I transferred VHS to DVD--do I keep the VHS?

Apparently I have very slight hoarder instincts. I had 3 VHS tapes of my horse transferred to DVD. I watched the DVDs and everything is correct, fine, got it all and in the right order. However, I'm reluctant to get rid of the orginial VHS tapes! Tell me to throw them away!!! Right now they are in the garage on a shelf......
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i can't, :cow: i'm a serious hoarder.
what if something destroyed the dvd's, but the tapes were intact?
Tough one. If you have the room and it's important you,,,,,,,,,,,, keep them!
And I still have a VHS player, so I could watch them that way too :wink:
Use them as bookends for all those books you have!
I say "give them away to a second hand store".

I purchased one of those TV's/VHS (small portable ones) so it can easily be moved around my home. Sometimes, I place it in the guest room along with an assortment of VHS tapes if one of my sons comes to visit. That way they have something to watch when laying in bed.
I also move it into the "cat room" (yes, cats have their own room) so that way I know I can watch a movie and spend some time with cats in the evening.

I go to second hand stores and pick up very inexpensive VHS tapes so always have an assortment.

So......either get yourself one of those portable tv's with built in VHS and place it in a room that doesn't have cable and where you wouldn't normally watch TV and KEEP the tapes....or ....give them away to a second hand shop...but don't throw them away....reuse, recycle - my motto!
:cow: wow, see what you can do with a reasonable idea or two. who woulda thunk the brick collector would say give something up.

thank goodness i have a tv w/built in vhs player yet,safe. :wink:
The tapes will degrade eventually. For really irreplaceable pictures or images (ie. personal ones like your horse, or your puppy or your wedding), make a second copy of the dvd and store it at someone ELSE'S house, in case of fire or flood. Hmm, I need to do this too!
Egads! Now everyone knows I'm a hoarder of bricks, rocks and now VHS tapes. :oops: BUT...have to admit I only keep those tapes only a short time after my sons or I have watched them. I then donate them to charity and purchase new/old ones to bring home. It's a vicious cycle...sigh!
I have over 500 pages of negatives, label by date and event, in binders. I'm trying to get them transferred over to digital, but it takes time.
I have 300 Hi8 tapes (remember those cameras, not all that long ago) that I am transferring to DVD as time allows.

I have the negatives stored in a fireproof safe. I will be keeping the tapes - DVDs not professionally produced have a very limited lifetime.

And, yes, I am a packrat.
all that matters is hoarding of puppies, kitties and bunnies. 8)
everything else is just stuff.
If you mean VHS tapes of movies, then I'd donate them after I made a DVD copy. If they're home movies, I'd make two copies & toss them.
I am not a collector...too much stuff makes me edgy. So for important stuff, I keep a copy neatly on a bookshelf. BUT having said that, I don't want to ever lose the precious backup copies, so I give them to my sister the avid collector of everything. It really is a win-win situation. I keep my home orderly, and I stay in a pleasant mood, my sister gets LOTS of things from me and is thrilled to stuff her closets! I also know that my sister will never get rid of the vhs/photos/documents etc, so I always know where to find them if I need them.

I say, find a hoarder family member and make a deal!

Pitch them. They're garbage. I'm encouraging you because I have a huge box of VHS movies that I also need to get rid of and I also have been dragging my feet in doing it, too, but I know it needs to be done. We don't even have a VCR anymore so that makes it even more ridiculous to hold on to them. I had this master plan to give them to this mentally challenged guy that cleans the tables at work because he lovvvvves movies and collects them. He spends his whole check just on movies. Then he informed me "No, Jill. I don't want no VHS. Only DVD now." So, I'm back to square one. For me, I think it's going to take me moving out the house to really motivate me (especially since it's about 300 movies in an almost refrigerator sized box so it doesn't exactly move easily).
I need to bring myself to throwing out vhs tapes too, I have hundreds stored in rubbermaid bins in the basement, they've been down there for years... :roll:
I knew Butters would encourage me--and that's what I wanted to hear. These are home movies of Bob the Wonder Pony, not commercially released tapes. If they were commercially released, I'd have no problem tossing them. But these films are irreplaceable.

I will keep the tapes (which are the little VHS-C tapes and I bought an adapter to make them standard VHS size and it never worked properly and I would worry that the tape would get stuck and get broken) in the garage and at some future date I will pitch them.

As far as the commerical tapes you all seem to have, try to donate them to your public library. If they don't want them, see if your county or town has a recycle program that accepts tapes. If not, then you can throw them away!
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