When to neuter?

I want to make sure my little man doesn't get a chance to hike his leg up (something my parents claim that all boys will do without fail even if they are neutered). Of course they don't make the connection that they have neutered their boys after they hit puberty.
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I don't believe your parents are correct......from my experience.

As soon as you can feel the testicles, even if still in the body, it's time. Some people prefer to let the hormones flow for a few months to help build bone structure, but I haven't seen reliable information that belief is true.

We neutered a boy at four months. This boy went on to be a leg lifter.
One of my current neutered boys can lift his leg, but prefers to pee stretched out like a horse. BUT!!!! when I take him for a walk, he lifts his leg on EVERYTHING!

Such a blanket statement of "neuter them early and they won't lift their leg" hasn't worked for me.
Do they learn it from watching other male dogs? I swore that boys didn't do that if they got neutered. Ah well.

So if my boy does decide to mark his territory later on - how to I get him to pee all at once rather than all over? :lol:
Mitch was neutered before he started lifting his leg.But he lifts it now .He doesn't always but if we meet an interesting tree he does. :lol:
Ack! Need to ask this! So even if I do neuter him will he still feel the need to mark up the entire house even if he is trained to go outside?
Truman was neutered at about 6 months and he's now 2 and has never marked in the house. I think marking is more about territory issues. I have noticed, however, that when out walking, he pees a little bit here, a little bit there, a little bit anywhere! He must want to leave his calling card!
No, he won't.

Neutering nearly totally eliminates that need. (one they are house trained) However, once in awhile when a dog is nervous, they might mark. I have this happen when I have a "guest" and the guest feels he must "stake a claim" so some part of the house. One stern word and it's over.

Yes, I find if they squat they tend to empty their bladder more completely.....but not totally. There must be some secret bladder they keep handy for special times.

Remember, puppies don't gain full control of their bladder......and brain.....for many months. Expect accidents until they are six months or so. Some train earlier, others take longer.
No, most properly trained male dogs do not mark in the house, even if they are not neutered, although if he is not neutered there is certainly a greater chance of him doing this.
Whether he is neutered or not he will mark outside. Nature of the beast. :lol: It will make no difference when he is neutered.
Neutering early reduces the risk of some cancers, as well as preventing any half sheepies from being born if there are irresponsible owners with female dogs around. It also helps slightly with the "teenage dog" stage, but even a nuetered dog will test more during that phase.
Waiting to neuter a little longer, in my opinion, does provide a chance for proper growth. I don't feel it makes that much of a difference though so I certainly wouldn't recommend waiting simply to see if he grows an extra quarter of an inch.
I would neuter him as early as your vet is willing, just to get it over with. A younger pup heals faster for several reasons, one of which being the smaller they are the less anesthetic is needed, and I find they are back to themselves faster if it is done before they reach 50 lbs. JMO.
Mitch has never marked in the house or anybody elses.
My old oes( a rescue) was neutered and never marked in my house but everytime we went on holiday to a cottage let he always wanted to mark the nearest piece of furniture within the first 5 mins of letting him through the door.
He only managed to do it once then i knew what to expect and i was ready for him the second time .But the thought was always there .You could see him sniffing around and then looking at his mam to see if she was watching .As soon as he saw me watching he gave up on the idea.
Oh cool. :lol: I was worried for a second there. I don't mind if he lifts his leg - I just didn't want him to spray the house (which would make my dad kill him or me - whichever he got his hands on first). I know it won't matter when he is a baby if he wets the rug a couple times (he is a baby after all!) But it'll be ok as long as I potty train him outside.

(I was wondering for a moment there - because I could have sworn that my family's boy dogs didn't wet the house down.

I will get it done no matter what though - since I don't need him running around trying to get every available female pregnant. 8O
Taz, our 12 year old, marked inside the house ONCE. Unfortunately, it was me he decided to mark!! Outside on walks, we stop and mark every couple of feet! Ah, yes! The world truly is their toilet! Now that's not too bad and does make for a nice, if leisurely, walk...but when I took the TWO boys together, they first had to mark and then re-mark each others marks!! LOL! Half the time I was walking in circles! I then started walking boy/girl boy/girl! :lol:
Jack is almost 2, he will be in April. He has never marked inside the house or lifted his leg. He and Annabelle are scheduled to be speutered March 3. When he is in our backyard he does walk to several different areas in the yard and urinates a little here and a little there, I would assume marking the entire backyard.

Stormi and co.
Oreo born without testicles has never urinated in the house, he does lift his leg. My other two would lift their leg or squat no rhyme or reason to this.
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