obvious Danger wrote:

The WORST part of all of this... Josh is the one that CAVED and he was the one who MADE those rules!

I feel for Josh. The only reason that I am brave enough to post this today is that David is away (in MY hometown of St. John's Newfoundland, without me :x ) and I am going to log on as him and mark this post as 'read' before he returns. Yes, I am that cunning and sneaky. :twisted:

I was the one who made all of the rules here too and was adamant that they be followed. I was the first one to break the rules.

:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

I love it! I wouldn't have thought of THAT one!! Then again, Josh doesn't go on the forum (sometimes, I'm grateful of that, I think he'd have a heart attack on how I coo over other dogs and rescue dogs)

It's hard to stick to those rules with those soulful eyes staring up at you... Hey... do you think Sheepies are using mind control to get their way? :lmt:
* Capt. Obvious Danger wrote:
Mady wrote:
It's hard to stick to those rules with those soulful eyes staring up at you... Hey... do you think Sheepies are using mind control to get their way? :lmt:

David and I have had lengthy discussions regarding the mystical powers of the sheepie stare. That stare can get us to do things against our will, like share our not inexpensive Canadian aged cheddar! Next thing you know, she will be after our wine. 8O
Funny, the popping of the wine cork = sharing expensive cheese!
In our house Howie gets a small piece of frozen banana...for his sore gums and as a treat. Problem is the freezer lid squeaks when we lift it, so every time we go to get ice for a drink, Howie comes running a sits perfectly in front of the freezer. :pupeyes: Yesterday I realized that Howie had many little pieces which by bedtime had equaled a whole banana!
I guess I need to get WD-40 to fix the squeak.

Howie is only 18 weeks old and already I have soooo many regrets, but the one thing we do not regret is having him join our family.

Ha Ha so funny
Lets see.

1. Frankie will not get on the couch....
(The other night I had to nap in the recliner because Frankie was stretched across the whole couch.)

2. No human food.
(He does get human food but only healthy stuff. Green beans, bananas, watermelon.)

I don't really think it's the eyes that do it. I think it's the wigglebum. It's like the pendulum when your being hypnotized.
(You are getting sleepy mommy very sleepy, Now give me a piece of cheese please)
:roll: :roll:

Lisa and Frankie
I've gotten more realistic with my rules. No human food until 10 months old-- mostly because that's about how long until I can hold out. Luckily, we eat pretty clean so the leftovers they get are things that are okay for them and I always adjust their diets for the day if they've had too much. Well, I mostly adjust Clyde's food. The other two dogs have on/off switches but Clyde is like the mythical goldfish that would eat until he exploded.
:lol: :lol:
I am in doggy treat HELL!!!
We have our foster who has Irritable Bowel so, she can have nothing
outside of her prescrition food!
I am the worst, I share people food and now I can not!
Some of them can still have it but, I know she probably hears them'crunching carrots! :|
It is so hard not to spoil em!

As far as furniture :?:
They let me sit where they want me to! :lol:
I let my dogs in bed with us (well just the sheepies because they won't let any other dogs up) They sleep on the sofa, and sometimes get people food not so much But I sometimes use "come get a treat" to get the dogs in and they all line up in front of the treat jar. Even if they did not come right away when called. :cow: but all in all not so bad but I have yet to get them under controll when we come in the door or others it is a tail wagging, butt wiggling wooing time for a few minutes. I am the bad mommie 8O
Mady wrote:
... fed Mady that one eensy weensy tiny piece of cheese when David and I were having a nice bottle of wine, a baguette and some lovely aged cheddar while watching a movie. Now when she hears us pop a cork (or open the refridgerator), she runs to the living room and wiggles until her big fluffy self is under the coffee table and waits for the piece of cheese to which she now feels entitled.

So Kim,

Are you trying to intimate that Mady is somehow "NOT" inherently entitled to cheese. Come now, the "C-stuff" is both a birthrite and the primary treat for Bobtails - how do you think Michele got Dawn to bond with her and not me like her Daddy Virgil and Uncle Martin did. She bought her off with Cheese while I was away on a business trip just after her arrival!! Our gang insists on having cheese whenever they can convince us it is "cheese time" and certainly when we so foolishly think we might be able to sneak some to ourselves. It has even come to the point that somehow now everyone gets a slice of cheese every night after Virgil has his medicine - doesn't seem quite right so Virgil gets the first and last cheese slice because of it.

Once in a while we actually get enough cheese in stock that the uprights can get a slice or two. Right now we are in pretty good shape (sales are on at Super C and Loblaws) so the dog fridge is stocked with 4 500g blocks, two marble and two mild cheeder. Now to convince Virgil to let me have more than the occasional slice........ :rimshot:

And for a real treat Dawn and Virgil love mooching my bluecheese....... :roll:

Thanks and Cheers

Ok so it looks like you have no chance to "Rule the Cheese Locker!" No big deal, Bailee can be in a dead sleep (snooring and totally out) and all I need to do is pick up a wrapped piece of cheese and he is in full flight to my side. Looking at the good side of this, you now have the most effective motivator to use when training him. Bailee will do anything for cheese, we look at him as the world's biggest rat! Use his cheese weakness to your advantage. The better the treat the more success you will have in training.
Carl Lindon wrote:
...how do you think Michele got Dawn to bond with her and not me like her Daddy Virgil and Uncle Martin did. She bought her off with Cheese while I was away on a business trip just after her arrival!! Carl

Mady says: 'Thank you Uncle Carl! You just gave Kim a brilliant idea-and David is conveniently away this weekend...'
Cheese for the dogs :cow: you must be kidding. 8O
Wayne lurves cheese, I think he was an OES in a past life, so its a miracle if anyone dogs, cat or me gets any cheese around here.
I dont buy it often but its all gone before we get much.
Do you think someone may complain about this thread soon, since it may appear to some to be a little "cheesey." :lol:
baileesdad wrote:
Do you think someone may complain about this thread soon, since it may appear to some to be a little "cheesey." :lol:

No way :wink: Cheese IS wonderful, even cheesiness in this case!

All my dogs will do about anything for cheese. Us humans love it too, and it's a crisis if we don't have about 3 kinds at all times.....
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