What do I tell the groomer?

We're taking Mady to the groomer on Thursday. Our groomer loves Mady and wants to support us in keeping her in full coat. Though she's really good, I don't know how much experience she has specifically with sheepdogs. In the past, she has trimmed her nose and thinned around the face. For a full coat, should we be telling her not to trim or thin anything?
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I tell my groomer to 'even' her up. Heart's coat grows in spurts and is very uneven.

In the summer, with the heat, she tunnels her belly and under her arms, this keeps her cool and are these are the areas that matt more than others. I generally tell her to leave her head, minnimal trimming. She trims her tusch area for sanitary reasons. I am sure others will chime in!!!

Don't forget to take pictures, before and after~~~~~ :D :D :clappurple: :clappurple:
She doesn't really have to do much more than a sanitary clip and maybe a little beard trimming if it's getting uneven or long. Right now, my youngest one has a huge Fu Manchu that I need to take down. It's about 4 inches long and comes to a point! I wouldn't have her thin any area because you'll kind of have to keep doing it once you start to maintain evenness.
And don't forget to have them take some length off the ears if the beard is trimmed - otherwise you get these long cocker spaniel looking ears... it needs to balance out. :D
Also make sure that your groomer communicates with you. Previous groomers that I had before I did my own home grooming shaved every mat they found - they never spoke to me about this before hand. The mats they shaved could easily have been brushed out, but due to time, they shaved so they could do another dog that was next in line.
The groomer is terrific in terms of NOT shaving without talking to us first. One thing that she does do which I am not sure of is shave or at least really trim the bridge of Mady's nose. I have looked at the pictures on this forum and it doesn't look like any of you do that. The groomer says it is to help keep the hair out of Mady's eyes. Any thoughts on this?
Mady wrote:
One thing that she does do which I am not sure of is shave or at least really trim the bridge of Mady's nose.

Do you mean where they take the clippers and put it down the bridge of the nose? Personally, I don't really like the look, reminds me a bit of a poodle 'do. I used to clip back the hair at my dogs hair and when I used to have a groomer do it, they always did the buzz down the nose. I'm not sure if it really makes a difference.
She looks like a baboon when they do it. The first time they shaved it right down and Mady just looked like a pink runway was down her nose. The second time they used a different level of blade and it wasn't quite so severe, but David always looks like he is going to weep when he sees it. I just wasn't sure if there was any other way to keep the hair from going from the bridge of Mady's nose up into her eyes, which is the groomer's concern. I will make David find a picture so that I can show you what I mean.
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I hate it too! I think you could talk to the groomer to just cut the little hairs that grow at the bridge of the nose by the eyes. Asterisk had that done while she was a puppy. She was really good about it too, she'd stay still and just close her eyes.

Here is a picture of Asterisk after they botched her face. You can see slightly the shave down the bridge of the nose

After this cut, I began to do my own home grooming.
No, no cutting on the face! Especially no clippers! If you're shooting for full coat, I wouldn't even trim between the eyes because once you start, you have to do it for ever or until you shave. It's better to just grow it out and pull it into a top knot. It's annoying while it grows around the eyes because it it's sticking every which way but it doesn't take long until it's long enough to pull back. You can even pull that part back between the eyes in a tiny ponytail and make another tiny ponytail above it and kind of wrap it into that one (think French braid but with little ponytails).

The only part near the nose that you could trim is the top of the nose itself. You take all the little hairs off all the way to where the black stops.
I feel like Jill and I are the "agree twins" here...lol

But why would they trim the nose like that??? horrors! 8O

It will be sticking up while it grows out, but it will lay when it gets long enough.

If you look at the agility pictures of Chewie I just posted (the link to the proofs), you can see that even while running and jumping, he still can see. And his face hairs on his muzzle are all grown out.

I had the top coat trimmed shorter, but decided I didn't like it and am growing that all out again now. It mostly fits in the 2 pigtails, but the brow area still isn't quite long enough and pops out (and did at the trial, as I had to pull his slip lead on and off over his head several times!)

The joy of hair - it grows back, just give it a bit of time :wink:
got sheep wrote:
I feel like Jill and I are the "agree twins" here...lol

LOL. It gives us credibility! Think how happy our mentors are that we actually learned enough from them to actually give advice! <Mentors, please insert praise and adoration here> :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
ButtersStotch wrote:
LOL. It gives us credibility! Think how happy our mentors are that we actually learned enough from them to actually give advice! <Mentors, please insert praise and adoration here> :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:yay: :clappurple: :yay: :clappurple:
Does that make you happy?????
ChSheepdogs wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
LOL. It gives us credibility! Think how happy our mentors are that we actually learned enough from them to actually give advice! <Mentors, please insert praise and adoration here> :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:yay: :clappurple: :yay: :clappurple:
Does that make you happy?????

Only if you mean it and you didn't give me smilies just to shut me up. Eh, on second thought, smilies to shut me up are fine, too. :)
Argg! No shaving of the nose! :lol: 8O If you start now by parting the hair and combing it down on either side....honestly it doesn't take long and it is "trained" to stay that way. We trim a little around the mouth and there is a particular bunch of hair that seems to grab the food/water/ick that we just take entirely off.

Kim, we really have to get together before I go back to Idaho!!! I'll show you exactly what Jill means by the ponytail french braid thingy....but I think Mady's head hair is long enough for the pigtails you saw Dawn in when we were at the dog park. Mady is such a beauty!

From what I saw with both of you...you CAN groom your own dog with a little guidance. Good heavens, you already do a great job with regular brushing!!

Carl says you are welcome to come over anytime you need help from him....and while I'll be so jealous he will get to see Mady....I'll suffer in silence so she can be a Princess.
I will ask her not to shave her nose and we will work on training it to fall on either side. When do you go back? I would love to meet up again and I am sure that Mady would love to play with your dogs again!
The appointment got rescheduled to yesterday. Mady went in beautiful, and came out even more beautiful. :aww: We had a discussion about Mady with the groomer beforehand, it was clear that nothing was to be trimmed or shaved (except for her pawpads and a trim around her privates). She does have a couple of stubborn mats I have been working on behind her ears, I think I get them all, then there back the next day. But her strategy for any mats she might find is 1) work them out, 2) leave them for me to work out if they really would take much too long and 3) as a last resort, cut them out if she believed there was no other choice. Fortunately, she had no real bad mats, I have been grooming her daily, I'm proud to say Mady is kept virtually mat-free. She did clean the ears, teeth, trim the nails (we do all that too, but it's nice to have the extra experienced touch), she was bathed and brushed to perfection. I am very happy with our groomer, she loves Mady and wants us to keep her in full coat (it's just working out the specific details of what "full coat" means made me post this thread).

I took some pictures yesterday which I'll upload and post tonight. The walk home from the groomers was great fun, it was lunchtime, and tons of people were around and we walked through an open market. She was mobbed by people :hearts: :lol:
Sounds like the groomer is a keeper :D

Finally uploaded some pictures. These were taken the same day she was groomed, but several hours after picking her up.

She is so fluffy and big. Makes me want to kiss that face!! Looks good!!!
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