Hudson's foot is infected

This breaks my heart.

When I came home today he was holding his bandaged foot in the air. I had an appointment to take him in for a dressing change anyway, and he was pretty restless in the car. When the vet took the bandage off it was clear an infection has set in.

Two of us had to hold him while the foot was cleaned up. He screamed and screamed. I'm still shaking, and my eyes are still moist. He was on antibiotics, but we've been switched to a higher dose of something much stronger. Hudson seems happier at home already, although he was miserable while there.

We go back again Monday, and he's had a shot of steroids to help with the itching/discomfort and the inflamation. My heart is breaking for him. The vet says it looks like staph. He's sure the stronger antibiotics will kick in pretty quickly, but it's just so hard watching our "little Smudge" suffer.

I sure wish I could change places with him...
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Oh no, that is awful!
I wish vet med science would come up with a spray that would knock them out for 15 minutes.....and another dose for the owners.
Poor Hudson and poor YOU! :crossed: :crossed: Fingers and paws crossed that all goes well and he heals quickly!
:crossed: that it settles quickly.

I had Tiggy hopping around with one paw in the air too. I could tell it was REALLY painful.
If the antibiotics and the steroids dont kick in quickly ask your vet if Rimadyl is an option. One dose made a huge difference to Tiggy's pain.
Poor thing! This is from his broken nail?
Oh nooooo, that must have been awful for you both. Huge hugs to you :ghug:

I think dogs forget they were in pain quickly once it's over, it's so hard to be strong for them and we feel so bad for them. What happened to his foot?
On Monday he caught it while getting out of the truck, and twisted it pretty badly as he was landing. He shrieked, and it bled a little. I took him in the next day, they cleaned it up, but the quick had been pulled to the outside of the nail, so they had to yank the nail (ow) and put ointment on it, wrapped it, and sent us home with antibiotics.

When we unwrapped it, the smell made it obvious that it wasn't ok. The vet says he picked up a staph infection in the quick (probably right when it happened). The amoxil he was on wasn't strong enough for that.

So, he had to shave the whole foot area (it's in between two toes and affecting both, as well as the quick/nail area where it started). He gave him a strong antibiotic ointment directly on it, a shot of steroids to help with inflammation and itching, and we're on a much stronger antibiotic, specifically for staph. We go back Monday for a dressing change and check.

By the time he was home you could tell that the cleaning out, and soothing action of the topical antibiotic at least made him more comfortable. But, he's always loved going to the vet, and he nearly ripped my arm off trying to drag me out while I was waiting for his new pills. It will definitely take some good visits for him to get over the memory of what he just went to. It should be interesting to see his reaction when we go in on Monday.
Awww, poor baby.

Hope he's better soon. Hugs to Hudson and mom to.

Lisa and Frankie
Oh so sorry :cry: . Hope he is feeling better. I bet he is. The infection was probably causing him alot of pain.

Be careful with staph. Follow Vet's instructions. Staph can quickly become resistant staph and then you are in trouble.

Do you ahve any Bach's Rescue? It might help relax him. My guess is with the infection treated the pain is gone. Which antibiotics is he on? You might want to add some probiotics with that and gie the meds with some food. We always give a pepcid ac before the antibiotics. and a half hour before food. Helps soothe and line the tummy. Some of those meds can really cause a tummy problem.

Our paws are crossed for a speedy recovery
He was on 750 mg a day (over three doses) of amoxil, but that isn't good for strep.

He is now on novolexin (two double doses a day) and I'm pretty sure it adds up to 2000mg in total for the day, but I'd have to go double check to be sure.

I'm sure it's bugging his tummy, but he'll have to get through it. Staph is way too scary to mess with. We're following the vet's instructions to the letter. He HATES the IV bag that we have to put on his foot every time he leaves the house, and he looks so pathetic in it, but it's not an option.

The giggling we do as he walks by with his angryface on...step squeak pout...step squeak glare...step squeak optional, yet we consistently opt TO DO IT.

Sorry Smudgeman...
Poor Hudson. :( post above should say staph. I guess I automatically wrote strep because that's how I've spent ninety percent of my life.
i was gone all weekend i need to check dreamers nail the sitter said he was not licking it .. yecks i am worried hope his diesn't get infected it is open and he is on no meds
Some good news. Yay!

When Hudson's foot was unwrapped today at the vet it looked fantastic. No redness, all the pus was was nice and dry. I thought we might see a dramatic improvement as he was downright playful this morning...and it's been a while.

So, it's been medicated once more (ointment) and rewrapped. We continue with the antibiotics until they are all gone (no disagreement from me on that one). We are to unwrap it ourselves Friday night and only bring him back in if anything looks bad. After that, the vet says he should be okay to be bandageless. We'll just need to monitor of course. And, if he licks or fusses with it, then it's cone city for the little dude.

What a difference a few days on the right meds can make. And, ironically, his tummy's handling the super duper higher dose meds way better than the amoxil from before. Go figure.

That Hudson is quite the enigma.
That is very good news indeed! :D
:clappurple: :clappurple: Yeah-Good news! Hang in there Hudson!
Yea! Happy Dance! Glad to hear that Hudson is doing better.

As we've learned from Oscar, keeping a bandage on a wound is a double edged sword. Sometimes the boo-boo needs to be covered to keep it clean and lick-free, and other times it needs to air out. Everytime Oscar has a minor surgery, usually a growth removal, we end up trying to figure out a happy medium. Hopefully, Hudson's "owie" will be healed enough to be bandage-free for the weekend! :)

I'm glad his tummy has settled down as well. Oscar has so many tummy issues to contend with, that we hate when he has to take antibiotics. But he's weird too. I can't even begin to list all of the antibiotics he's taken in his six short years, and most have digestive side effects. Oddly enough, he seems to do just fine on most, except the dreaded Clavamox. I DESPISE Clavamox, but sometimes it's our only option when he has multiple bacteria overgrowth.

Sounds like things are moving in the right direction for Hudson. :clappurple: :clappurple:

Laurie and Oscar
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