Not wanting to mind

All of a sudden Frankie doesn't want to do anything he's asked to do. When he comes in from outside he usually will sit at the door and get a treat. That way I can dry his feet etc. Now he comes in looks at me and runs. If I get his collar out he runs. He throws a fit when I brush him. If he won't come in from outside and I have to go get him he wants to run around like a crazy boy. I think he wants to make a game of it, but I try not to do that especially when I'm trying to make him learn come.

He will be 9 mos old in a couple of weeks. Are these the teenage months that they talked about in training? Or has he forgot everything he was taught?

Lisa and Frankie
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Oh, welcome to teenage hell. This too shall pass. Just pour yourself a drink and be calmly insistent that he DOES TOO know his own name :roll: :lol: :lol:

It's called the stage where you swear their brains fell out of their head! First thoughts are of how much time (not to mention $$$$) you have wasted training. The answer is patience (not easy for most OES owners). Believe it or not, the brains did NOT fall out of their head. I tend to think of it as the cord came unplugged from the socket for awhile. In a short while (after several of those drinks Kristine mentioned, spread out over several days or weeks) it's like the plug finds it's way back into the socket & this bright light bulb comes on in their head & once again you think you have your dog back. The next thing to be ready for is their (you notice I said "their" & not "the trained") performance in the obedience or agility rings. Like I have said a million time, the next time I decide to get something to be competitive with, it's not going to have brains.....maybe a corvette for a car show or a doll for a doll show. Much easier on the nerves.
My condolences :D :D :D :D As Kristine said "This too shall pass"
Tiggy went there too! Actually she's probably still there a bit.
That's why Ron got us this emoticon :headbang:
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