Miss Know It All

Yup that's Me ...and please realize this post is being written with humor in mind.

Sometimes I feel like I'm being a know it all as I usually find something on a post to relate to. Ohhhh yup been there, done that, seen it, experienced it.... See starting to feel like a know it all. Yikes!! Just wanted to point out I still don't know it all!!!! This forum is so wonderful as I'm continuously learning something each time I visit.

I've adopted over 25 or more cats from the Humane Society since I was aprox 15. If you include my sister and my mom the total hovers around 40. We always adopted the older, sickly or those deemed unadoptable. People used to laugh at our three legged, missing eared, aged animals..yup we were the family that owned the disabled cat that hopped like a kangaroo whom was famous in the neighborhood.

Then there were the dogs..7 in total and that was just me! Again the beraggled, older, not the best behaved ones. 2 of my previous sheepies were adopted this way. Some like Bear whom was 10 when he was adopted, the poor soul only lived 6 months as it was discovered he had a large inoperable tumor in his belly.

We made many mistakes I'm sure, especially in our younger days but always continued to learn about the habits of dogs and cats. Even at the age of 12 my teachers would ask me for advice regarding their pets. I have had many interest but pets always remained a constant.

I have fostered animals too for the Humane Society but wasn't very good at it as I ended up adopting all those that came through my doors if the word "unadoptable" was mentioned. A couple years ago I was a volunteer along with Shaggy to provide educational pet talks to schools. I had so many pets they eventually stopped the volunteer program and just placed me under contract to educate the public on dog behavior and how to be kind to pets. We did that for three years until Shaggy became ill.

Shaggy, a previously horribly behaved dog when I first adopted her eventually became a therapy dog and my working partner. Not to sugar coat anything as it took YEARS before she was well behaved. There is hope for many dogs with behavioral problems but Patience is the key.

I can relate too when people are trying to obtain a pup from a reputable breeder as finally after all these years I got myself a pup from this method. (Merlin whom is now 18 months) I also have Blue whom will be 16 this month...a BlueHeeler/Lab - so can relate to those with mixed breeds and then there's Panda whom some of you that have been here a while know his story. The members here were all instrumental regarding his rescue from a puppy mill in Hong Kong. Yup so can relate to those that have rescues.

Multi-pet homes...ohhh yeah I can relate to that, introducing new pet to existing one...yup that too....( I just seem to relate more than most due to having so many pets in my history.) :O)

Ha you get the picture! Just wanted to let members on here know that if I've ever come across as a "know it all" I apologize as that's never been my intention. Don't get me wrong no one has accused me of it!!!! I guess I wanted to write this, to let people know my background and that despite all that experience I still continue to learn and love the information this board provides.

>>Me who still is dealing with Merlin's new emerging bossiness.

Thanks for allowing me to ramble!
Marianne and the boys
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Good advise is hard to come by so please keep up sharing your experience! Anyone who has rescued as many animals as you will have a ton of good advice so share, share, share!
I think everyone can learn from you...don't stop!
Do you know the square root of 3? :lol:
Marianne, I don't think anyone thinks of you that way! I love all that you have to offer this forum, the stories, advice, tips and pictures.... now if you could only send me a little sanity to get through the next month 8O
Pleeeeeeaaaaseeeeee........ LOL
Its always a pleasure to read your posts. Your information and
stories have been helpful and an inspiration !! Please continue
to contribute to the forum with your advise, we appreciate
all you have to offer to us ! :D
I can really relate Marianne- although in my case it's more of a "know-it-nothing" I only know enough to be dangerous!! :lol: I think we all really value each other (If you don't value me, don't tell, I'm enjoying being loved!), and that is one of things I love about this forum- everybody gets to chime in and let us know what they think- we all learn so much more this way!

Karen :)

Thanks everyone for the feedback!! I find myself responding to post more frequently these days with...oh that happened to me once...or so and so does that too. Guess it's to be expected with so many pets in my background.

Just didn't want anyone to think...sigh...there she goes again... :oops: ..Miss Know it all.

I appreciated your comments and despite all that history...I still learn new things everyday from everyone here. You guys are the best!!


PS- El Gato...square root of 3 :?: :?: :?: shudders I dislike Math!!
I just know if I had 3 cookies...that's one for each dog it would equal 0 (within a few secs of course).

Willowsprite - I believe I do have a corner on the market for keeping my sanity...nyuck nyuck- I will promise to post pics of that "other life: in the near future. It involves wearing a red nose and florecent outfits. :wink:
I think of your posts as nothing but helpful and informative. I enjoy reading them! I've learned a lot from them :)
I can only speak for myself when I say I enjoy the compassion, sincerity, humor and knowledge that I get when I read your replies. I think that's what the forum is for. I love reading everyone's response. Most of the time when I read the forum I realize "Wow I'm not alone!" I look forward to reading everyone's experience "My dog did this... My kids did this... My husband can't do this or that... :lol: Oops, guys, just a little female humor!

Anyhow Marianne, please keep your post coming!
Well Ms.know it all..hehe!!You in no way come across as a Ms.Know it all,however theres has been a few passer by's who totally come off as a "know it all",but you my dear fellow sheepie owner do NOT seem like you know everything.Your post are very loving,sweet,funny,and at times yes long winded but full of GOOD information.Id totally hate it IF you stopped doing what you do best,and thats show the world how much you love animals like the rest of us :D .So PLEASE dont keep your experiences to yourself,please keep sharing w/ us...Pretty please :D :D
Hi Marianne:

No, I have to admit that I never thought of you as a "Miss Know it All".

However, I am envious of your writing skills. The details that you include in your stories make it very easy to envision what is happening. Please continue sharing your experiences.

And I look forward to hearing about your "other life" as a comedy magician (probably because one of my clients is also a comedy magician however he is sadly lacking one of the required accessories - a sheepdog)

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
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