Frankie hasn't used his crate in awhile. He is good when left alone during the day. Someone comes over and walks him, around 2 in the afternoon. I get up in the middle of the night and Frankie is sleeping in the hall way and the cat is sleeping in the crate. Should I put it out of the way, but accessible to him if he wants to go in it? Or just take it down and put it away?

Would love anyones opinion.

Lisa and Frankie
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I'd say move it to an out of the way location but where it's still accessible to him.
Brick really doesn't use his crate anymore but sometimes I'll find him laying in it.
Also helpful when strangers are over.
If you have the space, I would leave it up.
It still is a safe place if he needs it. It also is handy on the off chance you ever would need to have a place to put him in a a pinch.

And it may be remote odds, but you never know when some medical or family emergency may make it a needed skill to have. If he sees it everyday and maybe puts himself in it occasionally, it won't be a shock to find himself in it at some point.

And the cat might miss it~ :wink:
got sheep wrote:
If you have the space, I would leave it up.
It still is a safe place if he needs it. It also is handy on the off chance you ever would need to have a place to put him in a a pinch.

And it may be remote odds, but you never know when some medical or family emergency may make it a needed skill to have. If he sees it everyday and maybe puts himself in it occasionally, it won't be a shock to find himself in it at some point.

And the cat might miss it~ :wink:

Ditto to everything Dawn said.
We took away Hudson's crate from the bedroom about eight or nine months ago (maybe more). Cognitively, I understand crating, but emotionally I've always felt mean doing it, and have been very eager to stop with each dog. We quit when Hudson was a little over a year or so I think.

We had a second crate that we stored under the stairs in the computer room. The stairs are open, and Hudson was put in it once or twice, but mostly it was just a spot to store it.

I'd frequently find Hudson napping on the floor beside the closed crate. I thought he liked the cold wood floor (mostly carpet in my house). When we were roofing, he flipped out from the scary noises above his head when left in the bedroom, so I took him to that old crate out of desperation. When I opened the door he RAN in. I closed it up, and when we took a break I invited him out. He didn't want to come.

He eventually did join us all for lunch that day, but over the last three or so weeks I've left that door open, and frequently find him inside. Turns out he likes it, so I guess it will stay. I've just made sure not to close it up so he can go in and out whenever he wishes.

So I think that if you can spare the space it's a great idea to keep it. I never dreamed that Hudson would want the crate. He frequently put up a fuss when I'd put him in it when he was younger, but now he seems to really like it. And it is convenient to have around when something comes up and you need it...like crazy amateur roofers stomping about.

So, that's Hudson's two cents for you. Keep the crate...Frankie might like it (and that kittycat has already shown an interest). Rudy, however, says get rid of it. He HATES his. Rudy also eats and swallows anything he finds, so there's going to be a crate in his life for a very long time I fear.
I ditto, if you have the space, leave it up. My three year old has long left being crated BUT every night when I said time for bed, both him and the 2 year old run like race horses into their crates! I often finding them sleeping in it during the day as well. You can leave it up with the door open and Frankie can come and go as he pleases...
Our Bailee loved his crate, BUT, we felt it was time to "decrate" him and actually he has had free roam of the house since last January. We started only at night, then after a couple of months we allowed him total freedom. We left his crate out and he used it whenever he wanted to. About 2 weeks ago we took the crate down and waited to see how things went. So far everything has been great. He looked a little confused the first day or 2 but seems to have adapted quite well since.
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