Cat question--throwing up

I know lots of people have cats too, so I thought I'd ask.

One of my cats has been puking fairly often lately. Looks basically like undigested food. This morning I fed them and when I came back into the room, must have been 10 minutes later, someone had puked. In 2 locations. *sigh*

I'm fairly certain I know which cat is doing this. He's acting fine, playful, etc. Should I be concerned? It's not every day, but it's definitely a few times a week, and it's just gross.

Oh, and he's also started having loose stools a few times a week too. Again, not every day. Do you think he has IBS?

BTW, if anyone remembers, this is the cat that started peeing on me at night while I was pregnant (I'm NOT pregnant now, lol)
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Sounds like he needs to be dewormed....
Willowsprite wrote:
Sounds like he needs to be dewormed....

That's what I was thinking too.
eww. not what I was expecting or wanting to hear!

Are worms contagious? how does an indoor-only cat get worms?
It happens.... and yes parasites are contagious.

Fairly easy solution though.... I would get dewormer from the vet though, the over the counter stuff is usually useless.
For worming a cat, I have found the topical Revolution worked well.
I don't know what all worms it covers offhand, but it was easier than trying to get a cat to take medicine.
If that's not it... I'll just add my cat does that all the time and every single vet tells us...
that's just normal for your cat b/c your cat is healthy. Wouldn't be healthy they say if it's not normal of that cat. I'm sure you've heard me share this, but mine does it whenever she's not fed on time. We have to feed her 2-3 times a day or it gets worse. If I'm not upstairs before 8 pm to feed her... she will come downstairs, look at me, and throw up. Finds the perfect spot on a rug/carpet ...not on the tile!!!!

Our newest vet says cats are just like that. :lol: Sounds helpful huh? I'm hoping it doesn't get worse w/age. Like you, I'm tired of dealing w/it [but we will continue].

If your vet comes up w/an answer ...please share.
Oh, it's not that hard for a cat to get worms. My Ampersand, an indoor cat, got, I think hookworm. It's the worm that you get from ingesting a flea. Since my dogs are the only ones that go in and out of the house, it's quite possible that a flea hitched a ride on one of them, or just came through a screen.

The infestation with the worm happened when I left to go to see my family in Michigan. Josh was snuggling with Ampersand when he felt something cold in his lap, he looked down and saw worms. He is NOT the one who knows how to handle animal problems. Needless to say, it turned out that Asterisk had the worm too, so maybe the fleas were on her.
It could also be a furball in her gut. There is special food and other medications you can get. Some people have success with cod liver oil but you can overdose them on it so you'd need to find out how much to give.

According to my vet cats need to eat small amounts often or their livers start to malfuntion and upsets their blood sugars which can make them vomit. He said never fast a cat, its bad for them. Apparently it can get worse as they get older and you need to stick to a feeding regime.

It could also be pancreatitis. Which causes bad nausea and pain if it gets nasty but it would be mild if she's otherwise well.
I'd try worming and then see a vet if it doesnt settle.
Mim, that's interesting. It always happens in the morning. After he hasn't eaten all night. He sleeps in the bathroom so he can't pee on me, and I used to give him food and water in there, but now just give him water b/c he was visibly gaining weight from just eating all night and not having to deal with the other cats. I guess I'll just have to go back to giving him a little food overnight and see if that helps.

I really don't think it's worms, but I guess it could be.
We had the early morning barfing issue with our dog, Hudson. The vet put him on three smaller, very carefully scheduled meals a day. Worked wonders. He just seems to be unable to tolerate the acid in his stomach if it's completely empty. We were doing a snack at bedtime but that didn't seem to be enough. We woke up every day, at four am to the wonderful sounds of a barfing sheepie. And only half the time did he jump off the bed first.

He has thrown up twice in the last six months. Not bad at all, and both of those times involved eating grass (not lawn grass....oh no....ornamental grass out of a decorative flower pot. Hudson has standards you know!)

So if you rule out worms, I'd try small meals at regular intervals during the day. It could just be a stomach acid issue. I'm sure that happens to cats as well as dogs.
My 4 years old cat used to have the exact same problem. Since she threw up food that wasn't chewed or digested, I originallly thought it was because she ate too fast, that's why she threw up. But then I found out she didn't really eat that fast. Through a very non-traditional way (which will lead to a completely different topic) I found out she had too much gas, that's why she couldn't keep her food down. I was told to give her slippery elm bark powder mixture twice a day. I tried and problem immediately went away!!
Steph, my siamese was getting tubby too. I still feed him as frequently but smaller portions.

Right before I go to bed he gets 3 or 4 large kibbles. They are actually cat tooth hygiene biscuits but they're large and quite high in fat content so they seem to tide him over for the night. But a small portion of food over night would work too.

Please let me know how things go for your feline friend.
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