
I was away this weekend and when I came home, 'someone' has peed in the house 3 times~~

I know that they ALL went outside and peed this morning, I took them in and I went to get dressed for work. When I came out to the kitchen, there was pee on the floor. Same thing happened when I came home from work. Took them out...I saw them all pee and brought them back in...went to get a drink of water..came back, someone peed~~~

#1...I don't know WHO did it!!

#2...I am afraid that whoever did it has a UTI?? after all, just going out and then peeing in the house???? THat is NOT normal for my pack!!! So I really think something is going on!!!!

Suggestions on how to find out..Obviously I am going to be very attentive tonight to catch one...maybe take samples from ALL of them and send it all to the vet????
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Ah, the joys of owning more than one dog! I think I would look at the femnales first as I think they are more prone to UTIs. Then watch for licking in that area, pacing, not comfortable. All else fails, yes, I guess they would all need to ahve a urine testd 8O

Good Luck..hope you find out who it is and they feel better soon.
Are any of them on a med such as prednisone? Otherwise I'd suspect a UTI and collect those samples for the vet.

You can probably rule out Heart. She's too much of a lady to foul her nest. :pupeyes: :pupeyes: :pupeyes: :wink:
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
Are any of them on a med such as prednisone? Otherwise I'd suspect a UTI and collect those samples for the vet.

You can probably rule out Heart. She's too much of a lady to foul her nest. :pupeyes: :pupeyes: :pupeyes: :wink:

cute Nita........ :P :P .

....Judi mentioned that it might be Pearl and possibly incontience...which I can't rule out....
Hey Val, how's it going?
Have you figured out who's peeing yet?
Hope its something easy to sort out.
Nita...no meds at the moment, everyone seems healthy!

mim...no leaking this morning...YET!!!!! :roll: :roll:

Other people I have talked to, seem to think my Pearl is the culprit!!!

I am going crazy here!!! From trying to keep an eye on Pearl..AND...trying to keep Heart from counter surfing..(((FYI..I think, she has progressed from SHURTLING..to SURFING...replacing one evil vice for another))) :evil: :evil: :evil:

There are some days, work actually is my escape!!!! :mrgreen: :cow: :cow:
I hope these were just random puddles and everyone's OK!!!
sheepieshake wrote:
I am going crazy here!!! From trying to keep an eye on Pearl..AND...trying to keep Heart from counter surfing..(((FYI..I think, she has progressed from SHURTLING..to SURFING...replacing one evil vice for another))) :evil: :evil: :evil:

OH NO!!! Tiggy has been emailing Heart AGAIN!! Tiggy went to extraordinary lengths with counter surfing just the other day. She shuffled her way; on her back legs with front paws up on the counter top; all the way round the island bar in an attempt to get the empty yoghurt tub. Its a fairly large island bar.

Sadly for Tiggy I was one step ahead and the tub was right in the middle, well out of reach. :(
^^^^^^ :D :D :D

Well, when I got home from work last night, Dino told me someone had peed again!!!!

He suggested we crate Pearl so we can go through an elimination process!!! 8O 8O

MEN!!!!!!......................I suggested that we put Pearl in our bedroom instead. Much better idea since she will be much more comfortable especially since, I am sure the other two bother her during the day!

We just need to solve this mystery so we can treat the right pupper!!!

:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Another thought: I am assuming you have a doggy door. I am wondering if one of the dogs is "guarding" the door and not letting "one" of the dogs out. The reason I bring this up, is we sometimes have that problem with Violet. Violet likes to pic a "victim" and either block a door and not let one of the Aussies in or out...weither it is the doggy door or just any other room in the house. I have to check out where Violet is laying often to make sure she isn't in her mood to block an Aussie. We've had a #2 accident recently with this exact situation. Violet is like the mean older sister....nice most of the time, but you never know when she will decide to pick on one of the Aussies. Her victim is usually China, but recently Asia.

Another thought with the idea of a UTI is when the dogs go out to potty do you see any "double dipping"? That was how I knew China had a UTI recently. She is all well now after some anti bio.

I hope you find the mystery peer soon. Good luck!
Helen...NO doggie door..... :( :(

But I have been watching them 'go' and I thought of the double dipping too!! No one is doing that...keep the thoughts coming..I am VERY perplexed, never had this happen before..
How do we know it is not Dino?

I mean don't you think it is rather interesting that except for that one time, it always seems to be HIM finding the "accident".

I have watched enough detective shows to know that the informant is often the culprit.

Just saying ........

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

BTW I like the idea of sticking Pearl in the bedroom. You will know soon enough if it is her.

I'll make sure to forward this to him~~~~ he will be contacting you directly!!!!!! 8O 8O 8O 8O

(you ARE soooo bad....))
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