Fed up with grooming.

Ugh so working full time SUCKS. Especially as I'm not 100% fit and healthy. Every day I come home pooped. I spend Saturdays trying to recover from the week, usually with some kind of fatigue triggered illness, then Sunday running around getting the shopping, doing housework etc. I start the week wishing I had another 2 days off. I know many people live like this, and I've had enough! I'm finding it really hard to keep up with everyday stuff, and grooming has become the last thing I feel like doing. We have our second ever show in 2 weeks and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm tired, stressed and nervous. BUT I know that if we have fun, I will be hooked again and maybe I'll go back to enjoying grooming :?
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I was just thinking Summer needs a good brush. I just dont have time to groom. So she is due for a bath and trim in a week or so. Ru looks so beautiful, leave the housework, just do shopping, washing and Ru! xx
Cassie, I agree... it can REALLY be tough to keep up with a full coat and work full time. When both my dogs were in full coat and I had a full work day, I remember feeling very overwhelmed at times.

Having a shorter puppy cut is really helping me though. It's so hot and humid here, I couldn't keep my dogs in full coat all year.

I hope you feel better, Cassie! It's got to be even WORSE when you're feeling icky.
I can't even imagine keeping a full coat. Then again, I don't have the patience for it so I love Edgar's perpetual puppy coat. Sorry you have been so tired. :(
OMG! My doc just called to say he's REDUCING my thyroxine meds.. this means I will be even more tired. I need to re-organise my time so that I get better quality rest, I think the problem is I push myself too hard then do things half-heartedly because I'm so sleepy. Ugh.. will have to get back to the docs if I get any more tired than this.
Sorry about that Cassie. :(

I find I groom best right before bed. Chewie and I both sit in front of the TV, relax and brush. It's better than any sleeping pill :D
Maybe it can become a positive part of your before bed routine for a set amount of time each evening.
I agree, grooming right before I sleep is such a de-stressing activity. In a way, it teaches me how to be patient by looking at how patiently my boy waits till I finish grooming him. I groom him every night so that he doesn't have any mats at all.
I need to re-organise my time so that I get better quality rest, I think the problem is I push myself too hard then do things half-heartedly because I'm so sleepy.

It's so true... if we can get a good nights sleep, the next day is often so much easier to handle. Dawn's suggestion to brush just before bed is great because it is soothing. Just set a limit though and stick with it... don't get carried away and do more than you had planned.

Wishing you a restful night's sleep.
At least you have not got two the same age transitioning coat at the same time :twisted: :roll:

I feel like at the moment it is a full time job keeping the matt fairies away :P :lol:

AND it is :roll: :lol:
Cassie, sorry you are feeling the way you do:( its never easy is it hun 8O Im struggling with Willows coat, she has matts on matts, and I brought a dematting comb thingy which was fab at getting the matts out, BUT it has stripped nearly all her undercoat away, her back is so thin now:( Im stuck between the devil and a hard rock, do I shave her (hate that look) dont think Willows stud boy owner (who is very well known in the show world, also judges) would be very impressed with the shaved look, then again dont think she would be at all impressed with the matted look either...life sucks sometimes.

Do go to the show Cassie, and post some piccies, I am hoping that if Willow has pups I can keep one to start showing, that is if I can learn how to keep the coat matt free:(

Sorry you are feeling poorly. Just a thought. Has your doctor checked your blood levels of B12 and iron? In addition to the hypothyroidism, you may be suffering from anemia (iron deficiency) or pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency), and you may have been blaming your symptoms on the thyroid condition. I went through a spell where I would sleep 10 hours and wake up exhausted. Turned out I was severely B12 deficient. Once my B12 levels came up, I felt like human being again! :D

Laurie and Oscar
i know how your feeling (well maybe not the poorly bit and i hope you are feeling yourself soon) but as a dog groomer in summer is the busiest time and i find myself working 10+ hours a day trying to make people happy, i went away for a week and feel like i was punished for it, working extra the week before and the week i get back. poor billy is the last thing on my mind, he comes running into the grooming room hoping with all his heart for a pampering paws on the table barking for a bunk up so he can have his turn, only to find me groaning because its 8pm and am knackered. doesnt help being on the beach for the last week, as much as i tried to brush him while we were away his still in a bit of a state. its so hard to give him the attention he needs but i am determined not to shave him, he had his hair cut in may to about 5-6" so its growing again, plus his in coat transition. there is only so much brushing you can deal with in a day. sorry for the moan! its only you guys that understand xxxx

cassie hope your feeling better soon and all goes well with the show xx
Chin up!

It isn't me that hates grooming though - it's Archie :roll:

Working shifts I am all over the place especially with mr unco-operative :roll:

What can you do though - shave Ru? 8O

I have been seriously tempted lately, but haven't cracked yet, on the odd occasion he gives in! :lol:
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