Frazzle et al Update

Frazzle seems to have settled in quite well now. This is his 4th day here, and other than my two girls getting into his food and me spending a lot of time cleaning up messes, things have gone well.
Dancer established herself as alpha quickly, which is good, because that means there is no bickering over the position, the other two simply know and accept it.
Sky and Frazzle get rambunctious at times, of course it is to be expected since they are puppies. Dancer pretends to be more ladylike and above it all most of the time, but is occasionally found right in the middle of it all. LOL
On one hand I think I'm not going to want Frazzle to go home, and on the other hand, I'm thinking 4 down, 28 to go. LOL
None of them seem interested in toys, or bones, or treats, just play play play. LOL
Today I need to spend some time grooming, all of them are kind of gross because they goober on each other constantly. Dancer has been bathed because of her diarreah, but she is matted badly, from diarreah, and playing with the other two, and dive bombing into the fresh snow. She has mats around her neck, ears, and her back end is the worst. I'm even considering shaving her down, and concentrating on keeping Sky's coat in show condition only, since I have been thinking of only showing Sky for this year, and Dancer next year, hoping she will fill out by then. It's a big decision, so I'm going to attempt as much mat removal as possible on Dancer in the meantime. Maybe if I get her coat in shape first I will decide not to, but it's not just that, it is also the time involved with keeping two coats in show condidtion while working full time, raising 3 sometimes 4 kids etc. If I concentrate on one dogs' training, grooming, and showing at a time it may make things a lot more manageable.
Ok, well I've rambled on long
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Glad to hear Frazzle has settled in so nicely !!!

Good luck with the grooming today, Dancer is lovely in either style
coat. Good point, the time to keep up 2 or 3 sheepdogs in full
coat must be challenging ! Let us know how things turn out....If you
can keep the full coat on Dancer great, but
a puppy cut would be cute on Dancer for spring/summer too !

So far, how do you like the doggie daycare with overnight option ?
I just realized this is a good time to see if you would like doing this
full time, as Frazzle is there for a month...
Actually, I have come to the conclusion that there is a very good reason for boarding facilities to have kennels for the dogs. LOL
I don't think this is something I will attempt to do on a permanent basis without proper facilities. I may consider it for the future, when we buy property out in the country, and can build runs or something. I still like the personal attention theme, and a more homelike atmosphere, however, there really does need to be kennels and runs in place to give dogs a break from each other, and to give people a break from the dogs. These guys play so much, it is exhausting just referreeing, and keeping a close eye to make sure it doesn't get too rough. I have been trying to separate them to different areas of the house to give them and myself a break, but when they know the other one is in the next room, they want to be there too. LOL
Thanks for the reply.
This breed tends to be energy up most of the time, and some
quiet time is needed. We are looking into fencing part of the
yard for exercise. I am considering an indoor/ outside kennel option ,
as well for flexibility. He lives in the house,but I think having
some different options during the day is helpful.
good to hear that Frazzle has joined the family without too much trouble. hopefully you can get to your grooming today and have dancers coat look decent for abit although, with Maggie and Molly as soon as Maggie is brushed they are back at it and so am I with the comb again - - they really like to slobber all over eachother and I find Maggie's face is the worst.

good luck and let us know if the clippers had to come out!
My two dog strategy: I really like the full coat on sheepdogs but it is super high maintenance so I have come to a compromise with my two. Carl has ten tons of coat so we keep him in a pseudo-show coat. Extremely full, very long. Since Norman is getting on in years but still loves to be brushed and have the attention of the grooming session I keep his hair long but I comb it. It takes out a ton of undercoat so he still has the long hair but it isn't nearly as tough to get through. We went from 2 hours of hardcore grooming to 20 minutes of maintenance brushing and then he can just lay with us.
For show grooming, I'm not sure if combing is like waxing though. When you wax (people) the hair grows back sparser/finer. So, if you continually pull out a ton of undercoat, would it come back thinner?
Hope you don't have the opposite problem when Frazzle leaves - trying to comfort Sky when she misses him! Even though it's extra work, it sounds like you're having a ball! Enjoy your time!
Yes I am enjoying it for the most part, I think the first few days were a bit much and it didn't help that I was sick
As an added bonus, Frazzle seems to have taught the girls how to ask to go out! I was hoping he might, so I was really pleased when the girls began copying him, whining at the back door and looking right at me.
I still find that they aren't eating enough. It may just take a few more days for them to realize they need to eat while they are in their crates or they are going to have to wait till next time.
Willowsprite wrote:
Yes I am enjoying it for the most part, I think the first few days were a bit much and it didn't help that I was sick
As an added bonus, Frazzle seems to have taught the girls how to ask to go out! I was hoping he might, so I was really pleased when the girls began copying him, whining at the back door and looking right at me.
I still find that they aren't eating enough. It may just take a few more days for them to realize they need to eat while they are in their crates or they are going to have to wait till next time.

