Male or Female ?

I grew up with an OES and we are now pursuing both rescue, and purchasing a puppy from a breeder. My question is this.... if we purchase a pup from a breeder ~ which should we choose? Male? Or Female??

I work from home so I will be home all day. We have three children ages 1, 8 and 10. We have a Maltese, a CAG Parrot, and two rescue kitties (11 months old) ~ this along with the "rescue" lizard my son will find, or the "homeless frog" that shows up every now and again.....

I have HEARD that the females are more laid back. Any thoughts on the personalities between the sexes ?? :?:

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I have always like males but thaey are both great.
I have 3 boys and 1 girl. I love Daisy as much as the boys but.....Daisy is all girl, she can be VERY MOODY :lol: She is extremely bossy and likes to keep the boys in line. If they do something she thinks they shouldn't she gets right in their face(mostly Rosco who is very high energy and always doing something). On the other hand she is really caring with Beau who has cancer and doesn't get around well. She will lay next to him and kiss his face and clean his ears. Daisy is the only one Beau wants around him on bad days. Since Daisy has been spayed it does make life easier because when she was in season either my husband or I would take her to our cottage. Talk about spoiled! She can act like a little princess but is so loving she will kiss your face raw. If I was to get a puppy it would be a boy simply because Daisy would be jealous of another girl, with a male she would be more like a mother.Good luck and I hope you find a rescue!
Both are fine and will be wonderful pets. It's really just a personal preference thing.

I like females. First, they don't lift their leg to mark all the time (makes our walks more pleasant). Second, they do tend to be less dominant in behavior (granted, no OES I've met has been aggressively dominant but females seem easier to socialize). Third, there's nothing on their tummy that gets in the way when you're scratching them.

Again, just a personal preference. As to that female cycle/season thing . . . it has not been an issue for us (thank you, God, for doggie diapers).
We've also had both genders, and purely from my experience, I prefer females. Probably just the difference in their basic personalities. Buford was my first-ever dog and was the love of my life, a real Mama's boy. I didn't think the hurt of losing him would ever go away. But since he was a real Mama's boy, he wasn't as "warm and fuzzy" with anyone easily, it took a while for him to warm up to people.

But now my Drezzie is the light of everyone's life who has ever met her. She's basically a Daddy's girl, but that doesn't stop her from loving everyone equally. If you don't like doggie kisses, just stay away from her!

Having both, and having many different dogs....I can honestly say I love them both for different things.

The males I've had are very affectionate, put their face in your lap, or litterally force your hand to pet them. But my Remy (female) has been extremly affectionate with everyone, she has been the only dog to somewhat win over my husband...not a dog lover. With her attention getting bum wag...cracks a smile every time. She is the ultimate velcro dog, very social, and all around great dog.

I like that males can pee against a fence or whatever as long as it isn't something nice in my yard. Where a female makes burn marks in lawn, and it's a long process to repair or maintain. I feel more protected with the males we've had, esp since Remy will lick everyone to death before any sign of protectiveness.

I've had 1 female that was so protective of me, people would have to walk way around me...she was great with us one else.

Any dog male or female will be great as long as it's spayed/neutered and well socialized...then they become equals.
Okay - this is helpful. I realize that so much can happen between the sexes, and EACH DOG is so very different WITHIN the sexes..... BUT since this will be our first sheepie, and we have children, and kitties, and birds (oh my!) - we will look into getting a girlif we go the "puppy route." It will be "weird" for us, because aside from our female Dane - we have always fostered/been owned by BOYS. I love rough and tumble boys. I am getting old though - and could use some calm. Then again - who knows what will cross our path....

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