Almost have everything I need for Fangorn

Here is what I have so far:

Stainless steel bowls for food/water (with paw prints!) I bought one of them so long ago I forgot how big it was - so I just bought another one that was bigger. >_< Doh!

ID Tag with his full name and my numbers.

Nylabone: Big and chicken flavored

2 stuffed animals: Ginger-bread looking person that squeeks and a sheep that squeeks.

A Kong rubber ball

A large puppy king

Zoom groom


Two sided brush

Fine tooth comb

Crate (borrowing one that fiance's dog grew out of for now)

Bed (using old sleeping blankets until we get his full sized crate)

That's it I think! :D

Still need to get lots more stuff: food, collar, leash, treats, shampoo, conditioner, more brushes, teeth supplies and nail clippers. I think I might also get a shaving kit... Can anyone think of anything else I need?
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I would suggest a wide toothed comb. You may be able to get a fine toothed comb through puppy coat, but it won't be much use grooming as the pup gets older and starts to develop some real coat.
Also, your brush, does it have tips of any kind on the pins? I really can't stress enough the difference the proper brush makes. It may make no difference now, but again, as your dog develops real coat, a brush with any kind if tips on it will pull out a lot of coat, and it is a lot harder to groom with, and tugs the dogs' skin. There is a thread on proper pin brushes in the grooming section, it really does make a huge difference. Even if you are not maintaining a show coat, it makes grooming so much easier.
I know this sounds silly, and you'd think I bought stock in them or something, but I bought Clyde this stuffed duck that makes a low quack noise and he loves it. It's soft like a stuffed animal but it can be thrown like a football too because of its shape and size. It is by far his favorite toy and I love that it doesn't have a high pitched squeak. The brand name is callled migrators or something like that and they come in duck, pheasant, goose and some other bird I couldn't figure out! Just a suggestion because I know he loves it :P
I love those things too... my two girls don't have one yet, but I trained my first OES to retrieve water fowl with one of those. She had the goose one. She would pick up a duck but not a goose when it came to the real thing, just too heavy for her I think. LOL She would only retrieve anything that landed on land though, she couldn't swim.
NOOOOOOOOO! It has metal pins on the ends (but they are smaller so I didn't see them)! >_< I've bought it so long ago that I can't take it back (that and I took it out of the package).

I liked the ducks too - but I was thinking of getting him one when he was bigger. I liked the squeek as well - not as irritating as some squeeks.

I feel so bad now that I bought all these brushes I didn't need (or were bad). :(

But I did get a lot of stuff out of the way for now - so that's good.
The brush to look for is one that looks like this:

A couple of nice things to add: a grooming table, otomax for keeping ears clean and a Dremel for nails. I think the brush is a Safari.
The brush in the pic is a #1AllSystems Pin Brush.
I should have looked more closely at the brush, I have one and love it.
That's originally why I chose the duck-- no high pitched squeak! I get migraines and thought I was going to die one day when he was running around with one of his super squeaky toys. I literally went down the aisle at PetSmart and squeezed every toy until I was satisfied with the pitch ;)
I got the groomax pin/bristle brush. Can the ends not have metal pins (not big) or is it that we are trying to avoid rubber pins?

I was just wondering because the heads look similar (but they don't have detail pics so I can't see). If I goofed I'll just get a different one for when he gets older and donate the one I have to a shelter or someone who needs it.
Gah! It says it removes the undercoat of longhaired breeds... I guess I will be buying a new one after all.
Ok! I have an idea! :lol: Before I go out and buy more brushes (and get the wrong ones like a goof ball) - could you guys tell me which brushes to buy for him that you guys use? I'll get that one brush online before he gets here.

I realized from the list I have (written down) - that it was from a woman with a completely different dog and hair type but also required lots of grooming! >_< Agh! I feel like such a moron!

I just wanted to thank you guys for all your help - if I didn't have you around I don't know what I would do. :D
The allsystem brush that Willowsprite posted the picture of is the best I've used.
You can find that brush and just about anything else at Fair warning, that site is addictive and can cause depleted bank accounts.
There are pin brushes by safari too... I can testify that they hold up well- I still have my moms old combo bristle brush from her sheltie days in the 70s- it is now the Iris brush, and is still in great shape! However, I'm having a hard time finding the medium flexability (pink/orange pad) brush... all the ones I find are the black pads, and apparently those are too harsh to use on OES coats... anyone know of a supplier? I'd love to get my hands on one for my puppy trunk!

Karen :)
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