We decided to try and not use the crates. So far all is well. They sleep in our room, Bear loves to sleep next to daddy. Lily likes the floor and Snow goes from bed to floor. Only this morning did they need to go out at about 1 AM.
I think they heard the TV on ( I could not sleep).
Now if we can get to no crates when we go out.
Plan on first small trips ect.

I hate having 3 large crates in my PUB Room. Takes up most of the space.

So wish us luck.!!!!!
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Good luck - sounds like you are off to a promisng start! :D
Sounds like progress. Good luck towards being crate free.
We hate having a large crate in a place guests would see as well (but I have no intentions on getting rid of ours..lol), so I think that's great you guys are off to good start! :) Good luck. 3 large crates would drive me crazy.
Crates as end tables. Crates as coffee tables. Crates as dining tables, the mark of Doggie Decor.

Hopefully they will do well w/o crates. Will they still need them in times of stress??
SheepieBoss wrote:
Crates as end tables. Crates as coffee tables. Crates as dining tables, the mark of Doggie Decor.

Hopefully they will do well w/o crates. Will they still need them in times of stress??

You gotta switch to these, Susan.

http://www.inthecompanyofdogs.com/itemd ... No=1&pos=4
OMG what an idea.
Coincidentally, I just got an issue of Orvis, and they had a really nice selection as well of those crates!! They also had some nice comforters (dog hair doesn't stick to it), so I may have to get one.
We eliminated our crate when we moved, and the girls did just fine. I was in the same boat; WHERE do you put a giant crate that it isn't an eyesore? So we had it read to set up in the living room, and just never did. So it went into storage, until we feel we need it again.
Sounds like you are off to a good start--good luck-
Our crates are now in the garage--not used often but when we are out there working etc.--they will still go in them on their own. :D
Lola was always in a crate separate from the other dogs. She and Bonkers (poodle) would get into life threatening (for Bonkers) fights. I thought I would have this giant crate forever. I was resigned to it. Maggie is already sleeping with the other 3 dogs. We have a little hallway that we gate off. I am just waiting for my husband to get home so we can pack this humongous thing away...
PS: when I am not home, I have a webcam on them that I can see from my iphone. It was so great to watch them all cuddled in there.
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