Riding in cars with.......Duncan!

How do you get your Sheepie to like riding in the car? Or at least calm down when riding in the car? On the few occasions we have taken him in the car, Duncan has barked non-stop. He is nervous, barking, restless the whole time. When we take him out and open the car door, he will jump right in like he is ready to go, but then when we start the car and actually go, he starts barking, etc. Any suggetions from anyone?
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I dont know what to say ....when we brought Maggie home she cried and freaked out in the car until she was about 12 weeks old then she was fine. All of a sudden now when we are in the car she barks everytime she sees anyone walking on the sidewalk or anywhere near our car when it is stopped at a light or stop sign. She never did this and the bark goes with a deep growl almost like she is protecting me letting me know there is someone there. There is nothing more ear piercing than a non stop bark in a car! If you find out how to stop it let me know!
you can try a seat belt... i know a few dogs that have calmed down a little bit once they were confined to sitting in one spot.
you can also try rescue remedy spray (i know you can get it at whole foods, im not sure about where else though)... it didnt work with walter but i think its worked for a few dogs on the board.

good luck
Both my girls love car rides...lol.... thanks to Tim Hortons! :lol:
We use a seatbeat halter, it works like a charm for us.
He has only a limited area with this halter, so he either
sits up or lies down. We toss in a favorite toy,too !!!
My parent's sheepie loves the car...or I should say- mini-van. They have a harness for him. He gets very excited and runs to the van. He gets the whole second row of seating.

He even enjoys his 3 day trips back and forth from NY to FL each year!

Keep trying and try a harness :D
Pooh hates the car. As soon as he is in he begins to drool heavily and then usually throws up. It's ver yfrustrating. We've worked on short rides, short rides to the park, short rides around the block, all to no avail. No barking tho, usually he just lies down and drools all over himself.
I'm really sorry to hear that you're having problems with car trips.

I've read that sometimes it helps to start with "baby steps". Maybe start, by loading up in the car, cranking up and just sitting there. Then after a couple of times, back to the end of the drive, then a couple of time later, maybe around the block. Keep it slow. I've also heard there is an herb that can be given to settle their stomach. I just can't remember the name of it. Maybe someone else knows what I'm talking about.

I hope it gets better!
Can't help you here. Drez absolutely LOVES going "bye-bye," to the point where we can't even spell it!! She gets the deer-in-the-headlights look, starts shaking, then finally starts barking, as if to say - "Come on, you said bye-bye. Let's get this show on the road!!!" :lol:

Hope Duncan can get used to it. It's so much fun watching these goofy dogs in the back seats!

I used to give Rosco a few gingersnaps to calm his stomach before a car ride. Everytime he got in he would vomit. I also crated him which helped a little bit.
you can get special anti-anxiety medicine for dogs that will really help them in the car.

Burcwen is always a royal wreck.

The medicine is expensive, and our nice vet told us it would be fine to just give her two gravol (dramamine for you yanks) instead. Not all human medication is suitable for dogs, but certain ones are fine, so always check with your vet.

When we are going to go on a significant trip, I always give burcwen the two gravol about 20-30 minutes before departure; if I give them to her too late, then they do not have time to take effect before we get in the car. Once we get in the car burcwen gets herself so upset that her anxiety prevents the drugs from calming her down.

if the drug has already taken effect, however, then she does not get upset .

Don't take my word on it, however, always check with your vet before giving them anything like that.
They did a special on this on our local news not long ago. Here is a link to the article.

http://www2.abc27.com/pets/getarticle.h ... ets&id=476

Don't know if it'll help but, what the heck. Pooh needs to get to the Philly picnic!
our dog was the same...put a crate in your car (if you can) and cover if with a blanket. he won't make a sound.
I am also sorry to hear your car troubles...Mopsey always loved the car rides, but she did throw up until a few weeks ago. All of a sudden it just stopped. And she has to only hear the word "ride" and she is by the door doing a sheepie hop. We got her a back seat hammock...its a thing that hooks up to the head rests of the seats and creats a hammock for her to sit in. This way, she doesn't get thrown around the back seat at turns, sudden stops, and such. It is also water proof, so if she pees or barfs int he back all you have to do is wash it off and your seats a protected. I will look up the company that makes it if anyone is interested. But i think in a lot of cases, they just grow out of it..?
Don't know if you can get this in USA but in Britain we use Bach's rescue remedy for calming dogs down .A lot of us use it on Bonfire night if the dogs don't like fireworks.

Calm down spray
If you get Bach Flower Remedies 'Rescue remedy' and 'Star of Bethlehem' put two drops of each in a 30 mL bottle, top up with filtered/bottled water, (never tap water) put into spray bottle and spray it around him. Spray him 3/4 x per day. Just a light misting is all you need, don't soak him. It will help calm him and the Star of Bethlehem will work on the trauma

or just put a little Bachs rescue remedy in his water or in his food to help calm him down.
Where do you buy the drops? Boots? My friend has an Aussie that goes nuts from the fireworks...he hides for much of the month of July.
I get mine from a health food shop ,Holland and Barrets, but if you do a search on the internet you will find a place that sells them .Any problems let me know and i will have a look for you. :D
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