My dog is obsessed with me

Maverick is 8 years old, and I have had him since birth. My mom raised OES and Maverick was one of 12 puppies. We supplemental bottle fed them and I used to take Maverick away from his mom and siblings for a couple hours at a time.

I think that is why he is so insanely attached to me. He has to be right beside me all the time. Even if I get up off the couch to answer the phone, he has to jump up and follow me. He is very possessive of me and my 14 month old son. He's not aggressive but he does not trust my husband with our son and has to be right in the middle of everything all the time.

My husband is always tripping over him and the tension is driving me crazy.
I love my dog, but I just want him to relax! How do I get him to just CHILL?
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After 8 years it may be hard, I have two velcro OES who my husband hates tripping over so we have "alone" time where they are behind the baby gate in the other room.

You can start out with good treats or a special toy and make him look forward to the space.
Heck... I'd be happy to just go to the bathroom without an audience. (Not to mention one that will nearly crawl into my lap because he doesn't want his sister to get closer than him).
Wherever I go, the "tide" of dogs follows....Todd just laughs. But, it is almost as bad for him, just different ones are closer depending if it's he or I. :wink:

We don't even bother to shut the bathroom door.
Chewie and Simon are both "right there". Foster Harley scoots under and tries to jump in my lap. Tazz the min pin did jump in laps when he was younger. Many surprised bathroom goers at my house. :lol:
Sounds like time for you to share dog responsibilities with hubby. Have him feed the dog, but first have the dog sit and stay before the food comes down. Little gentle training........gentle is the key hubby puts him higher up in the pack. Your sheepie figures he's #2 and the baby and hubby are behind him.

With baby up and about, doggie may be afraid and is looking to you for protection, not so much him protecting you. Time to train baby as well.

Also 8 is the time physical changes begin in our dogs. Think carefully about hearing loss, eye sight problems, why might the dog be so attached.

Your hubby's resentment is felt by the dog so things could get worse. Time to get the whole family order properly arranged and some brains retrained....I assure you it will be the upright male brain that is the most difficult.
Heck... I'd be happy to just go to the bathroom without an audience. (Not to mention one that will nearly crawl into my lap because he doesn't want his sister to get closer than him).

That was such a funny visual.
After 8 years it may be hard, I have two velcro OES who my husband hates tripping over so we have "alone" time where they are behind the baby gate in the other room.

You can start out with good treats or a special toy and make him look forward to the space.

Wonder which toy/treat hubby would like best?!?! :lol:
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