We have found Vitacoat Plus by Dr Foster and Smith helpful
to encourage eating (it has a bacon flavor) and for a beautiful
coat. He loves it and every morsel at meals now disappears !

Glad Frazzle is instructing the girls on asking to go out.
Thats a great bonus !! He sounds like he is adjusting well to
his stay with you . He may not want to leave in a month !
When we dogsit my mom's Aussie she won't eat while at our house unless we hand feed her and then only a few pieces. I have to drive her to her house and let her eat there.
Also, our dogs do get a little sad when she leaves. We always make sure that they see my mom take her away, out the front door, so that they don't spend the next few hours looking for her.
That's a good idea maxxm, I hadn't thought of that, but I'm sure it will help.
Apparently, there is far more need in Sri Lanka than most realize, Frazzle's two legged is most likely going to stay longer than planned, too much to do not enough time.
I'm happy to have him for however long, although with Sky being shown in April I think I will set a date for the first of April to keep Sky separated so that she doesn't get all goobered on while we prepare for the show... that is probably MUCH easier said than done, but really, I'm told they shouldn't be allowed to play with other dogs at all when they are going to be shown.... I think the best I can do is a month
That's great that you are taking care of Frazzle! ....And as far as not letting them play with other dogs while they are being shown is up to you not up to your mentor/breeder. I would hate to see your girls stop playing with each other.
Well, we're on Day Nine. LOL
Things go easier and easier each day, he adapts to us and our routines and we adapt to him.
All three are sleeping quietly in the kitchen right now, something I wans't sure would ever happen! LOL
I brushed Frazzle again last night, and tried to comb his face a bit. He is okay with grooming, but still doesn't like me to brush or comb his face or feet.
Then I brushed Sky, and Frazzle seemed to want it to be his turn again. LOL
Frazzle has had diarreah because he sneaks mouthfuls of the girls food, he's fast as lightning.... I'm sick of cleaning up poo, so I hope he gets over it
I'm Frazzled. LOL
I think I've seen enough poopy bums, messes, and sheepbum prints on my floor to last a lifetime. I think if I had a dog like Frazzle first, I may never have gotten another dog. LOL
He is a good boy, but just so much dog, if that makes any sense. A handful and a half.
Between the messes, the barking (he is very loud and barks a LOT) and trying to make sure their constant play doesn't get too rough.... *sigh*
I think 2 weeks is
On top of all that, Frazzle is sniffing Sky's behind a lot more lately, so I'm wondering if she may be coming into heat soon. She's almost 9 months old, and Dancer didn't have her first heat till 11 months, but 9 months is right on track so it wouldn't surprise me.
We did have a contingency plan in place in case that happened, and there is an alternative for Frazzle for the last two weeks. His two legged Grandma will be coming to pick him up and keeping him at her home. She isn't sure she can handle such a big exuberant boy, but I'll help her out as much as possible. She is concerned about him pulling her over when she takes him outside so I have suggested a tie out cable for going to do his business, and I am going to give her my halti for him, and get him used to it before he goes. I have no idea yet when he will be going home, it may be today, or may not be for a few days.... we finally have a break in the snow storm, so today would be a good day for them to make the trip.
There is no rush really, even if Sky is coming into heat, I am able to keep them separated, they are just taking turns being crated for now. However, if Frazzle is a handful now, I don't even want to know what he's like around a female in season! LOL
Aw, Stacey! You must be disappointed! :oops: Isn't is strange, though, how both Sky and Frazzle came from the same litter but yet are so different! Just a difference in the environment in which they're raised, I guess. SO - now do you still want another sheepie of your own??? 8O
Well, I think Frazzle is an awesome dog, he has a wonderful temperment, and is a sweetheart, but I do think it's just the difference in how they were raised. I think his two legged has done a great job with him, but it is a different environment, going from a home where it is just him and his two legged, to a home with 2 other dogs and kids and cats. LOL
He is used to being the center of attention.
He is listening more to me now, but he is a brat. LOL They knocked over a basket of laundry I had left on the grooming table this morning, and played tug of war with my favorite bra. LOL No more bra. :lol: 8O
Frazzle will be going with Grandma on Sunday.... 4 more days....
How do you suppose Frazzle will recall his stay with you? Fondly? With dread? At all?
Probably not at
it would be nice to think he might miss me a little, but I doubt maybe the girls....
Now this we are getting closer to the day he goes home (on Sunday) I am thinking I am going to miss him more than I thought.
One more
Frazzle is going tomorrow... I'm kind of looking forward to some peace and quiet and slightly less to do I must I'll just enjoy the quiet and miss him later....
Well, he is still and today has been the most peaceful day with him too funny. I think he knows he is leaving, he has been very affectionate and cuddly, not like himself.
I was hoping they'd be here in time for me to go see my husband, whom I haven't seen since Tuesday.... but it's too late now.
Hopefully I'll get to see him next week sometime. LOL
I am so bored today, just waiting. LOL
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