Largest litter of OES?

I am curious to find the largest recorded litter of OESs. Anyone know of an abnormally large litter?
Today I read an old article of a neo. mastiff giving birth to 24 puppies! 24!!!
I can't imagine how much work that would be for mom and Sidney is w/stud right now, I have puppies on the brain! Of course, seeing Panda's lovely litter didn't help matters. :D As for Sid & I, it would be nice to have an average - (normal) large litter. Her last litter of 1 was waaaaay more work than a multi-pup litter.
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Best wishes with Sidney hoping more for you this time around, natural mating happening this time?

Best I have heard from an OES bitch is 14, I am sure there is probably a higher number then that. :lol:

Gawd imagine 14 bouncy puppers up on their feet charging around in 14 different directions. 8O :lol:

Goodness me 24 mastiff babies 8O
Yes, this time I chose a stud that won't require A.I. or surgery. She's been at the stud's house since Tues. The co-owners called me Friday saying she was in heat so I didn't want to waste too much time in case they didn't notice a day or two. 8O Since I know her schedule from last year's go, I am assuming that she might ovulate earlier than others. Apparently they have tied 6 times from Wed. on. I am hoping he isn't depleted by the time she leaves! Normally my girls have been studded on either a once a day or once every other day schedule.
Yeah - the largest litter I had was 9 from my pug Rowan. Boy did she show Sidney up!!! lol :roll: Even a litter of 9 was easier than 1!
That being said, I could not imagine 24! Ikoka was 90% potty-trained by Sidney at 4 - 5 weeks and would bark every hour to go outside! I can't imagine 24 barks an hour!!! :lol:
My largest litter was 13, however as I write this I am awaiting the birth of puppy number 12!
Congrats!!!!!! :lol:
I hope you have plenty of caffeine and a good book to keep you going tonight!!!
Congratulations on the pups.

I cant imagine 24 pups 8O
Well this won't be the biggest litter but it is bigger than we were expecting.

Addie just got done delivering #11 about an hour ago. What a bunch a sweeties!

I had to go to work just after # 5 was born. MY wonderful wife and Daughter did it all...

Got a call just after midnight saying #10 was born. i was like Oh my Gawd. As we were talking , my wife was like yepp she is having another..
can't wait to get home in the morning to see them all. :excited:
:twisted: *cough, cough*
I think I would have come down sick at work! lol

I have puppy envy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Can't wait to see pics from both of your litters!
Blueshire - was your litter complete at 12?
As I had one puppy out of two separate tries (My fault for using the same stud again), I am overanxious to have a 'normal' sized litter.
I'm sure Sidney appreciates not having a trancervical A.I. or a surgical A.I. again! :wink:

At least two more months before I have mine. :cry:
Yes, we had 12. Unfortunately since delivery was so long two of the pups were born deceased :( So we have 10 beautiful, big puppies - 7 boys and 3 girls. All were over a pound at birth (poor mama) I'll post pictures.
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