Calling all 3 monthish puppies!!

There have been so many new puppies lately, I would love to compare notes.
Tigerlily is 11 weeks old.
:arrow: She knows her name, although doesn't always answer. (I think that she is selectively deaf)
:arrow: She hates her kennel and cries, barks, yowls, shakes and causes general rukus everytime she is there
:arrow: She knows the word "outside" which is where you frequently do your business, unless of course, Mom isn't looking and there is a decadent expanse of carpeting available
:arrow: Loves the car, except when she doesn't
:arrow: Can easily jump onto the bed; it is squishy-er
:arrow: Knows her mom
:arrow: Will chew on shoes until caught, then toys will do, I guess, until mom isn't looking
:arrow: Uses her paw to splash water all across the kitchen, then proceeds to slip in it
:arrow: Is a lazy girl - I take her outside, she lays down with 30 seconds. We move on, she lays down again

:?: What are your pups up to :?:
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I'll be getting one next month so I can compare notes with you then.

Until then - we used to have a Dachshund a long time ago and she -

:arrow: Knew her name all the time
:arrow: Hated her kennel forever and a day and barked (all day!) until we let her out when we got home.
:arrow: Didn't even know the meaning of "outside" - outside to her was the moment she got out of her cage and then... the pooping started. Clean up on isle 6!
:arrow: Hated the car - but loved long walks around the block.
:arrow: Didn't chew on much but her stuffed animals and toys
:arrow: Would move a CHAIR across the room 8O and got on the countertop... and stole a cookie... darn that dog!
:arrow: Was energetic and tried to hunt down the mighty Tigger - the feroceous cat of the house. And she stabbed him with her nose until he slapped her away. When she wasn't irritating the cat - she was sleeping - face first in my mother's stomach - she was her baby after all!
This would be Jasper's group...he'll be 12 weeks on Saturday. :)

:arrow: Knows his name and answers to it
:arrow: Knows sit and down
:arrow: Will scratch on the door to go outside and to come back inside - but doesn't always take care of his business outside
:!: Hates his kennel with a passion - prefers sleeping under our bed
:!: Tries to bolt out of the doors every time they are sometimes successful
:!: The window was open, and he climbed on top of our son's toybox and jumped out of the window. Thankfully, it's a short window! The toybox has been moved away from windows, lol
:arrow: He is really great with the kids.
:arrow: He really only chews on his toys, rawhides, tennis balls, and water bottles
:!: He thinks our toilet is his personal water dish.
:!: Chases the cat around the house and barks at her non-stop
:!: Barks at shadows, toys, air? lol Barks at everything
:arrow: Absolutely loves to ride in the car and go on walks
:!: Has trained our sons to open the door and let him out on command. ~Sigh~ This is something we're REALLY working on with them.

I think he wants to be an outside dog, and we're fighting to keep him inside, lol We have 1/2 acre fenced in the back, but wouldn't you know...he always seems to get out of the front door instead of the patio door. Luckily, he seems to be smart enough to stay out of the street. I don't want to chance it though! We watch him constantly, but he seems to use the covert by the street as his border and doesn't cross it. He's something else!
:) Good idea! Beaureguard will be 15 weeks tomorrow (Saturday).
:arrow: He answers to Beau, Beaureguard and Beau-Beau
:arrow: Is doing GREAT in obedience classes. He knows Sit, Down,
Stand, Come, and Finish. We're working on Stay, but that may take awhile.
:!: He hates his kennel. Will bark himself sick until I let him out!
:arrow: Loves the kids! Practises herding them all the time.
:arrow: Chasing cats is one of his favorite things. He plays great with other dogs, too. He particularly likes my brother's English Springer Spaniel, as she can match his energy. So they chase each other around the yard for hours on end.
:arrow: Loves doing anything outdoors. He actually prefers it to being inside, but basically just wants to be wherever his "mommy" is. :D
:arrow: Thinks anytime the car is going somewhere, he should be in it! LOVES to ride!
:arrow: Likes going to the vet's office, obedience class and any drive through windows (banks, fast food) because of all the attention he receives
:arrow: Likes playing Fetch, but frequently runs off with the ball to "bury" it! We have hidden treasures all over the yard!
:arrow: Isn't too bad about chewing things other than his toys. Although, I have found him in the den with a roll of shredded toilet paper once. And this week, I found he'd gotten the coffee filters off the counter (he's learned to jump up and put his feet on the counter and see what he can reach!). So I had coffee filter confettii to clean up.
:arrow: All in all, a bundle of pure joy!! I absolutely love him to death!! :lol:

:D Beaumont is 14 weeks old today.
:D He responds to Beau, Beau Beau and Beaumont
:arrow: Will go into his crate as long as there is a treat in front of his
:arrow: He loves to play fetch. He will come when called (you guessed it) to the sound of treat or cookie.
:arrow: As of his vet visit last week, he weighed 23 lbs. His breeder said that he should be around 80 lbs.
:cry: He wakes up around 3 and 4 a.m. every morning. Hoping he will sleep longer sometime soon.
:arrow: We try and go for walks almost everyday. Still pulling on the leash. Will start puppy training in April.

Thanks for sharing about your puppies. I haven't had a puppy in a very long time. I would love to post his picture, but haven't figured out how to on this site. Can I email his picture to someone and they can post it to avatar for me?

Karen, Mollie and Beau
8) Max will be 10 weeks tomorrow
8) He knows his name and usually answers
8) loves his mom, cause she's the one who's with him all day (husband is mildly jealous)
8) chases the kids whenever he can (cats too)
8) Has learned to sit and he just learned to shake today
8) He knows "outside" and lets me know when he needs to go
8) loves to run and fetch a ball or nylabone frisbee, but doesn't give it back!
8) Loves chewing anything he can get, but I always have toys around for him, I spend most of my day keeping him chewing on safe things!
8) doesn't love his crate, but has learned to make the best of it
8) Plan on starting puppy classes next month
Karen (Beau and Mollie)
If you want to email me the pics I would be happy to help you out.
Just pm me if you want, and I will give you my email address :)
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