age to purchase apuppy

[b]Please help me with this question....I am planning to purchase my first oes in just over a week...the pupppy will be 3 days shy of 7 weeks...I read that the puppies should stay with their Mom and litter mates until 8 weeks....I do trust the breeder who has over 30 years of breeding...just want some additional advice. Thanks much!
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Most believe a pup should be left with littermates and mom till 8 weeks.
Welcome to the forum. :)
From all I've read, the puppy needs to stay with its mother through 8 weeks. If your breed suggests otherwise, I'm not sure I'd trust that breeder.

But that's just my opinion.

I've got some puppies just 7 weeks & 3 days. It's a little young, I like 10 to 12 weeks better. Some breeders probably want to unload puppies at this age because it's when the real work begins to start. They grow real fast at this point, eat lots of food and it's much harder to clean up after them. They begin to demand time out of the den so to speak and they really begin to interact with each other and bark, yelp and cry. It's actually a very fun stage to watch and enjoy!

Many other breeders like to hold on to the puppies a little longer for a lot of reasons. One that I think is important other than safety, security and health is that between 8 & 12 weeks old, puppies that experience any type of trauma will retain that fear for life. I've learned 1st hand it is very true! If you are getting this pup this young, socialize but protect your pup from shocking experiences for the next month or so.

Best of luck with your new friend and get lots of hugs and kisses!

I agree with Zach ask if you can pick your puppy up when it is 10 weeks old. 12 weeks if you can wait that long.
I agree that you should wait a bit. At the very least til it's 8 weeks. But congrads on your puppy and good luck! Post pictures! :D
I agree that seems pretty early, I'd be leery of a breeder sending out puppies that early.
Welcome to the forum! :D
I think 8 weeks at the very least. I also think that leaving the puppy longer to socialize with the mother and littermates is very important.
It is also important that the breeder has the parents OFA, CERF, and BAER tested.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your puppy.

Stormi and co.
Not sure the right age, but we got Jasper at 8 weeks.
I am sooo not an expert but this is what I've read and my experience bears it out exactly. If you get a puppy before 8 weeks it will bond with you intensely: between weeks 7-8 the puppy makes its first bonds. Great you say? Well not exactly, because the puppy will have a hard time socializing with other dogs throughout its life. Ideally you want a puppy between 8-10 weeks, it has had enough time to bond with its brothers and sisters to socialize well with other dogs but is still completely open to bonding with you and your family. So you have a great pet who also plays well with other dogs.
I just got my pup a tad short of 11 weeks...she was so well socialized...I thought a terrific age :D
Good for you! Enjoy.


I received Beaumont at 8 weeks. We have another sheepie and alittle shi/poo. So, he is still trying to fit in with the shi/poo who he now towers over. I think 8 weeks is a good age. That's just my opinion.

Good luck to you and your new OES puppy.

Karen, Mollie and Beau
Yuppers...8 weeks did it for us...boy what a nighmare now at 19 months :oops:
Definetely no earlier than 8 weeks. I'd stay away from breeder selling puppies any younger than that.

Hi Tarja,

Love your pic of your babes.

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