Sheepdog runs around barking

My 8 month old sheepdog started running up and down the hall barking and now he runs all over the house doing it. If I get infront of him and tell him to stop he does for a few minutes. Any ideas?
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Sounds like that pup needs some exercise! Asterisk has been pretty bad with that lately. It's been so hot where I live, I haven't been able to safely exercise her outside like she needs.

I'll wager that if you take your puppy for a long walk or to a dog park, afterward, your baby will have calmed down.
Right, exercise his tail off! Er, it's already gone. Never more than in puppyhood does the saying, "A tired pup is a good pup" come into play. The more physcial and mental stimuation he gets, the more he'll settle down. Walks, a little jogging (his bones aren't finished yet so pounding isn't recommended for long periods), swimming, obedience, dog play park, mind games (search, obedience, car rides) help take the "itchies" out of your pup.
Thanks! I will try that. We live on a farm so when he goes outside the gate he will run down the road about 1/4 to 1/2 mile turn around run back. We don't have any traffic and he has acres to run in so he is safe but the first time it was very scary.
Remind me, is this the pup you carried around when you first got him? You are in the East Mountains? Or no?
That behaviour in our house is referred to as a "spaz attack." It's a sure sign of a dog who desperately needs to burn off some energy. Ignored it then changes to "what can we destroy" behaviour.

Have you worked on teaching fetch and return? Or maybe he'd be into roller blading? Something that really gets the blood pumping.

If it's too hot to do outside stuff, heavy duty brain work can be helpful too. Teach simple commands, hide a toy or treat under a cup (with several empty ones too), or fill a kong with something yummy to work on getting out.

We've been trying to do early morning exercise with our two. It's cooler out, and then they are so zen and zonked for the rest of the day.

Good luck to you.
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