REVERSE brag....heart did not Q........

Just to keep everyone in the Heart :hearts: loop....

We were slated to go into the OB ring today, but I withdrew..NOT because of Heart..but because of ME!!! I am just NOT ready!! Wayyy to many issues with my handling skills ((or lack of them!!!!))) :oops:

BUT, once again,we tried for our first leg in RE.... :cry: :oops: :oops:
~~~Heart decided to allow me to take her body in the ring...but she left her brain in her crate!!! From the start, she was NOT with me!! I thought she would come around with a perfect MOVING STAND, WALK AROUND DOG~but lost her after that, we managed a few more signs and came to the jump, which was beautifully executed by my sweet girl...and then.....((gosh I could just hear her as she landed.))


(she ran around the ring, avoiding the entrance to the ring as the stewards were straining to protect it...and then ran by the judge, turned and allowed the judge to 'gently' take her collar!!!!!! :oops: :oops: :P :oops: :oops:......I took Heart out of the ring with a huge THANK YOU to the judge....)

In my experience, in a two day trial, the FIRST day is easy....the SECOND day????? not so much.

We will pray for a Q ...hope for the best...but not be surprised if it doesn't happen...

after all ~~~I messed up the first two times in the RE ring. NOW..It's her turn..... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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You'll be great, she just has to mess up one more time to be even :D happens to all of us at one time or another. As one of my very oldest & dearest dog shows friends told me years show are very humbling! And I remember not too long ago when Mariah let me take her body in but left her brain in the crate! She had no clue what her name even was that day. :oops: On the bright side............there is no way to go but up from here! :wink: have the same thought pattern as me!!!!! :| :roll: :wink:

Thanks Marilyn!!!I can always count on you to make me laugh and give me sage advice....and you are right!!!!

When you are on the bottom, the only way to go is UP!!!!!!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Woo Hoo Heart, you go fellow rebel!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple:
Victory laps are my favorite.

NEVER do what you're s'posed to, sometimes I'm even good just to keep my Mom guessing. 8)

Love Tigster!
Mim wrote:
Woo Hoo Heart, you go fellow rebel!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple:
Victory laps are my favorite.

NEVER do what you're s'posed to, sometimes I'm even good just to keep my Mom guessing. 8)

Love Tigster!

Thanks Tiggs.....

but I have a question for YOU???? Every time I look up from my comfy spot on the tuffet, I see MOM staring at me and shaking her head, and then she laughs......

What's up with that??????

Ya'know Tiggy, between me and you, these two legged animals are so confusing!! And they call us difficult!!!!!!
:roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

your comrade in arms.......Heart :hearts:
Mmmmmm, no idea why your Mom would just stare at you and laugh, so I cant help you with that one Heart.

But I have to agree with you, the two legs are quite crazy.

Still they hand out tasty stuff and good toys and they can work those car thingies so they take us to fun places so its worth putting up with them dont you think? Love Tiggy.
ChSheepdogs wrote: happens to all of us at one time or another. As one of my very oldest & dearest dog shows friends told me years show are very humbling! And I remember not too long ago when Mariah let me take her body in but left her brain in the crate! She had no clue what her name even was that day. :oops: On the bright side............there is no way to go but up from here! :wink:

Too true.

And at least in these cases the ladies left their brains in a known location. Sybil's has been known to orbit the earth (I suspect, but cannot prove) for an unspecified amount of time :roll: :wink: :lol:

Good luck today, Val! And train yourself to laugh when she has a brain fart. It won't be the last time so might as well get with the program now. Most OES can't resist a laughing handler so at least will come back to you to see what the mirth is all about :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hopefully she got that out of her system for now. 8)

Oh, the humbling never fails!

Back when I was showing Macy, my chocolate lab, I had a real stellar weekend. :evil:

All went well until the recall.....
"Call your dog" - and Macy jumps up and runs to me before I even opened my mouth......she must have known by the stunned look on my face this wasn't QUITE the way it was supposed to go.

2nd day:
"Call your dog"....I say "Macy Come" in a happy voice...and she just sits there, staring at me...sits there, not moving... the judge says "call her again"...still not a speck of movement, still just staring at me.... :oops: :oops: :lol:

Here she is at age 14 - who can resist that face??!

Oh yeah, I know the feeling!

Every day is a new day, enjoy yourself and good luck to you both!
Tonks and Luna want to know if she got to wear any "bling". :wink:
I'll pray for a Q too. Val, if you know who the patron saint is, you could start a novena too!
:plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead:
The worst part about this whole thing was that it was really an easy course that Heart checked out on.

It always makes me mad when Harry pulls that nonsense as I need all the intervention that I can get.

This is just a rough patch. They will pull it together as they have all the basic tools. Plus the class we are taking together is really helping us clean our teamwork up.

BTW - I was very proud of Val for taking Heart into the obedience ring on Sunday and from what I could see across five rings they did very nicely except for blowing the stay on the recall.
Thanks Judi....and thanks for NOT mentioning that on Sunday, with a Rally course from HELL...and Heart's brain where it should be, (in her head!!))~~That ONCE AGAIN...I blew a sign!!!!!!.....

..................See a future post for my remedy to this very awful delimma!!!!!!
Remember.................BEAUTY NOT BRAINS~!!

LOL love you both and am proud of you both for even TACKLING this............
from a very sleep depraived Colorado mom.
Checker's is besides himself again over his mom.............
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